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Can you check in for more than 1 flight at a time?
Let's say I'm flying to MIA...check-in 12 hours prior...1st on list with 1 seat avail.
I don't get on....so I decide to try the FLL flight and drive to MIA.
Can I check in for both MIA and FLL 12 hours before or am I at the bottom of the list for the FLL flight?
Can you check in for more than 1 flight at a time?
Let's say I'm flying to MIA...check-in 12 hours prior...1st on list with 1 seat avail.
I don't get on....so I decide to try the FLL flight and drive to MIA.
Can I check in for both MIA and FLL 12 hours before or am I at the bottom of the list for the FLL flight?

Ladies and gentleman,
Ive been working for ths airline for 21 years, and senority is the only fair way to non rev...period!

This airline is a combination of four airlines and senority is how we are layed off, bid our positions and our days off.I currently have tues. wed off on third shift.
Because of senority.I will not loose my seat to a junior employee . It would be wrong and unfair.

Im sure that junior employees support the first come boarding policy.

This also pertains to jobs in every department.We have junior employees working ,while senior mechanics and flight attendents and pilots are on furlough.This isnt right.The empoyees in this company and there familys have given a lot for the sucess of the whole airline.

Our union the Iam proposes to let senority rule while The Ibt wants to fence and protect the west.This is not right.
We have all lived and died by senority.This argument goes on in every employee group.

I was layed of in 95 by a senior employee.I had 2 babys at home and it was a terrible time in my life.Now 11 years later, the company wants to let senority go by the wayside
especially the west.Senority is the only fair way to board the aircraft for non revs.It is also the only fair way to intregate the workforce.The only employees who think other wise are junior.Lets all be fair.Those of us who have paid are dues with our years of service deserve nothing less.

The company has taken so much from us.Senority is all we have left.Protect it.Eventually it works for everyone.

There are plenty of employees senior to me, and I graciously,understand and respect there years of service.
Can you check in for more than 1 flight at a time?
Let's say I'm flying to MIA...check-in 12 hours prior...1st on list with 1 seat avail.
I don't get on....so I decide to try the FLL flight and drive to MIA.
Can I check in for both MIA and FLL 12 hours before or am I at the bottom of the list for the FLL flight?
I don't see why not; they would obviosly be under separate PNR's. Now it would be a little questionable if you could do that for for 2 flights operating out of hte same city.
Currently East doesn't have access to west computer check-in so it doesn't help. But when we do 12 hours is better. But hopfully it will be by senority. It is alot easier. BTW I flew a couple of legs this last wknd on west acft. They were the most uncomfortable seats I've ever had. Like sitting on plywood with my knees jammed in to the seat ahead of me. From what I hear all of them are the same. I couldn't imagine having to pay money for that. The End
BTW I flew a couple of legs this last wknd on west acft. They were the most uncomfortable seats I've ever had. Like sitting on plywood with my knees jammed in to the seat ahead of me. From what I hear all of them are the same. I couldn't imagine having to pay money for that. The End

They are pretty much like the seats on WN, UA, AA, NW, US, CO... <_<
Aircraftmechanic -

I respectfully disagree with people when they say that "it is the only fair way" to do something.

From your prospective, it may be the only fair way to do something, but there may be alternatives out there that we have yet to explore.

Everyone has an opinion on what is right for them or a prefered method to handle the situation. I am sure that many HP employees feel that first come - first serve is "the only fair way" to non-rev.

Are there any alternatives out there that would be a good alternative?
Hey, if they go time of checkin, my finger is on the enter button at 12 hours exactly. Some days I'd make out better with this system than seniority.
What really sucks (for some) is retirees going to the bottom. Now my travel buddy (who is retired) can be the one sitting in coach while I'm enjoying the Envoy seat he used to bump me out of all the time! 😉 I'd probably end up giving it to him just so I didnt have to listen to him the rest of the trip talking about his flight in steerage!

I dont know if it would be possible to program the computer system to do DOH check in from 12 hours before flight time until 2 hours before flight time, then everyone else who gets on the list goes by time of checkin? This would be ok during normal ops, but would suck if something canx and you had to reroute from your planned route at the last minute.
How "bout we all are considered "New Hire" as of Jan. 1st 2006 and go by age for seniority. Everyone must submit their time of birth for accuracy. After all, it's supposed to be an all new company! No, I'm not that old! Maybe we should start at the youngest. No that would'nt work either. Lets star at 44 and 3 months at 11pm pst. old and work outwards in both directions. That would definately work for me! :up:
Might as well make it time of listing. Within "classifications," it's how customers have done standbys and upgrades for years. "The early bird gets the worm" as opposed to "bumped off their only flight home because somebody with 40 years shows up with 11 minutes left."

It's amazingly like the real world--you don't see them doing security lines by seniority, nor lines at the local Costco, nor lines at the post office. You show up early. It's really quite simple. I am constantly amazed by the "seniority--the only fair way" crowd and can assume they've never waited on line for anything else in life...

And Tad--the "finger on the button right at 12 hours" is in essence what FFs have been doing since the dawn of online checkin. Before I was CP, I used to run by the airport on my lunch hour to checkin, to better my upgrade chances.
Might as well make it time of listing. Within "classifications," it's how customers have done standbys and upgrades for years. "The early bird gets the worm" as opposed to "bumped off their only flight home because somebody with 40 years shows up with 11 minutes left."

It's amazingly like the real world--you don't see them doing security lines by seniority, nor lines at the local Costco, nor lines at the post office. You show up early. It's really quite simple. I am constantly amazed by the "seniority--the only fair way" crowd and can assume they've never waited on line for anything else in life...

And Tad--the "finger on the button right at 12 hours" is in essence what FFs have been doing since the dawn of online checkin. Before I was CP, I used to run by the airport on my lunch hour to checkin, to better my upgrade chances.
I like the idea of doing it by time of listing.

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