Wallace: "I want to ask you about this form 109, the separation statement. Basically every employee of the State Department has to sign and swear that they have turned over all of their papers, classified and unclassified, that they had when they were in the office in the State Department. And if they don’t, if they sign it and they have broken that pledge, it’s a felony, they could go to prison, they could be disqualified from public office.
One, do you know if she signed it, and two, did she live up to this pledge?”
Schiff: “Well, I don’t know if she signed it, I assume we’ll find out. I hope we’ll find out about whether all prior secretaries have signed it. But let’s also talk about Benghazi, Chris…”
Wallace: “No no no, forgive me, I’m asking about this. She clearly didn’t live up to this pledge, you would agree?”
Schiff: “I don’t know what the terms of that require, I haven’t had –”
Wallace: “I’ll hand it to you. It says what I said. ‘I have turned everything over…’
Schiff: “‘…that I have acquired.’ Now, I don’t know what that means exactly and we would have to study it.”