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Home > Airline Biz Blog Horton: We’re not going to say what we’ll do if unions turn down proposed co


if they dont know what they want to do lets force the issue and find out what they will do. probably
LBO III or the next best to last offer.
He didn't say they didn't know what they will do, he said lets set what the unions do first. His comment, "I think the tentative agreements that were reached, after a lot of hard work on both sides of the table," with regard to the TWU might be a stretch. According to Bob there were ultimatums presented with little discussion and movement on AA's part.
Funny how there are no threats here.
He quite clearly does not want the labor war sure to ensure if the 3-22 term sheets are implemented.
After reading this anyone voting yes for this needs their head examined.
Line,Overhaul let's stand together and fix this.
Turn this P.O.S. down and stand up for ourselves.
We deserve better (complete) language.
We deserve some measure of job protection
We deserve better then THIS crap we are voting on!.
DMN: There are a significant number of union members who have said turning down the contract has no bad consequences really, that there’s more an upside by trying to get a better contract. Can they count on that?
Horton: “I think the tentative agreements that were reached, after a lot of hard work on both sides of the table, really do represent the best outcome for the company and the best outcome for the people of the company. That’s the way I think about it.”

I was told at my last union meeting that the company handed the LBO v2.0 to the negotiating committee and said this is it. There was no negotiating. It was more of an ultimatum. So where was the so called hard work that Horton is referring too?
Best outcome for the company? Best outcome for the executives, lawyers and the TWU International. The rest of us are getting screwed. Still want to vote Yes?