You have to remember who you are dealing with.eolesen said:I know, it's too idealistic to think that if you're going to bring up an issue, you should have the intellectual honesty to expect both sides to have to address it, and not just one.
Ms Tree said:I'd like to hear what Cruz's and Paul's opinion is.on aborting a child conceived from incest or rape. I'd also love to hear what they think about income disparity between salaries for men and women.
Clinton will have to face the music at some point. Until there is position from another Dem candidate I don't see it happening.
Since when does a Progressive, Libtard, Demorat care how much something cost....unless it involves the military?Ms Tree said:
All this info? Lets take Rubio's position on immigration. He said he want's to have Congress pass a bill to mandate E-verify be used by business, want s system to track visa's and secure the border. How much will this cost? Who's in charge? Then he wants to modernize the immigration system. How?
After all that then he will support a path to citizenship after he already supported it.
Lots of words with little to back it up.
They are lobbing soft ball questions to the Republican candidates so why should Clinton be treated any different?southwind said:The Libtard media will continue to lob softball questions, Hitlerys way....all while the Clinton foundation funnels money in from countries who DON'T support and oppress women's rights!
Since when does a Progressive, Libtard, Demorat care how much something cost....unless it involves the military?
Ms Tree said:They are lobbing soft ball questions to the Republican candidates so why should Clinton be treated any different?
Ignoring the over $1 trillion in corporate welfare the Republicans dolled out? Neither party cares about cost when it comes to their pet projects. Stop ignoring the stink from your own chit.
Speaking of welfare abuse.......Ms Tree said:Ignoring the over $1 trillion in corporate welfare the Republicans dolled out?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
“there is no excuse for able-bodied adults to spend a lifetime on welfare at the expense of hard-working, struggling Mainers.” -Gov. Paul LePage
After forcing these individuals to either work part-time for twenty hours each week, enroll in a vocational program, or volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month, the numbers showed a significant drop from 12,000 enrollees to just over 2,500.
But there is an entire segment of the population which has become so accustomed to state benefits that they have no incentive to ever stop leeching.
Ms Tree said:They are lobbing soft ball questions to the Republican candidates so why should Clinton be treated any different?
Dog Wonder said:They found a cure for the Obama Obsession, Hillary on the Brain and a fifth of Jack..
I'd bet most voters couldn't correctly name three justices if they were given a multiple choice test...Ms Tree said:I think the biggest issue is court appointments.
I think you give them too much credit. I have doubts they could name one much less three.eolesen said:I'd bet most voters couldn't correctly name three justices if they were given a multiple choice test...