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IAM grievance hearing today?

WOW! Sounds like he is qualified to be a professional politician.... and we all know they have our best interest in mind. :down:

Like we see you jumping in and doing your part :down:

Is it training or "Indoctrination", you know sorta like "Der Hitler Jungen" They had "Traning" too

No Bob...they take people off the floor and give them the tools to deal with everyday issues.Of course you don't know what you're talking about here...I do.
You people are simply assanine, you belitte, attack and insult someone who educates themselves and sacrifices time away from home to make things better for the membership.

You know nothing will ever make any of you happy, you always try to find fault.

And you wonder why you are all in the mess you are.
Yada Yada Yada you one of the most belittling, attacking and insulting posters on here have the gall to say that about others? Check the mirror sonny

Yada Yada Yada you oh mister negotiating committee make things better for membership member have the gall to say you wanted to make things better for the membership yet you sat on the negotiating committee and sold the M&R down the river then blame the membership for voting the pos in?

Leadership or blameship?

The union always gives their position to the membership before a vote...what was the union position on the last proposal? That's right they didn't give any..no leadership at all..spineless.. yes and you sat on that spineless team.

Was the membeship informed before the vote that the snapback provisions were removed? Did the term sheet state it? Did they tell the membership that you will lose your snapbacks if you vote yes and also tell them that the CWA contract still had their snapbacks in their CBA? Nope
The Classes at Placid Harbor are educational, like Collective Bargaining teaches you economics, the RLA and many other things.

The School is accredited and the classes count towards college credits, they even have a degree program now.

Learn more about it.


Winpisinger Center Courses Can Earn You College Credits
IAM members can earn college credits for courses at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center at Placid Harbor, according to recommendations by the American Council on Education (ACE).

ACE officials have certified eleven Placid Harbor courses as "college-level instruction" and recommended that universities and colleges grant credits to students who complete them: Arbitration; Collective Bargaining; Leadership I, II and Advanced Leadership; Strategic Planning; Advanced Collective Bargaining; Comprehensive Training; Basic Skills and Orientation; Pension and Train the Trainer. Other classes are under review and may be certified for credits soon.

The ACE College Credit Recommendation Program was created precisely to evaluate the quality of educational classes offered outside the typical university or college setting.

Open to Rank & File Leaders in 2006: The George Meany Center

Applying for college credits

Anyone who has completed the above-mentioned Placid Harbor courses since Jan. 1, 1993 and wishes to seek college credits can now contact the Online ACE Transcript Service Registration. This site provides students with 24/7 access to the ACE Transcript Service. Students may register for the transcript service online.

There is a one-time, $35 fee to enroll in the ACE computer registry, and all records are maintained and updated free-of-charge. After the paperwork is completed, ACE will mail your transcript to universities and colleges within five days of a received request. There is $10 fee for each additional requested transcript.

It is important to remember, ACE certifies courses as being credit worthy. However, each college or university decides on its own whether to follow ACE's recommendation and how many credits (if any) to award.

The classes are not brainwashing, they are educational and deal with a variety of topics.

But once again you all would rather attack the poster than give anyone credit for bettering themselves and fighting for their membership.
Yes the the term sheet told everyone that they snapbacks were removed, learn to read, I prepared them from the union side as did the company.

I gave my reccomendation in CLT and ATL where I held votes and told anyone that asked that I voted no.

You can blame the PIT members for no reccomendation as a consensus could not be reached.

See once again, you call names, insult and attack and you were not at negotiations and knew what transpired.

And it shows once again you cant read, the term sheet clearly showed what was changed in the CBA and by the way I guess you cant read how the CWA gave up their snapbacks and change of control.

And once again, you make this post about me and not the topic at hand, must suck to be obsessed.
The Classes at Placid Harbor are educational, like Collective Bargaining teaches you economics, the RLA and many other things.

Well what the hell did you do in class sleep? Seriously time and again you have shown your ignorance of the RLA on here and the RLA could fit in a small brochure. How can anyone believe you learned anything else when you don't know the RLA, the very foundation of representation in the transportation field?

Ever gonna stick to the topic instead of trying to attack me?

Guess you will never learn.
Look,all I can tell you people is I was a Steward for about 8 years....wanna know why?

Because at the time,no one else wanted to bother.Nobody went to the meetings to find out what was going on in neg's even though they had a huge stake in what went on there....but oh yeah,they wanted a detailed briefing from me.(they just don't have the time,you know....gotta get up and take the kids to school)

I get tired of all you come on here attacking the only people who gave their own personal time to try and make things better for all.These people gave up lots in your interest and all you can do is bad mouth them time and time again.I'd be willing to bet the biggest crybabies on these threads haven't been to many if any meetings.
You all are the direct result of pissy assed unionism in this country.You all desereve what you've gotten.

I went to Placid Harbor and they do a good job there and I don't remember standing before the IAM flag and singing the Union Song.I do remember sharing experiences in the workplace from people from all over this continent and learning so I could use those experiences to help fellow members whether or not they wanted to be active in the union.

I hope one of you wakes up and sees the state of unions and does something to change that.
Yes the the term sheet told everyone that they snapbacks were removed, learn to read, I prepared them from the union side as did the company.

