Bagbelt said:More than 2 drinks in an hour and you're legally intoxicated, so please spare me the hypocrisy unless you can say you have never driven. BTW i deal w/ a/c mechanics who have problems- there are more than you think.
never said people dont have a few and drive, I said I only knew 3 persons in my life who had DWI's all were alcholics and paid a heavy price. you said "most of the people you know in the buisness have had a DWI" I disagree with that estimate unless of course you mean the TWU LEADERSHIP then I may believe that to be fact :blink:Bagbelt said:More than 2 drinks in an hour and you're legally intoxicated, so please spare me the hypocrisy unless you can say you have never driven. BTW i deal w/ a/c mechanics who have problems- there are more than you think.
Bagbelt said:If you lose your drivers license you're gone.
Garfield1966 said:Why do you need a drivers licence?
Garfield1966 said:What role does EAP play in this? I thought if you go to EAP before you are busted, all is forgiven.
To Whom It May Concern:
Another important issue to address here as to why one would not want the twu as their certified bargaining agent is that the twu tends to collude with the company by promoting FEL0NS, convicted DWI'S, POSSESORS OF DRUGS, and etc... to protect their hand picked "UNELECTED twu REPs" while maintaining their "ongoing collaborative" relationships with the company. I personally know of several twu INTERNATIONAL officers that have recently been convicted of DWIs, FELONIES, and DRUG POSSESSIONS and have received no adverse impact to their employment with the company.
Guess the fact that the twu uses these "Dregs" of society to secure their relationship with their LEAD BENEFACTOR, the company, is a solid indicator that one would choose not to employ the twu to steal their dues and wholesale their jobs!
Its all about Love!
Dan Cunningham
Dear Bagbelt,
I guess your overpowering intellect might have brought some words together that weren't together in the original text. Let me point this fact out. Here is the quote; "the twu tends to collude with the company by promoting FELONS, convicted DWI's, POSSESORS OF DRUGS, and etc... to protect their hand picked "UNELECTED tuw REPs..." Now, for your information, in the manner the quote is written there is not a statement regarding a first time dwi being a felony and etc... Do you not understand the English language or do you have company/twu "doublespeakitis?"
Let me know if you do not understand this idea further. I can only try to explain that each item as listed is stand alone. I know a company agent by the name of Pat Stewart that had a difficult time explaining the use of such language to an arbitrator regarding Article 29(f) and he and his company agents ended up losing a major arbitration case, against me! Did you perhaps study English with Pat?
Well, regardless of your inability to understand simple English, the fact remains that the TWU International embraces; Drunks, Punks, Cowards, Felons, Possessor's of Illicit Drugs, Wife Beaters, Functional Illiterates, Former AA Managers and other Dregs of Society. These cases have all been thoroughly documented.
Remember, its all about Love,
Dan "The Company Man" Cunningham
I dont know Dan personally but I do know his opinion of the twu officers is a correct one. Its nothing out of the ordinary to have these guys get stoned and full of beer muscles go at it over something silly. Just ask the local 514 current president.Oh Shut Up!
You're a pathetic fool!
I don't remember insulting you personally. All I know is that I was out longer than you and won through my own work, the union wasn't there for me either. I would advise you to be more careful who you throw accusations at, that's art.32 territory.
Wrong Dan, works at AA and is anti-twu.Dan is a NWA Flight Attendant who was pro-Teamsters. The Teamsters were voted out by the NWA F/A's and now his efforts are focused on getting the TWU or AFA in. He is po'd that the PFAA is representing the NWA F/A's and not a AFL-CIO union.
I don't remember insulting you personally. All I know is that I was out longer than you and won through my own work, the union wasn't there for me either. I would advise you to be more careful who you throw accusations at, that's art.32 territory.