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Iam 142 Final Offer

usairways_vote_NO said:
That quote sure sounds familiar heard that a lot on here hmmmm

How are you going to look for one while you are working?

How much difference is there between unemployment and working after the concessions?
700UW said:

Bob is a disgruntled AA mechanic who rears his head when things are bad at other airlines, urges everyone not to take concessions so AA will survive.
Yeah I know who he is and what he stands for and to be honest with you his style make me want to puke. Funny thing about Bob is that you dont see him commenting about AMFA and the concession's they just gave at United.

From what I was led to believe there was a severence package being offered with this T/A but come to find out there isnt one (or atleast not that Im aware of), if thats the case then Hawk has a good reason to worry about his job. This company's going down.
I have read 2 words today on here a lot and it makes my heart sing you guys are the best ... those 2 words? "vote_NO" part of my name. 🙂
Delldude - excellent picture of a UAIR mechanic in his diaper in a flop house!
tug_slug said:
Your reaching on this one Bob, theres nothing you can do or say from stopping this T/A from being ratified and IMO it will pass. Let it go... move on with your life.

In the words of 700 this is NOT a T/A I am surprized he didnt ding you on that wonder why?
Your obsession is not healthy.

See I know Tug Slug and I respect him, can't say the same for you.
700UW said:

Bob is a disgruntled AA mechanic who rears his head when things are bad at other airlines, urges everyone not to take concessions so AA will survive.

He was the ST at the TWU JFK Local till removed because he is an AMFA Supporter.

And you are an IAM scam artist who will do anything to preserve your position in the IAM.

Including standing by while your members get screwed.

By the way one of the reasons why the TWU International removed me was because when our turn for concessions came we were the only local that campained hard against them including taking out a full page ad in Tulsa urging the members to reject it, we didnt have the funds to do the same in MCI, and MCI provided the 700 needed to pass it. In hindsight if we had the time we should have taken out a loan.

Our concessions guaranteed that USAIR would come back for more from you!

We also took the International to court because of the concessions.

Our mechanics (Local 562)voted NO by over 90%.

I fought for my members, all of them, including stores, call and ask them if you like,not like you just sitting back doing whatever you can to never actually have to work under the conditions you put in place,offering weak pathetic "leadership". Leadersip is more than holding a title pal. Be a man for a change and stand up for your members, or are you afraid that you too will be removed and sent back to work under the conditions you helped put in place?

We provided leadership and fought against the concessions, no ambiguity here, none of this pathetic "we cant endorse this" crap but a fight.

So I can come here and confidently leave myself open to attacks from a useless POS like you because I am willing to do as I say. I accepted my responsiblities as a union leader and fought for my members instead of selling them out in the hopes of moving up in the union.

So tell us "Where are the Fighting Machinists"?
I am a full time US Airways employee, I do not work full time for the district. My paychecks say US Airways on them not IAM.

Hate to dissapoint you but no scam artist here, can you say the same? Why do you care so much about US Airways and not AA?

And I have spent my whole career at US fighting for the members and myself. Where do you think I have been for the past two months?
700UW said:
Where do you think I have been for the past two months?
If you had any sense at all, LOOKING FOR A JOB!!

Cheerio 😛

PS: Kidding 700uw…kidding
700UW said:
I am a full time US Airways employee, I do not work full time for the district. My paychecks say US Airways on them not IAM.

And I have spent my whole career at US fighting for the members and myself. Where do you think I have been for the past two months?

Big deal, we had full time International officers still getting paid by the company too.

Want to see the proof?

Didnt USAIR pay the IAM for all the expenses associated with the first round of concessions? How big will this check be?
Yep I will need a job if the final offer passes or not.

So Bob Owens tell me how I am protecting myself when I will be laidoff no matter what happens?

Let me say this S L O W L Y:

I am not a full time district officer, I work for US Airways, and I am going to be laidoff, if I was a district officer I would have nothing to worry about can you understand that?
700UW said:
Your obsession is not healthy.

See I know Tug Slug and I respect him, can't say the same for you.

So what you are saying is you like Tug-Slug so if he posts inaccurate information on here you let it slide BUT if someone else does that exact same inaccurate information and you just happen not to like that poster, you let your obsession with being the poster in the know blast that poster for posting inaccurate information? Is that how it works.

By the way I know who you are and can tell you I have no respect at all for you. So I could care less who you respect or don't respect.
Nope, just did not catch it, and I knew you would correct any mistakes made.
700UW said:
Nope, just did not catch it, and I knew you would correct any mistakes made.

I don't understand thats a diffent answer then your previous one. So is it because you missed it or out of respect for Tug or not?
700UW said:
Yep I will need a job if the final offer passes or not.

So Bob Owens tell me how I am protecting myself when I will be laidoff no matter what happens?

Let me say this S L O W L Y:

I am not a full time district officer, I work for US Airways, and I am going to be laidoff, if I was a district officer I would have nothing to worry about can you understand that?

So you dont hold any position within the IAM other than member?

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