I gave my reccomendation in CLT and ATL where I held votes and told anyone that asked that I voted no.

You can blame the PIT members for no reccomendation as a consensus could not be reached.

See once again, you call names, insult and attack and you were not at negotiations and knew what transpired.

And it shows once again you cant read, the term sheet clearly showed what was changed in the CBA and by the way I guess you cant read how the CWA gave up their snapbacks and change of control.

And once again, you make this post about me and not the topic at hand, must suck to be obsessed.

LOL I knew you would fall for it..You are right the term sheet does tell members that the snapbacks are removed. What I wanted to do was get you to admit that YOU and the UNION knew it and even wrote it in in collaboration with the company. All along you been saying that the company at the last minute threw out this pos to vote on..Yet I and many knew you and the union did this together..It was such a piece of garbage the union couldn't be seen as having a hand in it..so they took a hands off approach..duh..why for the first time did the union not recommend which way to vote?????

I could care less what you said you did personally (and can't be proved) What I care about was the official union stance on the vote.

Again and again you show your ignorance, I brought up before you did that the CWA dropped the change of control grievance... and again you are wrong..about both the snapback and the change of control language being in the CWA CBA. I already provided a link to the official CWA CBA on their site. You have provided no proof to your claims otherwise except with your ignorant mouth.

Yes these posts are about the union and you because you are such a liar and the posts prove such.
Once again you cant comprehend what you wrote, We prepard the union part of the package, the cover letter and the sheet that showed what was lost.

The company prepared the term sheet and we included it in the package that was sent to the members.

Once again all you do is call names, attack and insult to deflect you are wrong and have no idea of what you talk about.

Keep trying, the whole board sees you for what you are. Just an internet troll.
Man oh Man,what a war.Hey all I want is a link or a copy of the IAM maint&related term sheet please...dont shoot me.

come on give it up somebody has one. :up: :up: :up:
Once again CT you ignore the post and the facts and call names. You will never learn and you are one with the lack of credibility, your posts show that since all you can do is call names.
I don't know if that kind of comment is called for. 700UW is dedicated and intensely loyal to the IAM which in and of itself is not a bad thing. I would argue that he's hitched his wagon to a falling star but that's his choice.

I've met him and I just like to wad his panties up. He gets so passionate.

I know you like to get involved and talk about what you have done and you might have met him but I know and have worked with him. I KNOW what he is. When I know facts and provide proof to them and he says it isn't so and provides no backup to his claims he is a liar

Once again you cant comprehend what you wrote, We prepard the union part of the package, the cover letter and the sheet that showed what was lost.

The company prepared the term sheet and we included it in the package that was sent to the members.

Once again all you do is call names, attack and insult to deflect you are wrong and have no idea of what you talk about.

Keep trying, the whole board sees you for what you are. Just an internet troll.

Again try to make it about me LOL a troll oh yes sure.

How about the proof for all you say? Don't use your picking on me and all your other excuses. Just back up the list below with proof. One by one each one don't pick and choose or ignore like you always do...we are waiting

1. Proof Change of control and snapbacks language is removed from CWA CBA ( I gave link to official CBA and they are still in there)

2. Proof the RLA and courts say you can strike over a major dispute (We are not talking about a normal major dispute during course of normal section 6 negotiations) (I have provided RLA and courts case links proving you can't strike and it never has happened legally)

Facts baby facts. I will expand on the list later

Man oh Man,what a war.Hey all I want is a link or a copy of the IAM maint&related term sheet please...dont shoot me.

come on give it up somebody has one. :up: :up: :up:

Here ya go.

IAM maint&related and fleet term sheet
Look,all I can tell you people is I was a Steward for about 8 years....wanna know why?

Because at the time,no one else wanted to bother.Nobody went to the meetings to find out what was going on in neg's even though they had a huge stake in what went on there....but oh yeah,they wanted a detailed briefing from me.(they just don't have the time,you know....gotta get up and take the kids to school)

I get tired of all you come on here attacking the only people who gave their own personal time to try and make things better for all.These people gave up lots in your interest and all you can do is bad mouth them time and time again.I'd be willing to bet the biggest crybabies on these threads haven't been to many if any meetings.
You all are the direct result of pissy assed unionism in this country.You all desereve what you've gotten.

I went to Placid Harbor and they do a good job there and I don't remember standing before the IAM flag and singing the Union Song.I do remember sharing experiences in the workplace from people from all over this continent and learning so I could use those experiences to help fellow members whether or not they wanted to be active in the union.

I hope one of you wakes up and sees the state of unions and does something to change that.

I know some of you may choose to slam me also but that's ok.
I pretty much second what Dell says here. By the way I've also attended training at Placid Harbour & it was excellent.
How does this affect those fleet agents involuntarily furloughed in 2005?

It gets interesting, because the company has mailed letters to those agents offering life-time flight benefits if their age plus years of service exceeds 65, if the agent will 'retire' from US and waive furlough.

What makes that doubly interesting is back in the day, the company (with an IAM rep nodding his head) said those agents would get life-time flight benefits if they accepted furlough.

Heres the letter I hope this helps.

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