Can anyone help me out, ive been reading the contract over and over, im a westie, and i want a honest answer!!!
Under what power, what law etc. does the iam/Canale have the powers/right's to put us under the east contract, if its a no vote?
Anyone out there can help me out, i want a honest answer please, you can post it here or send me a private message.
Does anyone wonder why they didn't get a real TA passed along time ago?
Would a TA with the following terms pass?
1. West transitioned to the east with these amendments:
a. West field stations keep Geo pay
b. West stations use TWU scope language
c. 5% across the board pay raise. 2.6% annual raise
d. West keeps 3%match 401K( LCC does not contribute to
2. East amended as follows:
a. Class II stations become class I stations.
b. 5% across the board pay raise 2.6% annual raise
c. CIC remains as is
d. no extension to amendable date
This seems pretty fair to me. What do you folks think? Does the fact
that this never happened shed any light on the value of the CIC?
Does it shed any light on the value of the DEC 31st amendable date?
And most of all does it shed any light on the real value of the current TA?
Thanks BF
Can someone confirm whether or not Delaney resigned from his union position and the election today? Here is a link I saw early stating he quit the union.
Randy is the purest form of a politician one can be. Him and everyone with him would do anything they could to keep from going back on the ramp. Randy's action of screwing over Delaney will backfire on him. He fully expected Rich to keep his $120,000 job and screw the new direction but Rich is a man of character and would give up $120,000 to have the chance to represent workers the way they are suppose to be represented.Isn't what Randy is doing, such as "invalidating" nominations and grossly misinterpreting the bylaws (assuming the accusations are true and factual) illegal? Maybe the DOL needs to get involved.