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hillary 2016

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Dog Wonder said:
Sarah Palin? And I left Romney off of your list.
And what of the Braniac, Obama?
After the first journalist got beheaded, Obama said in a speech 'We have to organize the middle east'.
So he's sending in the Acorn Airborne Unit?
You clowns will buy into any stooge riding a  jackass.
A 23-year-old Hillary Clinton was living in Berkeley, California, in the summer of 1971. She was interning at the left-wing law firm Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein, known for its radical politics and a client roster that included Black Panthers and other militants.
On July 8, 1971, Clinton reached out to Alinsky, then 62, in a letter sent via airmail, paid for with stamps featuring Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and marked “Personal.”
“Dear Saul,” she began. “When is that new book [Rules for Radicals] coming out—or has it come and I somehow missed the fulfillment of Revelation?”
“I have just had my one-thousandth conversation about Reveille [for Radicals] and need some new material to throw at people,” she added, a reference to Alinsky’s 1946 book on his theories of community organizing.

Dog Wonder said:
If she was an axe murderer at 23 somebody might care.
And you'd still vote for her......
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Only a moron would vote for that twit.
Well, the left's current lightning rod did note that they count on "the stupidity of the voters" to make for easy and gullible targets for their lying, rancid BS. Why wouldn't they? Obama's in his second term, after all.
I'm glad the GOP never elects or nominates idiots to represent their party. 
EastUS1 said:
Well, the left's current lightning rod did note that they count on "the stupidity of the voters" to make for easy and gullible targets for their lying, rancid BS. Why wouldn't they? Obama's in his second term, after all.
Grubers theory is going to contaminate the likes of many pols including Hillary.
I had a vision of campaign ads featuring lies and denials and youtube proof in the next election.


BOMBSHELL: What the Democrat Party Did Might SPELL DOOM For Hillary 2016
When it comes to Hillary Clinton, it is pretty much a given that she will run for the nation’s highest office in 2016. Her political maneuverings have indicated a presidential run and top Democrats and liberal pundits have kept relatively quiet on the Hillary front as there still remains two years until the election.
  However, what Senate Democrats have done in recent week might prove to be early signs that Democrats are slowly moving-off of Hillary and heading more towards another possible 2016 Democrat contender, Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
Senate Democrats voted last week to keep Harry Reid on as Senate Minority Leader but, more importantly, they voted to create a position in Democratic leadership specifically for Warren- strategic policy adviser to the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee.
What this means is that while they may not have wanted to offer up the top seat to Sen. Warren, they crafted a place for her at the table to possibly boost her resume as we near 2016.
Sen. Dick Durbin appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” and claimed that Warren, not Hillary, serves as a “great spokesman” for the Democrats.“I think Harry Reid, all of us, have confidence that Elizabeth Warren is a great spokesman for our caucus and for our party on a national basis,” Durbin said.“I think Harry Reid, all of us, have confidence that Elizabeth Warren is a great spokesman for our caucus and for our party on a national basis,” Durbin said.
Hillary Clinton, after much debate within her inner circle, appears to have put off formally entering the 2016 presidential race until the spring of 2015.   "Hillary Rodham Clinton is considering the nitty-gritty details of how and when to organize a presidential campaign amid signs that she will postpone making her shadow campaign official until later in 2015 than expected, according to advisers and Democratic strategists," wrote WaPo's Anne Gearan and Matea Gold this week. That jibes with plenty of other reporting on the matter and seems as close to a consensus opinion as you will get when it comes to the remarkably opaque decision-making process of the former Secretary of State.

And what exactly might these nitty-gritty details be? I'll hazard a few guesses:
  • Once she's a candidate, she's pretty much done with $300,000 speeches where she gets to dictate the style of her chair and accompanying pillows, demand orange slices in her water and insist that anyone presuming to present her with a medal must not touch her! Why not keep that racket going on a little longer if you can?
  • Her campaign advisors are still busily researching her record as a senator and as Secretary of State looking for an accomplishment, and they need more time.
  • Another cattle futures trade could be in the offing. Then again, she only made $100,000 on the first one. That's chump change compared to her speaking fee.
  • She needs more time to teach her campaign staff how to empathize with our attackers. That kind of smart power doesn't come naturally to most of us, you know.
  • And finally . . . Someone needs to come up with a rationale for why she should be president. Then again, another few months isn't nearly enough time to make that happen.
The Washington Post's political blog is all abuzz with talk that Hillary might feel threatened by Elizabeth Warren. I wouldn't doubt it only to the extent that Hillary regards anyone not totally on board with Hillary! as an enemy, and Warren is one of these far-left liberals so unhinged that she (or at least her admirers) thinks Hillary is some sort of moderate. Plus, she probably still has nightmares about Obama taking away her inevitable coronation in 2008, she you have to believe she's more paranoid than ever.
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