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Amfa has chosen to outsource work

You lying piece of dog crap! AMFA chose to outsource?
FOR THE 10,000th time!!!! NWA 747 and DC 10 work went to Singapore under the IAM!!!!!!!

AMFA's members at NWA were not given the choice of concessions post 9/11 but if they were I find it hard to believe they would have accepted anyway. GET THAT? THE MEMBERSHIP probably would not have accepted concessions!
I guess you would have ran to management crying "please take our pay and holidays.. take vacation too, just don't outsource any work... pleeeeease."

I take that back. I don't guess you would have, I know you would have.
Nightwatch said:
Trust me on this one Bob, I have been scrolling your posts since I found this board and read your first short story. And yes Bob, you care how I feel. People that ramble like you have the need to be heard, you care. Possibly from being ignored in the real world, or as a child, but you have that desire Bob, it's quite evident.

Funny that you reply in blue ink, our industry colors some items with blue, if you get my drift, well done.
Well they may be your reasons but they are not mine.

I'm here because I found this the best way to spread infomation.
The whole point ot all these ramblings is this,

The people in the high cost of living areas can not live with the conecssions, the TWU and AA spread the fear and force a division between the line and over-haul. Carry TULE and u carry the vote.

The line people don't want any work contracted out, but at the same time they don't want to accept pay cuts to keep people working, wheter its line or over-haul. The whole idea of a union is not job security, but the betterment of wages and benefits and working conditions!

When you allow the company to see that jobs are more important then benefits and pay, they will continue to take the latter away with the threat of job loss or furloughs. They are not stupid, they contract out what ever they want, if its in house it because it benefits them.

AA can not fall below a certain level in its staffing, with the current concessions they have gotten their cake and get to eat it also. They received their monitary concessions and they still laid -off the work force. They have not been replacing those of our brothers and sisters who leave so its a further reduction. They are taking a hard line approach on all issues and are quick to discipline and terminate employees, what does all this lead to, further down sizing and intimidation of the employees. You better tow the line, we are watching you.

They violate our weak contract language every day, why because they can, the greivance docket now takes over a year to bring a case forward. So they can trample on the contract and so what if they lose in arbitration, they reap the benefits for over a year.

The 29D concernig the force majure, that was filed back in 2001 has still not been heard what does that say about the TWU.

Its time to take back our Union, the membership is the union, not the Local boards, not the ATD, not the International. Read about Roberst Rules of order, learn them, we the membership direct the boards not the the other way around, make demands and organize yourselves. define a action plan and gather supports. 😛h34r:
You stated that the Company and the TWU made a "line division". I think not. Have you ever been around the line mentality, the heroes of our airline? The union doesn't tell them to act almighty, the company doesn't say act big, it's a common attitude known as "I'm a line hero".

And bottom line boys and girls, line or O/H, if you cannot live on these wages, go find a job that pays more, simple logistics. Work=money....need more money need to work more ya think?
A real unionist has spoken.

Negotiate concessions and like it or leave!
Nightwatch said:
You stated that the Company and the TWU made a "line division". I think not. Have you ever been around the line mentality, the heroes of our airline? The union doesn't tell them to act almighty, the company doesn't say act big, it's a common attitude known as "I'm a line hero".

And bottom line boys and girls, line or O/H, if you cannot live on these wages, go find a job that pays more, simple logistics.
Dont like it leave?

Isnt that managements line?

Isnt that why workers formed unions in the first place?

Is it me or do TWU advocates sound like management?

"Work=money....need more money need to work more ya think?"

So what are you saying? That the 40 hour work week with a living wage is no longer the objective of the labor movement, or just the TWU?

I read where Little was boasting about how his concessions were forcing us to get second jobs. Nowe he wants to "reach out" to us. Yea right.

If you will look in the employment sections in the Newspapers you will find different sections for employment opportunities. One section may have opportunities for Professional & Administrative, and others with Technical & Trades which is what you fall under for your type of work. Now scan through the adds and then you decide for yourself if you are in a better position...! I think you will see for yourself that your elitist attitude does not carry much weight in the "REAL WORLD"........!!!!!!!!

