Boston Base

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WorldTraveler said:
if he or you can't read what I wrote and understand what it says, then you are the one that needs help.anyone who understands English would have no problem understanding what I wrote.let me repeat. and anyone on here who thinks it is ok to post someone else's personal information on the internet which has not been authorized might want to spend a little time in front of a judge to understand that invading someone's personal space at their home is no different from doing it on the internet.if they want to play that way, I can do it too.Far better would be for a few people on here to grow up and learn to accept genuine criticism of their favorite enterprises, which primarily is American Airlines and the labor movement, specifically the IAM.the ability to engage in discussion that might highlight some of your flaws will come in handy elsewhere in life.
Totally understand , does the same go for you with criticism or is this just a one way street? Would that not be the fair way to do it?
I have no idea who you are referring to but the only people who need are the ones who like you can't engage in a discussion about a topic that involves criticism of your beloved IAM without resorting to personal attacks and a willingness to take the discussion beyond the realms of this board.

If that is what you want, then be absolutely assured I WILL do the same in return.
WorldTraveler said:
I have no idea who you are referring to but the only people who need are the ones who like you can't engage in a discussion about a topic that involves criticism of your beloved IAM without resorting to personal attacks and a willingness to take the discussion beyond the realms of this board.If that is what you want, then be absolutely assured I WILL do the same in return.
Take out IAM and replace with delta case closed!!!
Totally understand , does the same go for you with criticism or is this just a one way street? Would that not be the fair way to do it?
I don't post people's personal information and pass it around the internet if someone says something about Delta or anything else that I don't like.

we all have our loyalties and preferences but I do not do what some of the very people who are participating in this discussion have done to me.

I respect your loyalties and if you want to talk about those, fine. We can have a spirited if not even heated discussion.

I have no intention of engaging you off of this board or using anything I might know about you in any way that you have not authorized.

If others practiced the same thing, we'd all be fine.

but I will also not wilt or cower away from the threats and childish behavior of those who cannot play by the rules of this forum and of civilized society.

and if people here can't talk about business issues in the industry, then decide here and how either to stay out of them, ignore those threads, or ask the owners of the board to ensure those type of discussions stay off of the forum.
No you just threaten to sue them in court, tattle tale to DL Management on Kevin, threaten me to get hurt and show up at my door.
Yep, that is someone who is stable in their mind, NOT!
Still waiting for you to show up at my door, and keep up the with your M.O., that $2500 a month can be disappearing.
the hypocrite is you who can't engage in a conversation without putting personal information on the board.

Kevin is more than capable of standing up for himself.

He not only is a whole lot more articulate than you but he has the common sense which you could dearly use.

Leave Kev and everyone else out of it and deal with yourself.

when you can grow up and learn that you will face opposition in life and you might be a contributing member of society.

what seems abundantly clear is that you are incapable of accepting criticism and resolving problems peacefully and on your own.

You also demonstrate a complete disdain for authority and the preferences of anyone else in your attempt to continue pushing the limits.

Your actions here demonstrate the depth of your problems, not mine.

If you want to talk about the IAM or AA or US or anywhere else, then expect you will have to deal with dissenting opinions.

if you can't respond on the board and within terms that it requires of its users, including by protecting the privacy of other members, THEN STAY OFF>

