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Iam 142 Final Offer

-I have to wonder why Hawk wants the IAM members to approve this when he states if they don't it will be worse. He should want his so called cheaper deal.

-I wonder if the Republican voting Mechanics are regretting anything since the judge was Republican appointed. If not are they too proud or too stupid?

-I wonder if the weak IAM membership regrets for not being involved and letting their union get so weak. They need to look in the mirror.

-I agree this will pass. Enjoy!
I am an activist and I do work for my membership.
Bob Owens said:
Well couldnt unemployment make the arguement that since you voted for terminating your employment with severence that in fact you voluntarily left the company therefore you are not entitled to unemployment?

No. That is not an argument...voting no for a contract. The contract has been abrogated. If the co. proposal is not ratified, the company will impose Oct. proposal. That is an impostion. I think we can assume a strike by the IAM at that point.

Then the game is over. There won't be a passenger with even free tickets that will fly this airline.

Then we are all unemployed, and we all collect.

So, not only did the BK judge push on the tax payers our pensions....he also pushed on the taxpayors our unemployment, and the ATSB guarantor monies that the tax payors will have to shell out too.

And this is just one airline.
Do the math folks.There are enough people left behind to make this Pig fly.That doesn't take into effect those that want to leave with their severence,plus vacation.That's nineteen weeks of pay for most.$18825.20 or Zero, plus unemployment.I hope to be one of those that gets off the sinking ship with some money.

As I see it, the carrot was flushed with with the fall of Gavel by Judge Mitchell.It's simply a paycheck.Loyalty went on 1-06-2005.

After twenty years in aviation maintenance it's time to think about transfering my skills to an employer who will value them.

Good Luck to all.......
I know you do. You are not one of the weak links.
N617P said:
After twenty years in aviation maintenance it's time to think about transfering my skills to an employer who will value them.
Yes it is. Others and myself are living proof that U is not worth what you're putting up with!

Unfortunately, the actions of 'one' has repercussions of 'many'.

Bob Owens is a 'Unionist' in pure and simple terms.
I have learned much from his posts and I wish he were here at the 'Lazy U'!

Bob Owens and Joe Prisco have much in common, and I respect them both!!!

True, the AA TWU Unions have made it much harder on the rest of us through their capitulitatory nature, and Bob has been expelled from his position because of his beliefs but still fights for 'us!'.

If the UAL AMFA M&R passes this 'TA' then the 'round robin' starts all over again, and this is unacceptable!!!

Best wishes and 'Love' to you all over here!!!

Keep the Faith!

Severence is 15 weeks, not 19 for the IAM Mechanic and Related.
Bob Owens said:
tug_slug said:
MAYBE? Atleast he's doing something for the good of the people he works with what are you doing Bob?

Whatever I can.

As a TWU official I represented and helped my members on numerous occasions against both the company and the union.

I've urged support for the AFA when they said they would fight abrogation.

As a TWU Official I urged our leaders to stand up for the UAL workers when the company claimed they would abrogate their contracts. I said that we should tell the world that when the first contract is voided that all AFL-CIO airline workers will walk off the job. If our contracts have become one way streets where a company can abrogate at will then we should not honor them either and withdraw our labor until this injustice is rectified. The TWU International demanded that I retract my statement, claiming that I was putting TWU members at risk by suggesting that we should support other workers. I replied that they were putting the members at risk because whatever happens to them will eventually happen to us, you know "an injustice to one''''?

I've urged airline workers to pressure their "leaders" to take a more aggressive stand against the companies and the courts.

And yes, I've urged everyone to just say no to concessions, not just USAIR workers but my own coworkers as well.

My criticism of the TWU and how they screwed not only us, but every other airline worker cost me my position. My members did not remove me, the International did. I accused them of collaborating with the company in an attempt to put USAIR and UAL out of business so the TWU could get more members.

While a TWU officer I lobbied the top officials of the TWU, IAM and IBT to try and consolidate the ATDs into one union. The AFL-CIO encouraged me to pursue this but the leaders wanted no part of it, in fact the International cited my efforts at internal change as dual unionism.

