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Iam 142 Final Offer

usairways_vote_NO said:
So what you are saying is you like Tug-Slug so if he posts inaccurate information on here you let it slide BUT if someone else does that exact same inaccurate information and you just happen not to like that poster,

vote_no, let it go dude.
Your obsession with 700 isn't a healthy one. Your taking out your frustrations on the wrong person. If your truly unhappy with your situation at U do what I did, QUIT and get a job somewhere else!

I met 700 and have seen him stand up to some pretty influential people within the IAM and from what Ive seen his only agenda is that both the company and the union do what's right for the employees/membership.
Anybody figure out how many Mechs, how many Utility, how many Stock Clerks will be left and what the senority dates will be to hold on?

Looks like the poll took a turn for the worse since the details of T/A came out. (oh wait it isn't a T/A) Doesn't bode well for future of Usairways.
tug_slug said:
vote_no, let it go dude.

I met 700 and have seen him stand up to some pretty influential people within the IAM and from what Ive seen his only agenda is that both the company and the union do what's right for the employees/membership.
Maybe, but all we have is one person who is hiding their identity vouching for another, it means nothing.

So is he a union official or not?
tug_slug said:
vote_no, let it go dude.
Your obsession with 700 isn't a healthy one. Your taking out your frustrations on the wrong person. If your truly unhappy with your situation at U do what I did, QUIT and get a job somewhere else!

I met 700 and have seen him stand up to some pretty influential people within the IAM and from what Ive seen his only agenda is that both the company and the union do what's right for the employees/membership.

What is with yours and his obsession with the word obsession? If it was an obsession it would be of the type of having fun with someone that is so easily flustered and watch him degrade to the point of calling names and making a fool of himself. So yes maybe I do have an obsession with coming on here every once in awhile and laughing till it hurts but it is a good obsession not bad.

As far as me don't worry about me I don't need EAS unless laughing and having fun is something that needs to be treated and I am not frustrated in the least with whats going on at your company.

As far as 700 I know him too and he is as obnoxious and full as himself as he is on here.
Bob Owens said:
Maybe, but all we have is one person who is hiding their identity vouching for another, it means nothing.

So is he a union official or not?

Have you read the threads? He has said what he has been doing many times and others said too. As far as an official no.
Hawk said:
You commented in another thread about the fleet reduction. The laid off fleet are from our smaller stations. They are unlikely to relocate to PHL, DCA, CLT and the larger stations where we have all the openings; so utility guys will be able to get them.

While UC may not be that much lower than starting pay, there are no medical benefits or DC plan contributions on unemployment. It is better to have a job when looking for a job than not to have one.

So my question, as a utility worker, even if i am offered a fleet job...will it be at at my current senority/pay level or will the company offer to hire me at $7/hr. Hey I wouldnt mind smashing some customer bags around, for the right amount of money. But for $7/hr those bags can go in the dumpster for all I care.

Vote No!
Bob Owens said:
Maybe, but all we have is one person who is hiding their identity vouching for another, it means nothing.
So is he a union official or not?
MAYBE? Atleast he's doing something for the good of the people he works with what are you doing Bob? Personally I dont know if he's an union official or not, I do know that I saw him stand up to the IAM for what he believes in.
So yes maybe I do have an obsession
Admitting you have a problem is the first step toward recovery now is the time to talk to someone from the EAP. Youve taken the first step Im sure you'll be fine with the proper treatment/medication.
tug_slug said:
Admitting you have a problem is the first step toward recovery now is the time to talk to someone from the EAP. Youve taken the first step Im sure you'll be fine with the proper treatment/medication.

I said I may have an obsession with fun I didn't admit to a problem so I guess I am back to square one. Any more ideas Dr Deano?
usairways_vote_NO said:
I said I may have an obsession with fun I didn't admit to a problem so I guess I am back to square one. Any more ideas Dr Deano?
Any obsession isnt a healthy one funny or not and you yourself admitted to having an obsession... you dont need to be a DR to know that.
Anyway, I myself am having fun with this thread but I have to go to work. Oh, I forgot to tell you, I work for an airline that opened up a can of whoop a$$ on US Air approximately 10 years ago and hasnt stopped since. :shock:
stoopidute442 said:
So my question, as a utility worker, even if i am offered a fleet job...will it be at at my current senority/pay level or will the company offer to hire me at $7/hr. Hey I wouldnt mind smashing some customer bags around, for the right amount of money. But for $7/hr those bags can go in the dumpster for all I care.

