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Pass Policy Announcement

I didn't see anything about those who are on involuntary furlough who fly on the MI program. Does any body know about that??? :blink:
GroundedBoricua said:
I didn't see anything about those who are on involuntary furlough who fly on the MI program. Does any body know about that??? :blink:

true that - hopefully they are smart enough to consider that situation - what if we are furlughed after the policy takes affect? this could happen considering the MDA position ( you should be ashamed of yourself GLASS ) !!!
GroundedBoricua said:
I didn't see anything about those who are on involuntary furlough who fly on the MI program. Does any body know about that??? :blink:
I just sent an e-mail to row23middle@usairways.com. It would not suprise me any and I was expecting it anyway, for them to yank their eo offer of travel. Maybe I will be surprised with the answer I get. Otherwise, I'd better plan to do any of my traveling soon! 😉

Let us know what you hear.....I always had a feeling they would try to figure out a way not to honor it, but CWA states the entire contract is being honored and that is part of the contract.

We shall see....
VFLR boarding prioirity is according to AFA cotract and is not according to company policy and provisions can not be changed.
livingontheedge said:

Let us know what you hear.....I always had a feeling they would try to figure out a way not to honor it, but CWA states the entire contract is being honored and that is part of the contract.

We shall see....
I will let everyone know as soon as I get a reply. According to CWA, the company will honor the early-out provision regarding travel benefits. I personally want to see it in writing, from the company :blink:
I just spoke with my CWA rep and he said that CWA is waiting for clarification on furloughee travel benefits.

He said that since it was agreed the the contract was going to be assumed, so would all provisions including prior travel benefit agreements for furloughees.

It estimated an answer on or about wed.
I just spoke with the USAirways travel office. I can not believe how rude she was. If they don't want us to call them then they should put out the info!

Anyway, here's the scoop.

The travel policy for anyone with an "MI" status (furloughees, early out folks...) will not be out until "sometime" in 2006. They do not know when. For now, we can NOT travel on any America West flights. We are a boarding status SA4 on USAirways. An active America West employee would have boarding priority over us no matter WHAT their senority. I don't get it. Tomorrow, the entire company is now USAirways. Only the aircraft have not been painted yet. So if they are still keeping HP and US seperate, why is it that they have priority over us if the aircraft says USAirways, but we have NO travel if the aircraft is painted America West?
livingontheedge said:
  We are a boarding status SA4 on USAirways.  An active America West employee would have boarding priority over us no matter WHAT their senority.

HP employees on US will be S5 according to the PDF file above.
S4 (MI and some retired) will still go on ahead of an HP employee. I guess the travel office didnt get the memo. 🙄
tadjr said:
HP employees on US will be S5 according to the PDF file above.
S4 (MI and retired less than 25 years) will still go on ahead of an HP employee. I guess the travel office didnt get the memo. 🙄

Wow, SOmeone who is aware! Thanks!

One more thing, what did you hear about MI employees and their parents after October 5th! I am pretty sure you have the best info... you always give great and accurate posts on this forum! :up:

I questioned the travel office on the S5 boarding status....she said any ACTIVE America West employee would go before an "MI" status. She said, and rudely I might add, that it is status quo, we would go after any active employee. She said WITHIN the active employees, USAirways would go before America West on USAirways flights and vice versa.

Anybody else hear anything? Maybe we should all call the travel office and see how many different stories we get.

Anyone working at the airports who have any other info?
livingontheedge said:
It has been my experience that calling the travel office for information is like pullling teeth! I also agree that most are incredibly rude and without compassion.

Perhaps because those in crystal city will be without jobs soon? At any rate, no use taking it out on us!
1. I believe that PitBull and others are correct in stating that we furloughees will keep our travel benefits because it is in our group's contract.

2. I will anxiously await the furloughee travel policy.

3. I have to defend the folks at travel (all of HR as well). This is a very difficult time for them and I'm sure they're being deluged with questions. They have always been very helpful to me and I'll cut them a lot of slack right now.

4. Also, I note that the rule says no travel after "voluntary" separation. I volunteered for a furlough but the company and NC's Department of Labor considered it involuntary because if I hadn't taken it then someone else would have been forced to take it. I believe that the same could be said for all voluntary furloughes. right?

Also, thanks TADJR for the helpful info,

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