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how do you want to board

Too long to remember. I am so East coast now. Well, Bridghid was very authoritative, and to appease her, I did make several attempts...first I picked up some old coconuts on the ground and threw them. I can't throw either. Then I tried using a stick. She finally said, "Oh forgit it! Geez!" I felt so Haole.

Thanks for the chuckle USCREW!!! Just the mental image of this had me in stitches!

Speaking of feeling "Haole", back in 1987 when I was a young pup flying with American I worked my very first HNL trip on the DC-10. During our layover I took offense when someone muttered "Mahalo" to me after a purchase at an ABC store. I seriously thought the person was calling me "Trash" as I recalled seeing "Mahalo" etched on the trash bin flaps in McDonalds and on the sidewalks throughout Waikiki! :lol: Oh, the stewardessaureses that I was working with had an absolute field day with that little misunderstanding at my expense! :blush:

Back to the topic, FCFS or DOH, I usually end up sitting on a jumpseat when I non-rev so I guess it doesn't matter either way....just as long as I can hold my "Nuts" on the jumpseat on my way to my destination!! :lol:
I do not care to travel with a computer just to check in on a flight(1st come 1st serve), seniority is much easier!!!!
Retirees have earned their place and should be given their seniority priority for travel back also.

THANKS! From your mouth to someone who makes policies ears. I'm not holding breath though. I spent 33 years with that policy and accepted it so that when my turn came, I'd have that benefit. Just after i retired, they changed the policy. Should have seen it coming, as I gained years of service, as I approached a tier ( 15 years, 20, 25 etc, they did away with the perk they had offered. You used to get an overnight in PIT with a VERY nice dinner for you and spouse at I think 20 or 25 years. 🙁

It will comfort me every time I get bumped by some young whipper-snapper.

Being a retiree, I'm expecting that. 🙁
Been thinking about this for a while, and got a question...

How does seniority boarding help you know "where you stand"? Seems to me that if you have middle level seniority, say 15 years, you could think you're in good shape, only to have someone with 30 years and a family of 6 come in at the last minute and swoop up all the open seats. With FCFS, no line jumping allowed. Of course, there are ways to game either system.

Am I missing something?
There is no jumping ahead if you show up at the last minute, you need to be at the gate no later then 30 minutes prior to departure, otherwise your seniority means nothing.

We have been over this before.
With FCFS, no line jumping allowed. Of course, there are ways to game either system.

Am I missing something?

I am curious about one thing. For example if someone is coming from hawaii and connecting in PHX to JFK, Could they not check in hours before for the hawaii and JFK flight sooner than some living in the PHX hub.

Would this not make any connecting passengers through the hub a higher chek in time than some one originating at the hub?
Senority up to One Hour prior to departure. At this point a Standby List should be posted as other airlines do. After the One hour Cutoff, it should be First Come First Served after that.
Been thinking about this for a while, and got a question...

How does seniority boarding help you know "where you stand"? Seems to me that if you have middle level seniority, say 15 years, you could think you're in good shape, only to have someone with 30 years and a family of 6 come in at the last minute and swoop up all the open seats. With FCFS, no line jumping allowed. Of course, there are ways to game either system.

Am I missing something?
I've asked that many times, and nobody has an answer. You only know where you stand when you get to the airport and see the list. You can only know before hand if you have access to Shares, pull up every non-rev PNR and then look up everybody's hire date.

With FCFS, you have a general idea based on how many non-revs are listed (with the old Compass system, it showed you how many are listed within each priority). When you do web check-in, it also tells you how many have checked in by priority. Your order doesen't change (unless someone with a higher priority lists & checks in--but that's also true with seniority). With seniority, your order CAN change anytime until the flight is closed.
Correct RJH. And I don't see how the gate will be able to track all this seniority baloney anyway. FCFS is the only fair way. I couldn't even imagine walking up to the gate and because I have been with the company 15 years bumping someone off because they only have 14 years. Talk about cruel !!!!
<SNIP> And I don't see how the gate will be able to track all this seniority baloney anyway.I couldn't even imagine walking up to the gate and because I have been with the company 15 years bumping someone off because they only have 14 years. Talk about cruel !!!!
All the easties revel in the cruel heartlessness of it all!


Correct RJH. And I don't see how the gate will be able to track all this seniority baloney anyway. FCFS is the only fair way. I couldn't even imagine walking up to the gate and because I have been with the company 15 years bumping someone off because they only have 14 years. Talk about cruel !!!!
I have heard that Shares can only sort the list by YEAR of hire, not by exact date. That leaves it up to the gate agents to sort by exact date. That seems like unnecessary work for the gate agents. Yes, Shares could probably be modified to sort by date--but why spend the time & money to do that?

Some people have advocated using seniority until 1 hour before departure, and then FCFS after that. It seems to me that the majority of non-revs don't show up much (if at all) before 1 hour anyway---especially a very senior person. So, that would make the entire process FCFS anyway!
I have heard that Shares can only sort the list by YEAR of hire, not by exact date. That leaves it up to the gate agents to sort by exact date. That seems like unnecessary work for the gate agents. Yes, Shares could probably be modified to sort by date--but why spend the time & money to do that?

Some people have advocated using seniority until 1 hour before departure, and then FCFS after that. It seems to me that the majority of non-revs don't show up much (if at all) before 1 hour anyway---especially a very senior person. So, that would make the entire process FCFS anyway!
Then so be it, if you want to exercise your senority, show up early. The problem lies that not everyone can check in on the web 12 hours prior. Should they be disadvantaged because the web site is down or they do not have access to a computer?
There is no jumping ahead if you show up at the last minute, you need to be at the gate no later then 30 minutes prior to departure, otherwise your seniority means nothing.

We have been over this before.
Can someone answer THIS question about FCFS? Seniority may not seem to fair to many but though both are not perfect it seens that FCFS has the most room for problems and unfairness. Just what I have observed so far.

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