True. But they are both compatible being on the "LEFT" side of politics. I saw it in Europe in the 70s."IT" is???
Socialism and Marxism are two distinctively different things
True. But they are both compatible being on the "LEFT" side of politics. I saw it in Europe in the 70s."IT" is???
Socialism and Marxism are two distinctively different things
depends on where you are if one is "left"signals said:True. But they are both compatible being on the "LEFT" side of politics. I saw it in Europe in the 70s.
Not by a long shot.PHXConx said:wow thats devotion
neither of them have "What difference does it make?" going against them
neither of them have " We came WE saw, he died" to explain
Neither of them have to deal with the fouled up "reset" with Russia.
Neither have to live with "We Were dead broke after leaving the white house" to deal with
her Mouth and publicity stunts are just one after another
and will be constant. i dont think they party can back her.
Like i said before unless kerry or biden do something incredibly stupid shes a liability to the party.
Moderate is where the elections are run. The core of the parties always think the candidate is not far enough left/right. That is nothing new.PHXConx said:she also ran as a moderate democrat in 2008 the one big complaint by democrats was that obama (unbelievably) didnt go far enough left, shes a moderate, has been a moderate will run as a moderate.. i dont think shes far enough left for the party to back.
add the visciousness of the 2008 election, and the fallout that continues from that including the birther controversy i dont think she can win the support of the Obama wing of the democrat party
and im not the only one...
Though the split in the republican party is apparent the split in the democrat party will soon show itself its a split between the Obama driven/Biden Wing. And the old dog Hillary wing. and as this primary season takes shape we will see her seperate herself from them, she could have a chance if she decides to be vice president but i dont think her ego will allow it...Ms Tree said: Moderate is where the elections are run. The core of the parties always think the candidate is not far enough left/right. That is nothing new.
not anymore not when both parties are being swung by their extreme minorities moderates are seen especially by the progressive left as part of the problem not the solution they dont want someone who goes along to get along... thats obvious by obama winning on the hope and change not the safe and slow wing of the party
No one even cares about the birth BS anymore.
i would bring it up if i was part of the obama wing of the party i would certainly bring it up and remind everyone the hillary connection,
W Bush threw McCain under the bus in 2000 with McCain's adopted daughter. No one cares. Elections are expected to be vicious. Youdon't think Perry is going to have his butt worn out by the screw up he made in 08 and the indictment now?
I dont think Perry has a snowballs chance in hell even without that bullshit indictment but this isnt about the republicans this is about hillary making it out of the primaries shes not going to make it out. unless Obama does something incredibly stupid between now and spring 2016. but hes a lame duck its not likely, but he could surprise us all im sure...
Liberals will support who ever they think has the best chance to win. It's a simple process.
The major party of the democrats are old Biden is 71 for christ sake hillary 66 kerry 70 we may see a major shake up... new blood... i wouldnt put it past Michelle running...Ms Tree said: Not by a long shot.
I have a different interpretation of what she said.
oh well be sure to tell her so she can get that out whats your interpretation?
She she have asked for a moment of silence?
she should have acted in reference to the office she held not some redneck at the bar watching it unfold on tv... but i guess you cant take the arkansas completely out of the "refined woman"
Not sure what that is.
im assuming you dont know what the reset with russia is? (you know if you answered these in quotes it would be easier to follow)
maybe this will remind you
Poor choice of words but they had more debt than assets at the time. How would you explain it?
i dont know the first 100 million dollar speech bill gave i wouldnt call it dead broke, they bought a house with cash... dead broke was stupid.
and people who are poor and barely making ends meet will see a tv ad of her in her palatial estates in new york with the words we were dead broke and then it will say paid in cash... we think hillary has no idea what you are going through what dead broke means, we do... paid for ... input the democrat candidate of your choice i am so and so and i support that message lol
let her explain what she means by more debt than assets lol good luck..
Not sure many pay attention to them. I know I don't. If she runs and does well in the primaries the 'party' won't have a choice.
pay attention to who??? and the party always has a choice we could be seeing the makings of another 1968 division in the convention granted that was pushed on by the assanation of RFK but the question will be were will the party go after obama living under that shadow is something the party will have to decide in 2016 (where ever the convention ends up) that hole in the party is as large as the RFK hole, and the convention could be nasty...
Out of the three, I would vote for her in a heart beat. She has the best chance by a long shot to beat any one of the current popular names out there on the GOP side. Short of the GOP putting a viable centrist candidate up who is a fiscal conservative and a social liberal, I don't see how the GOP wins the WH.
Perry, Mullaly, Paul. How long will your wish list be by 2016?Rand Paul is saying a lot of the right things to appeal to the moderates and independents, something his dad never figured out how to do:
Oh, I don't know. As long as it needs to be to find the most qualified and that a majority of people can rally behind?...Dog Wonder said:Perry, Mullaly, Paul. How long will your wish list be by 2016?
Dog Wonder said:Perry, Mullaly, Paul. How long will your wish list be by 2016?
Sarah Palin? And I left Romney off of your list.Unlike the Democrats, the selection process for the GOP is built around aptitude and capability, as opposed to body parts and pigmentation.