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IAM Fleet Service topic 6/21-6/27

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Rogue ,I know of none on the east,shame too lot of jobs there and ones who do it here are clowns and that's about the nicest thing i can say


I know exactly what you mean. The company thought that they would be saving money by contracting out our work, where they could pay a company a set price to do the work. All in all they lost money because the reliable customers walked away when the contractors came in. Our good customers knew we were good at what we did. Too bad the ccompany didn't. We would have continued to make much more than they thought they were saving with contractors.
The masses have now taken charge of this district and have shown 'great solidarity' as they prepare for the corporate greed that is conditioned by Canale to keep coming back.

This week's "All-Nelson" Award goes to Freddy Voight and the LGA fellowship.

Stay tuned next week for the "ALL-Nelson" Banquet that will announce the "MR ALL-Nelson" Award for the stations that best "Bit#&& Slapped" "Parker's Boy"!

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago

Mr. Nelson,

Your Trophy's are ready!
Talk about collectors pieces. Everyone will be fighting you for one you know!

View attachment 7669
well well looky here a fat lazy cat has climbed to the top of the tree

Do you or anyone else on USAviation know what stations that cargo and mail is not contracted out in? Where US agents do all of the work? Inquiring minds would like to know. I know that LAS, PHX, & LAX does their own now due to the T/A.


JAX is the only east station to my knowledge that has mail
sort and a freight office that is worked by fleet service.
tuna lasagna is very tasty you should try some

Take it easy on Oman. The birds are in second to last place, only above the other birds the blue jays. While the Red Sox are on the top branch. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kind of like the New Direction Team. Congrats to all on that team. We look forward to working WITH you. Unlike canoli, who was only in it for himself. Sorry Oman, the Sox RULE!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure why all the hoopla about the ND team's victory...according to all the crazies who post on the other US threads US is doomed. According to them we won't be around long enough for the ND08 team to do anything anyway. We are the worst of the worst...I think probably part of GWB's axis of evil...ya know, N. Korea, Iran, and USAirways....

I think I'll stick with my IAM Fleet thread where good ol' Giantfan can actually have a semi intelligent discussion with ppl who may actually have a clue. 😀 😀

Congrats ND08...GF
The New Direction team never put in its second teamers even though it was a 'full blown' blowout after the first day of June. It had a TNP "Take No Prisoner's tude'. No trick plays, just shoving it right down Canale's throat where it belongs. New Direction team member Freddy Voight rallied our LGA team and shut out Canale.
Nicky Handlow, Mike Crowell, Frankie O, Dave Lehive, were all there to support the LGA brotherhood even though the outcome was already determined. That's what they do.

The masses have now taken charge of this district and have shown 'great solidarity' as they prepare for the corporate greed that is conditioned by Canale to keep coming back.

This week's "All-Nelson" Award goes to Freddy Voight and the LGA fellowship.

Stay tuned next week for the "ALL-Nelson" Banquet that will announce the "MR ALL-Nelson" Award for the stations that best "Bit#&& Slapped" "Parker's Boy"!

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago


A big Thank you goes out to New Yorks own United's Mike Klemm he did a great job getting our USAirways workers back and forth to the LGA polling place. We started the month of June out with OMA workers voting 58 Delaney to 0 Canale
and ended with LGA workers voting 50 Delaney to 0 Canale!

What a month!
I am hoping for once in over 10 years . We can finally say we are unified and proud to be in this union
the teamsters its not but hopefully we finally have gotten some people in office that have a set of balls
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