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The "Skinny" on what the newest Court Proceedings mean

The east has lost countless cities thru a bloody slaughter on fleet service from BK contracts being shoved down our throats by US east former management. Now the east guys have a chance at getting some payback big time 22 to 25 bucks an hour with huge retro checks that will be in the thousands. I say I can understand the brothers concern about the west but many east guys have been there and done that with fleet stations closing. Those who chose to relocate to big cities are still employed those who didnt are gone. There are many US East guys who relocated to big cities to keep a 17 buck an hour job leaving there husband or wife to take care of the kids in there old base. These workers struggle to keep a "crash pad" and commute each week to there homes. Now to tell these East FSA to give up and except 19 bucks and hour is just well "nuts". I can understand the concern about the westie in a small city looking at a station being farmed out as scary but if they due opt to transfer to remain employed they will be able to afford it. This arbitration will effect the westies big time in the rate of pay they will be at going from top pay of 14.60 to a high of 22 to 25 an hour after a TA agreement they could afford a really nice "crash pad" at that rate in a new city.

Sorry to the westies not trying to pick a fight just telling you how the east guys are feeling.

I can understand the insecurities of those on the west that were counting on the East giving up arbitration to preserve stations and increase $ in the west. But I do think it is premature to think that the west won't come out even better if the IAM has the workers have the $640million Mega Million jackpot in hand. Even your company recognized the possible 'extra' millions for the westies in its court filings should the grievance be won by the IAM.