Where do I have an elitist attitude? You are the reason the aircraft mechanics are disrespected the way we are. Thanks! [/quote]

You ask a sincere question of TWU supporters, and EXPECT a "real union man" answer ???????????/

As a retired FSC, who supports AMT's like you and Bob Owens, TO THE HILT, I say, "Save your breath" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know as well as I do, why AMFA lost. It,s called UNION MEN, and WANNABEE union men !!!!!!!!!

It's called "regional" politics. OUTSIDE of the TRIANGLE !!!!!!!!!

Triangle ?????? Yup, "outside the triagle"

Open up a map of the USA. Lay it flat. Take your pencil, and start at BOS.
Run a line from BOS to DCA. Run a second line from DCA to ORD. Run a third line fron ORD, back to BOS. Finally, run a line from LAX to SEA.

ANYWHERE not covered by those lines, means there are no REAL union men residing there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One LONE EXCEPTION, that being the guys and gals, who are from "okie", and Texass, who voted for AMFA. Those folks REALLY put there necks out, due to the fact that they have to work along side the TWU/company (SAME THING) people, until the next vote comes along.


Geez, that "union map, I suggested looks like the 2000 presidential "SE-LECTION" map.

Not all is lost though, although AMFA lost out THIS TIME, at least the RED/BLUE map is gonna' get a lot more BLUE, in november !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nightwatch said:
You stated that the Company and the TWU made a "line division". I think not. Have you ever been around the line mentality, the heroes of our airline? The union doesn't tell them to act almighty, the company doesn't say act big, it's a common attitude known as "I'm a line hero".

And bottom line boys and girls, line or O/H, if you cannot live on these wages, go find a job that pays more, simple logistics. Work=money....need more money need to work more ya think?
Nightwatch, not to downplay the importance of the overhaul stations., but the line stations have a more direct relationship to the bread and butter of an airline.
Unlike you, CIO, and TWUer, I think ALL maintenance work is equally vital to an airline. I would never belittle the importance of any mechanic in any capacity. But in reference to your line station comment, the line stations are where the passengers go from point A to point B. Suppose TUL has, say 8 -10 aircraft out of service at any given time due to heavy checks. Scheduling had already planned on those aircraft to be out of the operation. Now, take 8-10 aircraft out of service at any line station at any given time. Now your looking at cancellations, changes of equipment that will have a domino effect around the system. Not to mention pissed off passengers.
One LONE EXCEPTION, that being the guys and gals, who are from "okie", and Texass, who voted for AMFA. Those folks REALLY put there necks out, due to the fact that they have to work along side the TWU/company (SAME THING) people, until the next vote comes along.

Man, you backpedalled so fast here you broke the sprocket! So by your statements the only union men are amfa men?

And Owens...care to show us where Little was bragging he forced us to obtain second jobs.

So what are you saying? That the 40 hour work week with a living wage is no longer the objective of the labor movement, or just the TWU?

Why do you ask what I am saying and then follow with your stupid comments? Typical no integrity I love delle style.
Are you a former TWA employee?
Nightwatch said:
What would it matter if I was or was not? Are you? Please do share.
Buck, he/she is. Go back a read some of the ineptitude of someone who should have retired long ago but can't because of all the concessions the iam goons sold the poor ex-TWA souls. You would have thought they would have learned by now.

Hackman said:
Buck, he/she is. Go back a read some of the ineptitude of someone who should have retired long ago but can't because of all the concessions the iam goons sold the poor ex-TWA souls. You would have thought they would have learned by now.

Retired long ago? And at such an early age? You are so full of amfa you can't see straight. Tell me something Hackett, how did you get out of your little "strongarm" antics in the parking lot? You been putting in OT with management? Seems like that incident got swept under the table, right along with your knees. Well done.

Let's see, all the unions have sold the workers down the road, except amfa.
All the unions have gone to bed with management except amfa.
amfa is good.
amfa will feed you.
amfa will be your best friend.
amfa will save you from all bad and evil things.
amfa is our salvation.
amfa is our only hope.
amfa can replace your family dog as your best friend.
welcome amfa.
love amfa.
embrace amfa.
send money to amfa.

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