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hillary 2016

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Letter from Intel Community IG describes breached security level:
"Several dozen"

Notice he sent the SAP intel under separate cover IAW secrecy protocol and laws.
The door on the Hildabeast gallows is getting ready to drop. Buh by cankle queen, enjoy your extended stay at the crow bar hotel. Party time for Bildo!!!!
What're the odds you can make a post mention HRC w/o either butchering her name or disparaging remarks about her physical appearance? I'm sure even you can still make a solid point without having to default to name calling.
Kev3188 said:
What're the odds you can make a post mention HRC w/o either butchering her name or disparaging remarks about her physical appearance? I'm sure even you can still make a solid point without having to default to name calling.
The odds? About zero. It's all in good fun Kevy, the leftist's scream names and nasty insults in the media and here more often than anyone, turnabout is fair play. Bush Jr has been out of office for almost 8 years, and the name calling/insults still continue today, Bush this Bust that (700DA and NHBB ring a bell?).
However, I might stop hammering the Cankle Queen when she's sent to prison, I'll let you know, K?
Hackman said:
The door on the Hildabeast gallows is getting ready to drop. Buh by cankle queen, enjoy your extended stay at the crow bar hotel. Party time for Bildo!!!!
So can you please answer a few questions related to your post:

Define "Hildabeast" or its meaning

Define the meaning of "cankle" or "cankle queen"

Define the term "Bildo"

Thanks in advance.

And I am not sure but, I am almost certain that nobody calls Kev3188 "Kevy". Maybe his wife or children?
Glenn Quagmire said:
So can you please answer a few questions related to your post:
Define "Hildabeast" or its meaning
Define the meaning of "cankle" or "cankle queen"
Define the term "Bildo"
Thanks in advance.
Sure thing Quagtard. Hildabeast=Hillary Rodham Clinton's face/persona. The fact she's such a hag. Cankle Queen=Hildabeasts ankles/calves thats merge into one large mass at the top of her shoes. This is why she hides them under pantsuits.
Billdo=Bill Clinton. His "war on women", sexcapades, and his blatant lies to the american people while serving as a failed president that made a mockery of the office.
Thanks for asking.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Define "Hildabeast" or its meaning
Easily done. The finest possible definition can be seen below:  "I remember landing under sniper fire....I must have misspoke....I was sleep deprived....I don't know what I was thinking..." Any number of "excuses" can and predictably ALWAYS will come forth from clinically obvious, pathological liars:
and this is the person some posters here have told us for three years was a stone cold mortal lock to win the white house
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