It was an asset purchase, not a merger. And they did indeed receive their seniority for many purposes, including pay.
tell us what other airline hired even 1/3 of the PA employees that DL did.
You are right. You did write back then that you supported dovetail. Unfortunately, there were indeed US people who argued for stapling.
I did find this you 700 wrote on 23 Nov 2006
Well PIT does not like US, maybe you will understand that Seabury and associates working for US raised the money for the merger, not Doug nor America West.
And I could give a rat's ### about a CEO who lines his pockets at the worker's expense.
One merger is far from completed, the webpage is a mess and he wants another merger, he needs to be drug tested. (you still believe that?)
Nor’Easta 20 Nov 2006
All the non-union DL employees have had many chances to vote in a union. But, they always said "we have it better non-union." If this goes through; I bet they wish that a union was voted in. No Union = STAPLE!
Some other interesting quotes
LGA Fleet Service same date
You neglect to mention it's been fifteen years since Delta bought anything from another airline, while your boy Doug seems to have a shopping disorder.
Nov 26, 2006 by WhatNow
"Keep Delta My Delta"....hmmm for all you Delta folk down yonder in the's a news flash....USAirways don't want you neither! If USAirways employees were to wear buttons they would say "PLEASE, Keep Delta YOUR Delta".....unfortunately....the USAirways folks will SOON be wearing buttons that say..."Delta OUR Delta"! Be careful Kharma is a bi@#h to deal with when it comes around again
Written on Nov 26, 2006 by DL FlyGirl and still true.
Let history speak for itself here folks. Douugie is out smarting you and your unions. You'll find yourselves without a union to hide behind. You'll be merged into the Delta and remember DELTA doesn't have a union.
Delta merged with Western who had a union but when they became DL employees the left the contract behind.
When DL toook on the uniionized Pan Am workers once again their contradct was left behind.
There has never been a reason for DL to have a union. Our management as treated us fair enough to keep it out. If there were then Western and PA employees would have fought for one.
Sadly for you huys you've haven't the luck of good management for years hence the need for someone to speak for you.
Delta benefits are still superior to US's so what has your union done for you that Delta management hasn't done for us?
Same day, Delta Fly Boy
We have watched the non-lubricated screwing that unionized employees have received at other carriers and the majority of us, as always, want no part of that.
Through this whole 9-11 downturn we have weathered the storm the same or sometimes better then the workers who are "protected" under organized labor.
Same day, Aislehopper
I agree with you that there will be no collective action that would attempt to shut the airline down. It would not make our position any better.
Where I disagree is with your "scared" comment. The afa is marginally effective at best. At the time of the last vote, we were at or equal to our peers in pay and benefits.
You also have to admit that the afa claims and what it actually does are two different things.
Remember OSHA now? What about "if any one company does away with our pensions we are going to have a nationwide strike?"
Not voting in the afa was not due to timidness or fear, it was a statement that the afa did not meet its burden of proof that it could make a difference.
Longing4Piedmont 6 Dec 2006
What I would fear if I were you is what DL becomes after dougie gets told no AGAIN. You have poked a sleeping giant and they are mad. I would not want to be US and be competitior of DL when this is done.
PHX Mama
Many have expressed the same feeling although Doug has said that Delta was the better fit. If this falls apart I think NW is an option but with all the publicity surrounding the US/DL proposal I dont think it was a smokescreen. JMHO.
This one was really funny regarding LGA.
DL cedes its mainline gates. LCC retaining its terminal and MAT. Possibly ceding MAT in future if more, new, convenient gates are added adjacent to LCC terminal. (oops, guess that didn’t go as planned)
Wings396 on the thread USAir and Delta… NO GO.
Get a grip here pal, what you want and what happens are 2 different things
I am not the one saying that the deal is dead, nor am I saying that it will go thru. You on the other hand seem to have some type of "Inside" knowledge by knowing the end result already prior to any public announcement. You are doing nothing more than taking a shot in the dark with your posting. If you are a DL employee, what do you care who runs the Airline as long as you get a paycheck???
You can't be foolish enough to support the clowns that have been trying to run Delta for the last 5+ years, can you?
There's one fatal flaw in all this "creditors may like DL's offer better" line of argument --- who is going to front the money necessary to pay the unsecured creditors, and does DL standing on its own generate enough cashflow to make good on their commitments?
US Airways already has the financing lined up. DL doesn't, otherwise they would have already come forward with their POR for approval.
and then this thread