If you will look in the employment sections in the Newspapers you will find different sections for employment opportunities. One section may have opportunities for Professional & Administrative, and others with Technical & Trades which is what you fall under for your type of work. Now scan through the adds and then you decide for yourself if you are in a better position...! I think you will see for yourself that your elitist attitude does not carry much weight in the "REAL WORLD"........!!!!!!!!
Where do I have an elitist attitude? You are the reason the aircraft mechanics are disrespected the way we are. Thanks! [/quote]
You ask a sincere question of TWU supporters, and EXPECT a "real union man" answer ???????????/
As a retired FSC, who supports AMT's like you and Bob Owens, TO THE HILT, I say, "Save your breath" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know as well as I do, why AMFA lost. It,s called UNION MEN, and WANNABEE union men !!!!!!!!!
It's called "regional" politics. OUTSIDE of the TRIANGLE !!!!!!!!!
Triangle ?????? Yup, "outside the triagle"
Open up a map of the USA. Lay it flat. Take your pencil, and start at BOS.
Run a line from BOS to DCA. Run a second line from DCA to ORD. Run a third line fron ORD, back to BOS. Finally, run a line from LAX to SEA.
ANYWHERE not covered by those lines, means there are no REAL union men residing there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One LONE EXCEPTION, that being the guys and gals, who are from "okie", and Texass, who voted for AMFA. Those folks REALLY put there necks out, due to the fact that they have to work along side the TWU/company (SAME THING) people, until the next vote comes along.
Geez, that "union map, I suggested looks like the 2000 presidential "SE-LECTION" map.
Not all is lost though, although AMFA lost out THIS TIME, at least the RED/BLUE map is gonna' get a lot more BLUE, in november !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!