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IAM grievance hearing today?

Ok I get it now,Ive been confused sorry.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Stephen Mitchell on Thursday abrogated IAM's collective bargaining agreements with the airline, freeing US Airways to impose pay cuts ranging from 6 to 35 percent. The ruling also will likely lead to the elimination of thousands of jobs as the airline outsources heavy maintenance on certain jets and other jobs like the cleaning of aircraft cabins.

Mitchell said he had to decide "which is worse - that half of the mechanics lose their jobs or all of the mechanics lose their jobs? ... The ultimate question is whether there are going to be any jobs left at the end of the day."

The union will still vote on management's final offer, which seeks the same dollar level of concessions but tweaks the pay cuts and work rule changes. If the union accepts the offer when voting concludes Jan. 21, the judge's action canceling the contract would be nullified.

So we voted on the tweaked version,I see.We voted on the highlight sheet then Ron H..tweaked the rest.ok I get it now.

See if you dont learn from the past you will repeat it.Having said that,lets get er done. :up: :up: :up:

The 60 day rule was not agreed too by the IAM, it was in the final offer the company gave to the IAM Fleet after the Judge abrogated the CBA and your own Fleet Brothers and Sisters ratified it.
Tim's assesment is correct. The PHL IAM boys were behind this 100%, and exactly for the reasons he listed. The 60 day furlough rule was not even presented to any group other than fleet. This was something that the IAM Fleet people sitting at the table came up with, not the company. As I said above, had this originated with the company, they would have tossed it at other work groups as well. Another Screw-Job by the people we were paying dues to to help us.... <_<
I spoke directly the to some of the committee members and the CLT rep clearly stated it was done by the company not the NC.
Does anyone have a link or a copy of the final offer highlight sheet for maint&related.I cant find it anyplace cant find it anywere on any union sight.Help. :up:
I spoke directly the to some of the committee members and the CLT rep clearly stated it was done by the company not the NC.
FWIW, the CLT rep was appointed by the PHL rep. Also, the CLT rep got promoted to a district job also by the PHL guy afterwards the sellout of his own. My guess is the CLT rep gets thrown out on his butt like he should when his chairmanship is up for re-election. A complete sellout.
Regardless of 700's denial, it was the IAM leadership that actually agreed with the company's stance on the 60 day rule. Wings 1, 700, 0.

FWIW, the CLT rep was appointed by the PHL rep. Also, the CLT rep got promoted to a district job also by the PHL guy afterwards the sellout of his own. My guess is the CLT rep gets thrown out on his butt like he should when his chairmanship is up for re-election. A complete sellout.
Regardless of 700's denial, it was the IAM leadership that actually agreed with the company's stance on the 60 day rule. Wings 1, 700, 0.


Tim, is it any fun shooting fish in a barrel?
I was at CCY till late in the night upon the abrogation, I was in contact with the Fleet Committee, I guess you forgot there was not an agreed to concessionary contract.

The judge abrogated and the company gave a final offer which you all ratified.

Those words, "we improved the final offer..." are straight out of Canale's mouth. Ask him.
FWIW, the CLT rep was appointed by the PHL rep. Also, the CLT rep got promoted to a district job also by the PHL guy afterwards the sellout of his own. My guess is the CLT rep gets thrown out on his butt like he should when his chairmanship is up for re-election. A complete sellout.
Regardless of 700's denial, it was the IAM leadership that actually agreed with the company's stance on the 60 day rule. Wings 1, 700, 0.


Wow that makes so much sense..its like this guy Rich in CLT..he gets put on the neg comm for no known resason with no qualifications at all. It makes you wonder how he got there and but it shows you why he thinks everything is everyone elses fault the union. What a worthless piece he was.
Lets see what his qualifications were:

Been to Leadership I, II, Advanced Leadership and Train the Trainer and various other classes at Placid Harbor.

Held offices at the local as a Trustee and Recording Secretary and was Local Lodge Editor for 10 years. Was on various local lodge committees including bylaws, organizing and strike, also was a major part in being at the local for the strike in 1992 in coordinating things. Ran numerous local lodge elections. Took part in major organzing campaigns in CLT and other locations.

