However, how do you motivate folks in a union, who have been programmed by managmnets to hate their union and distrust them.
Its called leadership, and there doesnt seem to be any sign of it over in the IAM, or the AA/TWU either. The lack of leadership is not the fault of the membership, its the fault of the structure of your union and those running it.
I've seen many members whose lives have been destroyed by corporate raiders, yet these folks blame their leadership.
And they should, because the "leaders" have failed them. The members fork over money every month to these guys that are supposed to plan out stategies and actions. To organize the members and provide them with information to counter what the company is putting out. Todays unions more often than not simply repeat the company, in the case of the TWU they even exaggerate the company's claims. The IAM has said they dont endorse this, but have they offered a plan? Did they even bother to formulate one? Even if the situation is hopeless they are still collecting dues, they still should be working.
These people get into positions they cant handle yet they fight like hell to keep them. If they simply put half as much effort into fighting for the members they should not have to worry about their position, however that is where the structure kicks in. Most unions do not allow the rank and file to pick the top leaders.
During my trial I told the International that I was elected by the members and my primary loyalty is to them, not the International. I have to fight for my members first. The International claimed that statement was a violation of my oath as a TWU officer which says nothing about loyalty to the members but Loyalty to the International and the Union.
When leaders are not chosen by the members they have to go the extra mile to earn their trust, we dont see that in the TWU or the IAM. Instead the leaders constantly berate the members for lack of "participation". In the meantime they have done nothing to earn their trust, if they had been elected at least they would have had a start but todays union leaders do not want the members to pick the leaders because they do not trust the membership.
So the sham about the lack of membership involvement being the cause of todays weak unions is just a ruse. If the leaders truly wanted membership involvement then they would let the members choose who fills the top positions of the Union.
Leaders step out in front, that is what the word lead means. The people we have running unions today are too worried that if they do step out front they will turn around and nobody will be there, so they dont lead. They know the members did not pick them and perhaps their worries are justified. It simply means that their presence in that position is harmful to the union, not that the members are wrong. If the so called "leaders" have no faith in their members how can you expect the members to have faith in their leaders?
Members have to get balls. But their balls are little "milk duds" that get squeezed.
The members may have milk duds but the "leaders" dont have anything.
The first step the members need to take is to vote out the structure which puts people in power who cant or wont lead, get new unions, once you have a democratic union where all the leaders are diretly democratically accountable to the members and a union that the members chose then the statement "the union is you" is real, not just rhetoric.
The fact is that nodody presently working chose the IAM or the TWU.They were in place when we got hired and our membership is conditional upon our employment with the company that hired us. Membership is mandatory. So in reality our union is part of the package that came with the job, not the career path we chose. Leave the job and go somewhere else you get a new union, same deal. Is it any wonder why management is able to turn guys against their union? They pay us and tell us what to do, we pay the union and they do as they please.
While there may be many present IAM union officials who are genuine in their intent their loyalty to the organization and its hiearchy often clouds their judgement. They know that the union is screwed up an ineffective and have accepted the explaination for this that the leaders give-"its the members". When in fact its the leaders.
The first step is to either go to the AGW or AMFA. Those are the only two organizations available to airline workers that allow airline workers to have a direct say in who leads them.Perhaps then new and real Leaders can emerge and once the members see that those milk duds will be like watermellons, but everything takes time.