"And Saudi Arabia has given between 10 and 20 million dollars..." Umm...Any "liberal" have even an attempted explanation of just WHY Saudi Arabia would hand the Clintons that much money and more?....Perhaps just because the Saudis think they're "cute"?
Dog Wonder said:
Whew! Thanks dog. I fully expected even a basic question like the above to go unaswered, and I was momentarily worried that some devoted democrat wouldn't immediately slither out from under their rock and eagerly prove my points as to both their concerned "patriotism" and "intellectual" prowess.
Permit me to repeat though, for any democrats with at least room temperature IQ's (if any here) the question: "And Saudi Arabia has given between 10 and 20 million dollars..." Umm...Any "liberal" have even an attempted explanation of just WHY Saudi Arabia would hand the Clintons that much money and more?....Perhaps just because the Saudis think they're "cute"?" Well?....?
Your options are admittedly, somewhat limited:
1) This pathetic sociopath Hillary clearly doesn't give a hair off a rat's arse about American lives, and is indeed just a bought-and-paid-for pawn of foreign interests.
2) You're simply far too hopelessly stupid to even begin to consider the ramifications of the the above.
3) "What difference does it make?"
4) OR?....The floor is wide open...?....?
America's first President had his uniform torn by over 2 dozen enemy bullets during his military career, and never ran from any enemy. Flash forward to Mr. Lincoln, who never shirked exposing himself to danger, often riding alone even during the "civil" war, even after an assasination attempt while doing so. "Teddy" Rooseveldt, who exited government service, feeling an abiding need to personally fight in the Spanish American War. President Eisenhower, who served as Supreme Commander for all Aillied Forces in Europe and as the decision maker for D-Day. "Jack" Kennedy, who captained a Patrol Torpedo Boat that was cut in half during murky weather by a Japanese destroyer, and served as spine and savior to his stranded crew....George Bush SR, who, as one of the USN's very youngest pilots, and wealthy enough to have found pletifull excuses; yet found himself shot out of the sky by our enemies, and barely survived....and later such scum as Bush Junior, who, while wearing the flight suit of the USAF, evaded actual fighting in Viet Nam by intent....And, along with the advent of such scum as the draft-doging/didn't inhale Clinton(s), inflicted on this Nation a whole new era of spineless COWARDICE....only to have the ultimate icing on the cake being seen through an "heroic"..umm..."community organizer" (whatever the hell that really means, since I've never been able to find any such "job" ever listed)...to perhaps now an even newer low? = "landed under sniper fire" pathological liar? Umm...Anyone else see troubling pattern quckly developing here?