Vote No!
$9 an hour -zero seniority
tug_slug said:
Any obsession isnt a healthy one funny or not and you yourself admitted to having an obsession... you dont need to be a DR to know that.
Anyway, I myself am having fun with this thread but I have to go to work. Oh, I forgot to tell you, I work for an airline that opened up a can of whoop a$$ on US Air approximately 10 years ago and hasnt stopped since. :shock:

Hello Tuggy reread my posts. I used the words "maybe" and "may" you might want to consult with your buddy 700 the meaning of words. From what I learned the meaning of may is "possible, probable, but not sure". So I have to say you are wrong I have not admitted it no quite the contrary.
tug_slug said:
MAYBE? Atleast he's doing something for the good of the people he works with what are you doing Bob?

Whatever I can.

As a TWU official I represented and helped my members on numerous occasions against both the company and the union.

I've urged support for the AFA when they said they would fight abrogation.

As a TWU Official I urged our leaders to stand up for the UAL workers when the company claimed they would abrogate their contracts. I said that we should tell the world that when the first contract is voided that all AFL-CIO airline workers will walk off the job. If our contracts have become one way streets where a company can abrogate at will then we should not honor them either and withdraw our labor until this injustice is rectified. The TWU International demanded that I retract my statement, claiming that I was putting TWU members at risk by suggesting that we should support other workers. I replied that they were putting the members at risk because whatever happens to them will eventually happen to us, you know "an injustice to one''''?

I've urged airline workers to pressure their "leaders" to take a more aggressive stand against the companies and the courts.

And yes, I've urged everyone to just say no to concessions, not just USAIR workers but my own coworkers as well.

My criticism of the TWU and how they screwed not only us, but every other airline worker cost me my position. My members did not remove me, the International did. I accused them of collaborating with the company in an attempt to put USAIR and UAL out of business so the TWU could get more members.

While a TWU officer I lobbied the top officials of the TWU, IAM and IBT to try and consolidate the ATDs into one union. The AFL-CIO encouraged me to pursue this but the leaders wanted no part of it, in fact the International cited my efforts at internal change as dual unionism.

So what have you done to make the lives of airline workers better?
Personally I dont know if he's an union official or not, I do know that I saw him stand up to the IAM for what he believes in.

And what might that be? Give the company whatever they want? He would make a perfect candidate for a TWU International official, no doubt that since the IAM is trying to emulate the TWU they may pick him up when U finally closes. When Pan Am shut their doors the TWU picked up varous stooges, many of them still hold positions in the TWU despite the fact that PAN AM has been gone for 13 years.
usairways_vote_NO said:
Hello Tuggy reread my posts.
As a TWU official I represented and helped my members on numerous occasions against both the company and the union
Yawn ... this is getting old.
Can you hear that? Its the sound of an airline ... let me rephrase that ... its the sound of an airline that makes money telling me its time to go to work. So both usair_vote_no and Bob Owens can both sit here all afternoon and cry "woe is me" Ive got a job to go to... a job that I do well I might add.
Anyway, stoopidute442 asked a legitimate question, does anyone have an answer to it?
tug_slug said:
Yawn ... this is getting old.
Can you hear that? Its the sound of an airline ... let me rephrase that ... its the sound of an airline that makes money telling me its time to go to work. So both usair_vote_no and Bob Owens can both sit here all afternoon and cry "woe is me" Ive got a job to go to... a job that I do well I might add.
Anyway, stoopidute442 asked a legitimate question, does anyone have an answer to it?

Yes when you get beat it gets real old real fast and time for excuses. Sorry you made dumb decision to stay with an airline and had nothing better in life to go for. Everything will be ok though I am sure. Good luck watch out for those tugs.

I have fun on this board whats your excuse you sound pretty bitter?
Let's see what was this thread about. Mmmmmm.
Oh yeah. M&E's take it or leave it offer from the company.

What was it that Hawk said?
If the IAM rejects this proposal, we will implement the 1113c proposal made in October. It is much worse.
So we sit here, trading insults amongst ourselves. That's why it will pass, and that's why we deserve it.

Management has hired job assassins who use psychological warfare to divide and conquer us. And look at us playing into their hands.

If we're going to vote no, close this company down, and walk away with nothing but the pride of doing the right thing; then we need to pull together and do it.

Otherwise, just shut-up and give them what they want. That way you'll get 15 short weeks of reduced pay, if the company doesn't wait till the vote is over and ask for relief from that too. (And they will).

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