Was shop steward for years and has presented first, second (with members of the Grievance Committee) and third steps Grievances(with the GC).

Been trained by Chick Kavros (the man that organized that IAM at US Airways back in 1949 and was part of 90% of all CBAs at the carrier for mechanic and related), trained by Vic Mazzacco, Joe Mantineo, Tony Giammarco, Tom Regan and Steve Cooke.

Appointed to a District Position as District Lodge Communicator, handling their newsletter and web page and was appointed to the Negotiating Committee by William O'Driscoll President of DL 142 at the time upon the advice of the International. And was also assigned to Continental Airlines FA Negotiations to handle the communications and assembling of the contract and its articles and explanations.

Pretty Much sums up his qualifications.

Sounds qualified to me.
Lets see what his qualifications were:

Been to Leadership I, II, Advanced Leadership and Train the Trainer and various other classes at Placid Harbor.

Held offices at the local as a Trustee and Recording Secretary.

Was shop steward for years and has presented first, second (with members of the Grievance Committee) and third steps Grievances(with the GC).

Been trained by Chick Kavros (the man that organized that IAM at US Airways back in 1949 and was part of 90% of all CBAs at the carrier for mechanic and related), trained by Vic Mazzacco and Steve Cooke.

Appointed to a District Position and was appointed to the Negotiating Committee by William O'Driscoll President of DL 142 at the time upon the advice of the International.

Pretty Much sums up his qualifications.
WOW! Sounds like he is qualified to be a professional politician.... and we all know they have our best interest in mind. :down:
Lets see what his qualifications were:

Been to Leadership I, II, Advanced Leadership and Train the Trainer and various other classes at Placid Harbor.

Held offices at the local as a Trustee and Recording Secretary and was Local Lodge Editor for 10 years. Was on various local lodge committees including bylaws, organizing and strike, also was a major part in being at the local for the strike in 1992 in coordinating things. Ran numerous local lodge elections. Took part in major organzing campaigns in CLT and other locations.

Was shop steward for years and has presented first, second (with members of the Grievance Committee) and third steps Grievances(with the GC).

Been trained by Chick Kavros (the man that organized that IAM at US Airways back in 1949 and was part of 90% of all CBAs at the carrier for mechanic and related), trained by Vic Mazzacco, Joe Mantineo, Tony Giammarco, Tom Regan and Steve Cooke.

Appointed to a District Position as District Lodge Communicator, handling their newsletter and web page and was appointed to the Negotiating Committee by William O'Driscoll President of DL 142 at the time upon the advice of the International. And was also assigned to Continental Airlines FA Negotiations to handle the communications and assembling of the contract and its articles and explanations.

Pretty Much sums up his qualifications.

Sounds qualified to me.
that explains it, he been IAM'd.
All that training, and he couldn't do the math on the 60 days. Heck, even the CWA's got that right. FWIW: The IAM can stick all that goofy training because it is biased towards being an IAM 'team member'. Who knows, if he gets more training he might be as full blown as Canale himself.

that explains it, he been IAM'd.
All that training, and he couldn't do the math on the 60 days. Heck, even the CWA's got that right. FWIW: The IAM can stick all that goofy training because it is biased towards being an IAM 'team member'. Who knows, if he gets more training he might be as full blown as Canale himself.


LOL.. is he even still employeed by USAirways or just brainwashed by the IAM a waanabe clinging to his IAM past and their promises of glory? What exactly is it I don't get it..I mean I would be embarrassed to admit association of any of those names mentioned let alone to be learned by um. I wonder do they learn um you can strike over a major dispute?? hmm wonder what proof they gave them there students.
Is it training or "Indoctrination", you know sorta like "Der Hitler Jungen" They had "Traning" too

No... It's more like the brainwashing of Alex in A Clockwork Orange

Or the brainwashing of Santa's Little Helper in the Dog of Death episode of The Simpsons.
You people are simply assanine, you belitte, attack and insult someone who educates themselves and sacrifices time away from home to make things better for the membership.

You know nothing will ever make any of you happy, you always try to find fault.

And you wonder why you are all in the mess you are.

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