So what have you done to make the lives of airline workers better?
Personally I dont know if he's an union official or not, I do know that I saw him stand up to the IAM for what he believes in.
And what might that be? Give the company whatever they want? He would make a perfect candidate for a TWU International official, no doubt that since the IAM is trying to emulate the TWU they may pick him up when U finally closes. When Pan Am shut their doors the TWU picked up varous stooges, many of them still hold positions in the TWU despite the fact that PAN AM has been gone for 13 years.


I have seen 700UW in action as well. He is for the members...call that union advocating, human advocating, worker advocating....that is what he is in total.

Those most outspoken have been chatised by their own membership and especailly the leadership.

I agree with you. One contract abrogates, every one that is part of the AFL-CIO walks.

However, how do you motivate folks in a union, who have been programmed by managmnets to hate their union and distrust them.

I've seen many members whose lives have been destroyed by corporate raiders, yet these folks blame their leadership. Members have to get balls. But their balls are little "milk duds" that get squeezed. B)
PITbull said:
I've seen many members whose lives have been destroyed by corporate raiders, yet these folks blame their leadership. Members have to get balls. But their balls are little "milk duds" that get squeezed. B)
Got Milk Duds?

[/B]Turn to the Dark Side Luke, it is your destiny[/B]

The Dark Side of the Force, the fabric the holds the universe together, it's the holy grail, it's the only way, it is your destiny. The Imperial Empire is strong, their influence is far reaching, many have already fallen becuase of their duds.
Baja4U said:
So basically, mechanics keeping around 20percent cut ?? JUST VOTE NO !!! :up:
What happened to the letter from the company: "Substantially better pay rates than the temporary contract in place now" or however it was worded? I guess it was just more lies!
700UW said:
I am an activist and I do work for my membership.


I think you do too.

Here's a 'blast'!!!

Casey Jones -- The Union Scab?

(Hope you have broadband!!!)


The workers on the S. P. Line to strike out a call;
But Casey Jones, the engineer, he wouldn't strike at all;
His boiler it was leaking, and its drivers on the bum,
And his engine and its bearings, they were all out of plumb.
Casey Jones, kept his junk-pile running,
Casey Jones was working double time;
Casey Jones, got a wooden medal, for being good and Faithful on The S. P. Line. S. P. Line

The workers said to Casey: "Won't
You help us win this strike?"
But Casey said: "Let me alone, you'd better take a hike."
Then Casey's wheezy engine ran right out of track,
And Casey hit the river with an awful crack.

Casey Jones, hit the river bottom,
Casey Jones broke his blooming spine,
Casey Jones became and angeleno,
He took a trip to heaven on the S. P. Line.

When Casey Jones got up to heaven to the Pearly Gate,
He said: "I'm Casey Jones, the guy that pulled the S. P. freight."
"You're just the man," said Peter,
"Our musicians are on strike;
"You can get a job a-scabbing any time you like."

Casey Jones got a job in heaven;
Casey Jones was doing mighty fine;
Casey Jones went scabbing on the angels,
Just like he did to workers on the S. P. Line."

"Casey Jones -- The Union Scab" was written by Joe Hill.

Take Care
deano said:
Got Milk Duds?

[/B]Turn to the Dark Side Luke, it is your destiny[/B]

The Dark Side of the Force, the fabric the holds the universe together, it's the holy grail, it's the only way, it is your destiny. The Imperial Empire is strong, their influence is far reaching, many have already fallen becuase of their duds.

Denno , Love ya dude !!! 🙄 May the force be with YOU !!! B)
GeezLouis said:
What happened to the letter from the company: "Substantially better pay rates than the temporary contract in place now" or however it was worded? I guess it was just more lies!
You've go to think like an MBA.
Our base rate reduction is less than $2.00. That's several dollars better than the current 21% reduction. Oh, and those other add on pay goodies like skill pay and licenses? Surely they can't add up to much 😉

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