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Iam 142 Final Offer

deano said:
So what did you transform to...a MOD MAN or WHAT..... :shock:
yea, maybe deano!! I was always used to getting yelled at from the Mods....figured I'd help them out a little, especially being that they are pretty damn biased to some posters' on here!!!! that ok with you?
deano said:
What you read on here says it all and almost verbatim.

A friend and union steward called me this evening right after they had their union informational meetings. What he told me was already posted on here, you have the information already, chill.

About 1/3 of the mechanics are gone, I think he said 600 or 700 hundred, most shops are gone except the machine and weld shop in pit, don't know about CLT. I also ran into a foremen this afternoon at the grocery store and he said the same exact things as posted on here, like I said, it's already out and has been. 700UW must be the red headed step child lately... 😛
<_< Deano!----- That title is reserved for ex-TWA personel at a.a.!!!!!!! 😛
deano said:
Watching people suffer is sport to you it seems.....you are being recorded and it is forever written__ tic toc tic toc :down:

The last contract that I witnessed abrogated was at CAL in 1983. I was in A&P school.My Dad went out the door with 25 years.I worked a full time Job and school so we wouldn't loose our home.So I have seen enough suffering at the hands of the IAM thank you.The IAM and Lorrenzo are responsible for what took place then,as they are now.Yes the mighty IAM won the outsourcing for the 320's but at what cost.They took the position that the consession stand is closed and waited till the end to feed us this piece of S##T from the company.

The issue is not about suffering it's about doing what we should have done years ago.And do you really think they will suffer?All those that go out the door will get severence and their vacation pay that they have earned.Those that stick around until the end will will get nothing.

I have watched 700uw bash people over the heads with his IAM club for way too long.And for what?So he might keep a highly compensated janitors position.

A yes vote it will be.
justaumechanic said:
If this package does not pass do you really think that the company is going to have severance in the imposed package!! You would be dreaming.

And don't be the least bit suprised if the severance payout has all types of little hoops to jump thru.

Something like this "If you have the oppotunity to take a position in another city and you refuse no severance, if you have the ability to downgrade to a lower classification and you refuse no severance, if you are placed out on the street due to a bump and not due to a redution in your department no severance. You know little things that show up after you vote.

And 700 lets be clear on something. We all can read. What was it two years ago when we voted in the contract when the final copy came down (the book) low and behold there were things in it the book that were not, and I repeat, were not in the contract we voted on. When the Grand Wizard was asked "Hey Dude, whats this stuff". Oh we just forgot to include it and it was a non issue".. HUH?

If my memory serves me correctly we are supposed to VOTE on the entire contract, not the part the IAM feels we should see.

the parts you will or are seeing are only changes to the existing contract (still exists if ratified)[but with the changes you have in hand] ...
Bob Owens said:
Well the sad fact is that the IAM does not even have to let you vote on the contract, they can simply impose it.

The reason why they can get away with withholding information is because they dont even have to let you vote on it.

Your recourse is that you can vote out your union.

sad fact here dude is you're full of bull and you know it.stir some doo doo back where you come from and let us deal with ours.... 😉
delldude said:
try 2000 - 2200 area give or take..

Dude, that number isn't even close. I was 22XX before I left and I had 1987
seniority. Try hauling it down to around 1900 or so.
700UW said:
justaumechanic, bobowens and usfliboi,

All three of you have no idea of what happened and what will happen.
The truth hurts 700, so does reality. Ive said all along this would happen. All the unions have hopped on board for one reason or the other... Iam CYA'D and you know it. But hey dont trust or believe me, look at whats happened !
usfliboi said:
700UW said:
justaumechanic, bobowens and usfliboi,

All three of you have no idea of what happened and what will happen.
The truth hurts 700, so does reality. Ive said all along this would happen. All the unions have hopped on board for one reason or the other... Iam CYA'D and you know it. But hey dont trust or believe me, look at whats happened !

Take my word for it fliboi if I could predict the future I would be rich. So would you.