quit blaming everyone else and dragging everyone else into the discussion when it is YOU who cannot accept criticism and can't resolve discussions peacefully.
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
PS.  Can anybody tell me if there is a thread where AA's Boston base plans (current/future) are discussed?
The combined scale and strength of the new AA in BOS is impressive - the combined carrier is now the largest network airline in the market by a fairly wide margin, with a comprehensive network and schedule offering.
As AA's regional sales MD said recently in BOS, I think it is entirely possible that we could see "a few more dots on the map" out of BOS in the future.  He apparently mentioned SFO specifically, which many of us have long speculated as a potential restart opportunity given the huge size of the local market, AA's relatively strong position in both markets and AA's traditional strength with corporate contracts.  Beyond SFO, I also don't think a resumption of RDU and YYZ are out of the question.  Both are large markets that now only have a single network carrier (Air Canada to YYZ, Delta to RDU), and both are places where, based on AA's own historical strength and present market penetration, it should be able to compete effectively.  On the flip side, I think some of the smaller regional markets currently flown by USAirways Express - like MDT and SYR - could be cut (on top of the already-loaded elimination of RIC).
robbedagain said:
Is it possible that AA would restart BOS-LHR or may be BOS-MAD at some point
Personally, as the economy improves and a more competitive cost structure allows IAG/Iberia to restrengthen the MAD hub, I think an AA 75L BOS-MAD - at least summer seasonal - could make a lot of sense.
You are the only one here making threats.
You threatened Eric with suing him, FACT.
You wished bodily harm on me, FACT
You said you are going to come to my door and tell my workers and clients how I post on a message board, FACT.
You threatened Kevin multiple times with going to Delta Management on him, FACT.
You dont act like a missionary, and you only have to blame yourself for the consequences of your actions.
thank you, Commavia for returning to the discussion.

yes, AA could grow in BOS.

SFO is a market which AA once served... but let's also remember that the Cornerstone plan removed all AA service except to the hubs from SFO.

Other carriers didn't see it that way. Someone else still serves HNL...

BOS-SFO is a route which UA is very likely to fight long and hard to defend, just as AA has defended BOS-LAX from newcomers as UA has pulled back.

RDU makes sense. Don't know how much of the traffic is under contract to DL and which can move but it would seem to be a reasonable market.

OTOH, AA started RDU-LAX after DL had operated it on and off and the market saw a lot more capacity plus BNA.

I'm not sure that DL is going to welcome AA in RDU-BOS with open arms.

but if AA wants to try, so be it.

problem is that many of the best markets are already served so any carrier that wants to expand into someone else's strength markets has to be prepared to lose something from someone else or have the financial strength to withstand the market skirmishes that will take place.

is AA better off with its RDU-LAX by now having DL in BNA-LAX?
700UW said:
You are the only one here making threats.
You threatened Eric with suing him, FACT.
You wished bodily harm on me, FACT
You said you are going to come to my door and tell my workers and clients how I post on a message board, FACT.
You threatened Kevin multiple times with going to Delta Management on him, FACT.
You dont act like a missionary, and you only have to blame yourself for the consequences of your actions.
get a life.

If there is a case against someone, then I can't do anything a judge wouldn't approve.

I made no threat because I have NO access to DL's 333s and you are nowhere near them.

for you to claim that I threatened you shows either YOUR PARANOIA which has no basis in reality or your willingness to justify your behavior by someone else's.
for the first time in your life, GROW UP and learn to resolve your own problems peacefully and by the rules and accept responsibility for your own actions.
they don't involve Kevin, they don't involve missionaries, they involve YOU.
You reap what you sow.
You have to live with your actions, you made threats to several people on this board, that is a fact.
Now you have to learn to deal with the consequences of your mental instability you show on the boards.
You dont act like a christian and you will now have to deal with your behavior, you did this to yourself.
You made the statements, not I, you wished bodily harm on me, doesnt matter if it happens or not, you made the threat.
See plenty of people have gotten in trouble with their behavior on the internet, you are just one of many.
eolesen said:
Oh well, another thread lost to "Winning!"....
He's probably already posted 100 times today.   Wow.   Forum cancer spreads like the real stuff.   
Couple weeks ago, a friend brought their autistic teenager to the party and the annoying nonsense the kid spouted nonstop was remarkably similar to today's gems.   
How has this Topic remained unlocked for so long? 
I know the Admins/Mods can't and shouldn't have to babysit every topic but I've seen posters booted for less in record time.
"Things that make one say HMMMMM?"
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