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hillary 2016

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cltrat said:
and this is the person some posters here have told us for three years was a stone cold mortal lock to win the white house
Tragically; the lefties can and DO successfully rely on "the stupidty of the American voter", the very sort of "useful idiots" we see daily demonstrated on even just these boards alone, and "lack of transparency is a huge political advantage...call it the stupidity of the American voter"...."
Glenn Quagmire said:
So can you please answer a few questions related to your post:

Define "Hildabeast" or its meaning

Define the meaning of "cankle" or "cankle queen"

Define the term "Bildo"

Thanks in advance.

And I am not sure but, I am almost certain that nobody calls Kev3188 "Kevy". Maybe his wife or children?
Lol. Nope, not even them...
cltrat said:
it's disgusting that obama's DoD wants to demote General Petraeus yet she won't even get indicted.but then I pretty hope she doesnt at this point she'll get shredded for it in the general election
I just want to see her perp walked in handcuffs, but it would be fun to see her shredded at the polls also. Either way, its gonna be fun to watch. Petraeus was in the milirary brass, so he must pay for his mistakes. Hildabeast is an above the law libtard politician, so she must be protected by Obammy and his minions.


Neal Boortz's preferred name for a certain harpy of a senator from New York State. Though the media has been portraying her as the next Presidential candidate, despite being the little difference between her and Medussa.
"Oh look, the Hildabeast is coming town to give a speach on wealth distribution."


The area in affected female legs where the calf meets the foot in an abrupt, nontapering terminus; medical cause: adipose tissue surrounding the soleus tendon, probably congenital, worsened by weight gain and improved in appearance only by boots. From the English "calf" meaning wide portion of the lower leg, and "ankle" meaning slender joint of leg with foot.
If I didn't have cankles, I might be able to wear those Prada loafers with my capri pants.


Nick name for Billy.. 

Merge of the words: Billy and Dildo... 
I love Bildo. I use him when i'm horny.
I'll attempt to help out here for a little reach around, er , I mean reach across the aisle to my friends on the left.
delldude said:
I'll attempt to help out here for a little reach around, er , I mean reach across the aisle to my friends on the left.
An official definition, very nice. Hopefully Quagtard will understand it, since its not animation domination. Just one deference in my spelling for Billy Bob Clinton. I use "Billdo" instead of "Bildo" so as not to confuse the rubber one from the professional liar and his war on women.

The libtard howling has gotten rather silent lately eh? Hildabeast for prison 2016!!!
Kev3188 said:
Maybe they're busy working... Or shoveling...
They're working a second job I guess, this BB dont pay much. See the Hildabeast lying again today? No Top Secret emails, just can't help herself. Her sickness is unreal.
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