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IAM grievance hearing today?

WOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!! WE WIN!!!!!!!! WE WIN!!!!!!!! now it's on to round two in the playoffs!!!!! whooo hoooooo!!!

Personally i'm hoping the union uses this to negoatiate a new superior contract for both the east AND the west , don't forget about us!!!! whooo hoooo!!! take that company!!! yeah!!!

This is what i want to see personally

1. all of our stations protected from out sourcing

2. immidate wages increases to old contract levels , taking effect immidately for the east AND the west

3. i want to see the vaction and sick use policy that the west now has on the new contract .

4. a modest cash payout for east fleet workers ..
CONGRADS to the east side guys - I hope that you get the max you can out of this, you DESERVE it. Enjoy bending Parker over.
How does this affect those fleet agents involuntarily furloughed in 2005?

It gets interesting, because the company has mailed letters to those agents offering life-time flight benefits if their age plus years of service exceeds 65, if the agent will 'retire' from US and waive furlough.

What makes that doubly interesting is back in the day, the company (with an IAM rep nodding his head) said those agents would get life-time flight benefits if they accepted furlough.
Don't forget just like the U.S. District Court ruling in the IAM's favor on the Airbus Major Dispute. I think the company can appeal the districts ruling. That took another 3 1/2 months from the time of the district court ruling until the ruling on the appeal.
Don't forget just like the U.S. District Court ruling in the IAM's favor on the Airbus Major Dispute. I think the company can appeal the districts ruling. That took another 3 1/2 months from the time of the district court ruling until the ruling on the appeal.

Thats fine however, the arbitration will be binding to both sides with no appeal, delay, etc. A final ruling once and for all.

I'm hoping that gray color down the tunnel really might be some light we've all been waiting for!!!!
Thats fine however, the arbitration will be binding to both sides with no appeal, delay, etc. A final ruling once and for all.

I'm hoping that gray color down the tunnel really might be some light we've all been waiting for!!!!

That is just about correct.

The Arbitration is called binding but there are 3 (if my memory serves me correctly) situations where a arbitration rulings can be altered.
IAM wins, IAM wins, IAM wins. The grievance has now been put on 'expedite'. US AIRWAYS high price attorneys who were paid big $ have lost their bid to re-enter bankruptcy court to eliminate more provisions in its IAM contracts.

Any arbitration award will net millions of dollars to IAM members. This would be the equivalent of 'hitting the mega million'.

Let's give the IAM props for this since it had the foresight, unlike ALPA, to put in protective language provisions for wage snapbacks. Let's see if the IAM now cuts a deal. IMO, I believe the IAM should protect the huge mega million payout if the arbitrator agrees that the workers are holding the winning ticket.


Good Luck to you guys! I have been involved with 2 major arbitrations that had millions in back pay riding on them before. A few points to remember:

1. It is slow going with many delays (think years)
2. The rulings are never what you think they will be, even if you win
3. The union will try to feed itself first
I agree with you. I wonder how this might effect those from the outsourced stations? I guess only time will tell.
1. It is slow going with many delays (think years)
2. The rulings are never what you think they will be, even if you win
3. The union will try to feed itself first

4. The work force should never take advice from corporate stooges.
I agree with you. I wonder how this might effect those from the outsourced stations? I guess only time will tell.
I'm not advocating a negotiated settlement by bargaining away elements of any arbitration award, BUT, if there is a negotiated settlement by securing the small to middling westie stations then it should naturally follow that some of the east sider stations not presently under the scope umbrella, may be so.

I'm not advocating a negotiated settlement by bargaining away elements of any arbitration award, BUT, if there is a negotiated settlement by securing the small to middling westie stations then it should naturally follow that some of the east sider stations not presently under the scope umbrella, may be so.

Wow! We have all become experts in the litigation. What I have been told by our LAS rep Bill Chandlee is that Arbitration is just that! "Nogotiating." Now, that IAM has a Fast Track, on the contract, or at least, the company can't run backward, Hopefully, the neutral negotiator will now realize ALL contract concerns will be addressed on behalf of employees, not company. But this will take, (hopefully) less time than company would ask. I hope this is done by the end of 2007. There is no reason to delay concessions for furloughs, concessions or pay or senority. It is clear and cut! Let's get on it and get forward. As Doug said, He has an Airline to run!
Maybe they can negotiate some of the Outsourced East stations back....Well, it's a good thought anyway. :lol:
I can only hope and wish that this would happen.
I can understand the C/S group being upset with what the CWA did, but please remember that your group didn't have 20+ stations outsourced, and that the MLE classification was eliminated. Being that I WAS in Fleet, I would make that tradeoff ANYDAY to still be employed. I, along with many others are out on the street, while our former stations are now staffed with Mainline people inside. There are Mainline people with a fraction of the seniority that I had still working at my former station...Sad, but true.. 🙁
Wow! We have all become experts in the litigation. What I have been told by our LAS rep Bill Chandlee is that Arbitration is just that! "Nogotiating." Now, that IAM has a Fast Track, on the contract, or at least, the company can't run backward, Hopefully, the neutral negotiator will now realize ALL contract concerns will be addressed on behalf of employees, not company. But this will take, (hopefully) less time than company would ask. I hope this is done by the end of 2007. There is no reason to delay concessions for furloughs, concessions or pay or senority. It is clear and cut! Let's get on it and get forward. As Doug said, He has an Airline to run!
neutral negotiator for a contract??? Huh
I'm not advocating a negotiated settlement by bargaining away elements of any arbitration award, BUT, if there is a negotiated settlement by securing the small to middling westie stations then it should naturally follow that some of the east sider stations not presently under the scope umbrella, may be so.


No greivance should ever be NEGOCIATIED away. unless you are NOT A WORKING MAN.

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