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hillary 2016

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777 fixer said:
GWB invaded a country under false pretexts.  Therefore he must be Hitler.
throwing gwb in our faces as if he was our perfect choice for president, he ran as a fiscal coonservative and i got everything but...
he got through over 5 years of his presidency before he realized he could veto democrat bills... 
777 fixer said:
To many here complain about it and have no idea what it is.
"IT" is???
Socialism and Marxism are two distinctively different things
PHXConx said:
throwing gwb in our faces as if he was our perfect choice for president, he ran as a fiscal coonservative and i got everything but...
he got through over 5 years of his presidency before he realized he could veto democrat bills... 
What are you talking about?
777 fixer said:
Tell me something I don't know.
you are the one that said IT not me... 
so what were you describing in that post?
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
But I have to ask,...........WHO from the Re-PLUG-BLICAN party would be better than 'HILL  ???
The Actual question is who from teh democrat party is better than Hill, and currently thats alot, she has to get through the primaries, i think Biden has her beat, Hell i think Kerry who will probably run unless he does something incredibly stupid as SECSTATE,
A biden/Kerry Ticket beats Hillary hands down...  
dont put the cart before the horse, she did that last time, and got her ass handed to her by a no body from Illinois
How do they beat her? No way would I vote for either of them over Clinton.
Ms Tree said:
How do they beat her? No way would I vote for either of them over Clinton.
wow thats devotion 
neither of them have "What difference does it make?" going against them
neither of them have " We came WE saw, he died" to explain 
Neither of them have to deal with the fouled up "reset" with Russia.
Neither have to live with "We Were dead broke after leaving the white house"  to deal with 
her Mouth and publicity stunts are just one after another 
and will be constant.  i dont think they party can back her.  
Like i said before unless kerry or biden do something incredibly stupid shes a liability to the party.  
Ms Tree said:
How do they beat her? No way would I vote for either of them over Clinton.
she also ran as a moderate democrat in 2008 the one big complaint by democrats was that obama (unbelievably) didnt go far enough left, shes a moderate, has been a moderate will run as a moderate.. i dont think shes far enough left for the party to back.  
add the visciousness of the 2008 election, and the fallout that continues from that including the birther controversy i dont think she can win the support of the Obama wing of the democrat party
and im not the only one... 
How do they beat her? No way would I vote for either of them over Clinton.
Again, you give more clout to YOUR opinion over mine as if you are better than me. Polls lie, btw!
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