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hillary 2016

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Hackman said:
They're working a second job I guess, this BB doesn't dont pay much. See the Hildabeast lying again today? No Top Secret emails, just can't help herself. Her sickness is unreal.
she apparently thinks her voting base is stupid at least she's right about that
Hackman said:
They're working a second job I guess, this BB dont pay much. See the Hildabeast lying again today? No Top Secret emails, just can't help herself. Her sickness is unreal.
It is disgusting, isn't it?
The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn't followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency's investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV.

"I have friends that are in the FBI and they tell me they're ready to indict," DeLay said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show."

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/tom-delay-hillary-clinton-indict-fbi/2016/01/25/id/710813/#ixzz3yJO412Pv
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delldude said:
"Pet­raeus admitted that he improperly removed and retained highly sensitive information in eight personal notebooks that he gave to Broadwell."

There in lies the difference. Hitlery will be dragged to prison, kicking and screaming, before admitting to any wrongdoing!
Whether or not she gets indicted won't be the issue. Everyday she is proven to be a pathological liar time and time again, which will turn moderates against her.
Of course you have to remember the poll from your most trusted and approved polling source, Quinnipiac on Hillary's character, don't you?  

The most frequent words that come to mind when Americans think about Hillary Clinton are "liar" and "dishonest." That's according to a new national poll from Quinnipiac that asked more than 1500 registered voters to say the "first word" that comes to mind when they hear the Democratic presidential frontrunner's name.
The most frequently mentioned word was "liar," with 178 people mentioning the word. Next on the list are "dishonest" at 123 mentions and "untrustworthy" at 93 mentions. There were some positive words for Clinton mentioned frequently, including "experience" (82 mentions) and "strong" (59 mentions).
Look at this little gem:
In a stunning admission, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager predicts in an email that Donald Trump will become president if he wins the Republican nomination.
“If Donald Trump takes the Republican nomination, our party will lose more than the presidency,” Robby Mook writes to supporters.
“Years of progress will be ripped away. Obamacare will be repealed. Marriage equality will be rolled back. Get excited to visit the wall on the Mexico border — and get ready to pay for it if President Trump can’t magically get Mexico to cough up the cash for it.”
Oh the humanities.......

While Mook stokes fear over an apparently inevitable Trump presidency, he’s also panicking over a surging Bernie Sanders.
Late last night, Bernie Sanders’ campaign announced they’d raised $1.4 million from 50,000 donations in a single day. The day before, they announced that the Reddit community had contributed more than $1 million to his campaign.
There’s no denying this: His supporters are stepping up. They see a chance to win in Iowa and they’re willing to go all in for their guy.
“We can’t let Bernie Sanders’ supporters out-match us,” Mook concludes. “It’s not just about the nomination. It’s about what comes next.
Old stoner freaking them out big time............

In another earlier this month, Mook said he was “worried” and “annoyed.”
News just broke that Bernie Sanders is outspending us on TV in Iowa and New Hampshire by hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I’m worried, because last-minute ads could cost us this election. And I’m annoyed — because once again, they’re counting on this team staying on the sidelines. …
They’ve got more donors than we do, more contributions than we have, and if they keep up this pace on TV, they’ll be able to get their message out to more people than we can.
The latest poll from Iowa shows Clinton and Sanders are neck-and-neck. 
Big day tomorrow.
Time to get real next couple months, see where Americas head is at.
I think its going to be exciting, really.
delldude said:
Big day tomorrow.
Time to get real next couple months, see where Americas head is at.
I think its going to be exciting, really.
Amen Dell!
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