Obviously as a group we'll never agree on the CIC language and whether it's important or not. As for my reasons for voting no on the last T/A I had plenty and the CIC hearing in no way swayed me to vote no. I felt the contract offered was no where near what this company could offer compared to what other airlines were doing for their Fleet Service. I do remember them saying they wouldn't be back but back they came. I personally don't believe for one minute that they won't be back again. I don't for one minute believe that we can hold them from merging but I do believe that we are causing problems for a smooth deal to be cut. Doug has a bad reputation for this mess he's in for not being fair to his employees and bringing morale and customer service to all time lows. Look at how Delta treated him. It wasn't that they were against merging as they realize everyone is going to get in the game or be lost, they just weren't about to team up with this crappy run operation. Here is a quote off of Yahoo Business to give you a feel for how Parker and US Airways are looked upon.
"News reports have speculated that US Airways could be in talks with United and American Airlines. But industry observers disagree about whether those pairings would work.
Michael Boyd, an airline consultant in Colorado, said US Airways has been tainted by operational problems and union fights since its previous combination in 2005.
"If you're United or American, why would you embrace something that's been nothing but problems?" Boyd said. "It just strikes me that Parker wants to merge something. I don't know why." "
Not too Good. So while I don't think we can stop the mergers from happening as I think very soon there will be announcement after announcement on everyone joining in or being left behind, I do think the CIC and our unsettled contracts are hurting the boys in Tempe. Just do the right thing Al and give us some respect and it'll all be fine. Another week vacation is a must, pension increase a must, 20.00/hr with raises to come a must (still below CO), some job security a must, Holiday pay a must, full sick pay a must. These things would not kill the golden goose as they want you to believe. The airlines that failed recently and the mergers will cut capacity to where airlines will be making a killing. While they want you to believe that the failings of ATA, Skybus, etc. are signaling doom and gloom for them it's really great news because capacity they need cut is being done for them. Delta and Northwest got the ball rolling and now everyone will join in or be left behind. No one is denying what's going on which definitely tells you it won't be long. I for one will not vote to keep myself at the bottom of this industry especially when we'll be merging with someone with a better deal and then we'll be stuck like the guys out west are now. No seven inning rule here let's play the whole game. Everyone has suffered this far so don't quit now as you're almost there. Good luck to everyone.....hang on for the ride.