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Far from the norm. I would like to see Rick take that Teamster attitude and use it for the good of the membership. After all we are all still in this together. There are a few that need to let go of the bitterness of the past elections. I would love to see them step up again and become actively involved. Maybe they could once again put on a Shop Steward badge. We all know that we could use all the help we can get in our daily struggle with people like "George Jettson".

Don't forget about the "Chock Nazi" and "Little Hitler".
I ask a question to the people in Clt who voted
today (not many 259), if the vote would have went
Bill K 141
Lisa L 95
Rick R 23

*would Rick R. remained a steward or would he
have walked away ? Reason I'm asking is in Phl
Jeff H. lost and walked away. Pat F. lost and
walked away. So I guess I'm asking is he ,union,
strong minded or ego driven ?
My congrats to him in holding the GC and to Lisa
and Bill for remaining as union spokes people, soon
to be union stewards. Rick should surround himself
with people who want union and not those who crave
the titles. I hear he promoted himself hard on the company
dime, not a good way to start. As far as wearing a pin,
well it was a pin. We had guys in PHL who literally ran
the sharp stick of the pins' through thier skin when told
they could not wear them on thier uniforms.
I ask a question to the people in Clt who voted
today (not many 259), if the vote would have went
Bill K 141
Lisa L 95
Rick R 23

*would Rick R. remained a steward or would he
have walked away ? Reason I'm asking is in Phl
Jeff H. lost and walked away. Pat F. lost and
walked away. So I guess I'm asking is he ,union,
strong minded or ego driven ?
My congrats to him in holding the GC and to Lisa
and Bill for remaining as union spokes people, soon
to be union stewards. Rick should surround himself
with people who want union and not those who crave
the titles. I hear he promoted himself hard on the company
dime, not a good way to start. As far as wearing a pin,
well it was a pin. We had guys in PHL who literally ran
the sharp stick of the pins' through thier skin when told
they could not wear them on thier uniforms.

The members have spoken and the vote is 'sacred' therefore we must respect the vote and I think we must show respect to the man who won, Rick Russo. It's what is essential in our continual building of solidarity.

I know Billy Kline, and I know he will continue putting the membership first and continue participating in the union, it's what he does.

OTOH, there are those who have dialed out because they have lost elections. Egos get bruised and we all have them. I'm probably the poster child of dialing out but I think those that have dialed out should look at someone like Stevie Miller and see how he has continued to be active in his union even though he was voted out. It's called character.

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
I ask a question to the people in Clt who voted
today (not many 259), if the vote would have went
Bill K 141
Lisa L 95
Rick R 23

*would Rick R. remained a steward or would he
have walked away ? Reason I'm asking is in Phl
Jeff H. lost and walked away. Pat F. lost and
walked away. So I guess I'm asking is he ,union,
strong minded or ego driven ?
My congrats to him in holding the GC and to Lisa
and Bill for remaining as union spokes people, soon
to be union stewards. Rick should surround himself
with people who want union and not those who crave
the titles. I hear he promoted himself hard on the company
dime, not a good way to start. As far as wearing a pin,
well it was a pin. We had guys in PHL who literally ran
the sharp stick of the pins' through thier skin when told
they could not wear them on thier uniforms.

*would Rick R. remained a steward or would he
have walked away ?

That question was answered last year. He sustained a horrible loss in his first quest for the GC job. He turned from the membership by not even signing up as a shop steward. He signed up as a safety rep. but never did anything to help Tony D. set up his safety program.
I was blown away yesterday when I heard that there was a fleet service worker who needed a Union rep. night before last. He was standing there but chose to find someone else for this person because he had to campaign. BECAUSE HE HAD TO CAMPAIGN!
People were blown away by the amount of money he spent on literature that he passed out day after day while on Grievance time.
So, congrats to RR for a campaign well spent. It paid off.
Thanks Bill K. and Lisa L. for putting yourself out there. I hope CLT will never have a white slate again. We appreciate how you represent us in the trenches.
I know Billy K. and he is a true friend and UNION man at heart. Congrats to RR, I havent met you but hope you represent the membership to the fullest. I hope that Bill and Lisa stay active, dont let one vote hold you down stay true to the union movement and continue to represent the membership to the fullest we need YOU.!!!!!
For the first time in more that 1.5 years, CLT votes smart – Russo wins the Grievance Committee position!
I don;t know about voting smart yesterday but it is what it is. I'll tell you when CLT really voted smart ,when we got rid of that fat useless AGC we used to be stuck with
Freedom can we please keep this on topic. I saw earlier you gave Bill K. a thumbs up. Have you had the chance to meet Bill.
sorry to stray off topic ...

nope , never met the guy , but i've heard good things about him .
''Freedom'' says,
KMART and it's going out of business , they close their doors on jan 4th ... but until then they will do their usual mark down sales which increase as every week passes . this week they have things marked down in the 20-40 percent range ... i figure in another week and a half that might go to 30-50 % off ...

Merry Christmas and happy holidays !

It saddens me to read this individual. He dances at the
funerals of others. 18 cities will be closing and he votes
YES. A store closes and he runs for the savings. In the
old west he'd be the guy taken the boots off the dead
gun man in the street. You will some day learn but at
what price. Your one smile causes to numerous to
count frowns.
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