John Ward called it a merger in Skyword and in testimony to the Senate. I do not believe that the term you use is going to make any difference in the court proceedings as to whether the merging of the two groups was, "fair and equitable." In a Federal court proceeding before a jury, motivation of the parties and what they promised both verbally and on paper will scrutinized by the jury. It might be that a jury fill find that it was "fair and equitable." On the other hand, given the track record of APFA with the TWAers - exclusion from union meetings, taking away furlough pay, forcing them to commute, denying opportunity to fly international so that Aa F/As had to be deadheaded in to STL to fly the Int'l trips and more importantly APFA's failure to even speak to IAM representatives - it would seem to me that a jury would find that the SIA was not "fair and equitable." If it is found by a jury that AA did not live up to what was promised, and it certainly would appear not to be given Carty's remarks in a post above, then some sort of damages and remedy will result.
Although we may hold vastly differing opinions on the issue, having it all presented to a jury for deliberations may go a long way towards resolving the issue. Once settled legally, it will be up to the individual members of APFA and the TWAers as to whether they want to move on or rehash the issues forever. Hopefully the majority will move on.