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Ideas on what we can do to cut costs at US airways …or generate revenue 2

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No mike , my ideas are not silly , and it is Definitely my idea to give certain people “ideas†…

Our company is in trouble , perhaps not at this very SECOND … but heading into the FUTURE we will be .. It’s hard for you to see ,because tomorrow isn’t here yet , but we have to fight that future war TODAY .. That’s what I’m proposing …

I don’t care if every last worker is against what I propose .. That doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea to generate revenue or cut costs , IN ORDER TO SAVE OUR COMPANY ……

I have to admit I do find it HARD to believe that most people on here won’t even look at the idea with an open mind …. In the other threads on here people are predicting doom and gloom for our company , yet I’m not allowed to discuss the most radical idea to cut/generate revenue ? My idea doesn’t come out of ANYONES pocket , unless they chose too .. Much like the al carte service we’re offering to our customers ….

It’s time to take all of the facts and add them up

Over capacity


High price of oil

Shrinking consumer base …

It’s the freaking perfect storm
what is the company doing to help me/co workers offset my fuel charges??? I am sure I can not agree with "charging employees to non rev"....we are all having a hard time putting food on the table and gas in our car......this is not the answer....how about not letting so many big wigs travel on US for free??? They can surely afford the surcharge you are suggesting....raise the fares and get it over and done with!!!!! Fares have not really been raised on over 10 years....
Please end this foolish, stupid thread all together! Freedom, obviously doesn't realize the sacrifice MANY of US have made years on end?! I would like to see DP and SK, and all Stockholder's to start paying for the crisis they started in the first place! Start spending your millions on the current fuel crisis for once!! I am sick of this crap. Deal with it!!
Give back at least half the salary, bonuses you made over the last 3 years!! Layoff all the corporate postions, and supervisors that our out of control, and don't do sh!t anyway????!
Maybe we would have enough to hedge fuel for years to come!! Let WN be an example of how to run A real Airline, and for your continued mismanged mistakes!! :angry: 🙄 Spineless, conspiracy, and now whining we can't pay the bills?? :down: :down:
One would be surprise of the amount involved in free space positive travel by executives and ex- executives and there families. Do they deserve it? Do the common employees deserve free space available travel?
Maybe it should be address in the same breath
Perhaps now the insanity will stop. I'm glad someone actually put out some actual concrete numbers. Now we can leave the money generating ideas to the people that are actually paid to do so.
you mean there are actually people being paid to generate money?? Those people, and the one that hired them should be fired!!!!! :shock: :shock:
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