You have no idea what is going to happen..

Buy my best guess, you will be looking for a new flying job shortly.

AirTran, JetBlue, Southwest, USA3000, Spirit, Delta (yes Delta, they still are free of ch 11) they are going to pound it into US Airways now.. They know.. Someone has to go and the law of the jungle is the weakest.. Of all the major carriers there is no question US Airways is the weekest..

And remember and this everyone knows. If the cash balence get close to what the ATSB feels the assets are worth shows over. They will pull the plug and sell it all. You can take that to the bank.. The next couple of months is an easy time to dump a few hundred million in loses and cash outlays.

Fliboi if anyone is going to come up on the short side I think its going to be you.
justaumechanic said:
Dude, that number isn't even close. I was 22XX before I left and I had 1987
seniority. Try hauling it down to around 1900 or so.
you're off dude not me.................this is head count not seniority dude......
aside from your seniority number we have around 2900 mechs at U...
2896 before and 2018 after from my lover, frank.....
700UW said:
justaumechanic, bobowens and usfliboi,

All three of  you have no idea of what happened and what will happen.

Funny Bob, you would love to see US fail to save AA, funny how for the past year you have not been on the US board and now you appear.


Then tell us.

Are you saying that if you ratify this agreement you are not stuck with it until at least 2011?

Just because I have not been posting does not mean I have not been reading.

Funny how when other non-USAIR people post in favor of concessions you dont complain about their presence.

By the way, as I've stated numerous times before I have no desire to see USAIR eliminated. But the reality is that the industry is using you guys to pull down the wages of everyone else. Having the TWU is like having no union, so you guys are the example of union wages for the industry, besides they know that if they tried to do this through the TWU/AA the TWU would be replaced by AMFA, once the mechanics go AMFA then Fleet would go AGW, and the last thing this industry wants is to see the majority of the industries mechanics in one union and the rise of a union that wants to unite all the other ground workers into a real union that only represents airline workers.

You may ratify these concessions. All that it will do is set all the others off on a campaign for another round of cuts. If they figure thats the last they can squeeze out of us then USAIR will close anyway. So you will waste an extra couple of years at USAIR that you could have put in somewhere else and lowered what you can expect at the next job.
NeedForSpeed said:
700, Not sure where you got that info from....but it's wrong. I interviewed with Timco. I was offered a mech position, or an inspector position. mech was $19/hour and change....inspector was almost $24/hour...to start + benefits. It was for a position in Lake City, Fla. Was not what I wanted, though, and also not where I wanted to live. But...Lake City is very rural, so the money could go a long way compared to other areas.

Just checking, but you didn't call that guy an "elitist" just because he disagrees with you, are you??? Thought the "name calling" was reserved for me only! just wondering


Maybe he was talking about a utilty person for Timco.
Oh yes I do.

I know how I am voting, but people will vote for this just to have their severence.

You have a known contract in one hand and then in the other the company is free to do as they want.

Which is better or which is worse?
delldude said:
sad fact here dude is you're full of bull and you know it.stir some doo doo back where you come from and let us deal with ours.... 😉

Maybe you need to check your facts.

The union can impose an agreement upon you, especially in BK where they have the excuse that everyone is in iminent danger of losing their jobs.

If you dont believe me look at case law.

When AA and the TWU changed the ratified agreement in 2003 the members were told that they would have the right to vote on the new (modified) agreement, then the TWU changed their mind. So Local 562 sued, we cited the fact that our Constitution says that we have the right to vote on any contract changes (does your Constitution?). The TWU not only brought up several cases where the courts said that unions do not have to let their members ratify agreements but also said that since under the RLA contracts do not expire-they become amendable they really never have to let us vote.

Check your facts and you will see that I am right.
This is not the TWU, the only way a contract gets imposed in the IAM is when they membership votes the contract down and the do not vote to strike.

But this case is differant because the current contract has all ready been abrogated so the company is free to impose any terms they want.

You better go check YOUR facts.

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