One scenario involving NW I can envision is a joint purchase of NWA. A group of 3 carriers, say AA, USAirways and FedEX buying NW, and then breaking it up. FedEx taking the cargo division, AA taking the Pacific routes and USAirways taking the rest. It would make sense for USAirways; more atlantic routes and compatible A/C. Close MEM, downsize MSP and keep DTW. Not likely to happen, but it sems plausible.
Now this is something that could happen. But with the cost reductions that's being implemented, Northwest's overall cost should be very low...And their route structure is solid, especially the Far East and European routes, and the DTW hub.
The insiders and the big money guys would not be keen on this though, as they're all looking for bigger $$$ after an initial public offering (IPO). Just look at the management team of US Airways, it's easy to see who's benefitting...(The biggest initial investor(s) is(are) still sitting on their shares.)
AMR is solid as a rock, and they can expand anywhere, (just about), and I believe they would only step in to buy parts of an airline, or be more aggressive if one of their major compepitors would try to invade their turf by way of a merger/buy-out.
US Airways' Parker is talking a lot, but let's remember, he has major negotiations to deal with. Seems like many of our (US Airways) pilots are drooling, seeing themselves in B747-400's soon...(I'm not kidding!). This talk from Parker, with the help from the analysts/investment houses/media, it makes for interesting cockpit discussions, that's about all.
My overall take: No legacy mergers, period! If anything, look for smaller targets...Alaska, AirTran, jetBlue...