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hillary 2016

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I know. More a rhetorical question to show that the media is not asking the controversial questions of any of the candidates.
eolesen said:
I know, it's too idealistic to think that if you're going to bring up an issue, you should have the intellectual honesty to expect both sides to have to address it, and not just one.
You have to remember who you are dealing with.
Ms Tree said:
I'd like to hear what Cruz's and Paul's opinion is.on aborting a child conceived from incest or rape. I'd also love to hear what they think about income disparity between salaries for men and women.
Clinton will have to face the music at some point. Until there is position from another Dem candidate I don't see it happening.

The Libtard media will continue to lob softball questions, Hitlerys way....all while the Clinton foundation funnels money in from countries who DON'T support and oppress women's rights!

Ms Tree said:
All this info? Lets take Rubio's position on immigration. He said he want's to have Congress pass a bill to mandate E-verify be used by business, want s system to track visa's and secure the border. How much will this cost? Who's in charge? Then he wants to modernize the immigration system. How?
After all that then he will support a path to citizenship after he already supported it.
Lots of words with little to back it up.
Since when does a Progressive, Libtard, Demorat care how much something cost....unless it involves the military?
southwind said:
The Libtard media will continue to lob softball questions, Hitlerys way....all while the Clinton foundation funnels money in from countries who DON'T support and oppress women's rights!

Since when does a Progressive, Libtard, Demorat care how much something cost....unless it involves the military?
They are lobbing soft ball questions to the Republican candidates so why should Clinton be treated any different?

Ignoring the over $1 trillion in corporate welfare the Republicans dolled out? Neither party cares about cost when it comes to their pet projects. Stop ignoring the stink from your own chit.
Ms Tree said:
They are lobbing soft ball questions to the Republican candidates so why should Clinton be treated any different?

Ignoring the over $1 trillion in corporate welfare the Republicans dolled out? Neither party cares about cost when it comes to their pet projects. Stop ignoring the stink from your own chit.
Alll I've seen is gotcha's aimed at the GOP candidates. MSNBC was onboard the scooby doo doo wagon asking Hillary if she had Beyonce on her Ipad or what was her favorite foods....you know real deal questions.
And 1 zillion in corporate welfare, that the DNC helped vote into law, has absolutely nothing to do with Hillary selling access via her foundation.
Ms Tree said:
Ignoring the over $1 trillion in corporate welfare the Republicans dolled out?
Speaking of welfare abuse.......
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
“there is no excuse for able-bodied adults to spend a lifetime on welfare at the expense of hard-working, struggling Mainers.”  -Gov. Paul LePage
After forcing these individuals to either work part-time for twenty hours each week, enroll in a vocational program, or volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month, the numbers showed a significant drop from 12,000 enrollees to just over 2,500.
But there is an entire segment of the population which has become so accustomed to state benefits that they have no incentive to ever stop leeching.
Ms Tree said:
They are lobbing soft ball questions to the Republican candidates so why should Clinton be treated any different?
Good point, even given that's she's obviously just a bought-and-paid-for, utterly pathetic little beyotch of Saudi Arabia, let's not forget that she's also a true "war heroine" 😉
Ya' know?...When I was last landing and coming home from the airport, I came under not only "sniper fire" but heavy Triple A and then even SCUD attacks all the way in the employee bus! Fortunately, as if only through a miracle, between hugging kids and photo ops of course; I was somehow able to "run" to my vehicle and "herocially" escape even the employee parking lot! Just trust me, since, much like Hillary; I'd NEVER just out right lie to you or EVER falsesly claim anything that's obviously, just complete, lying BS!  😉
Hint: If EVER a creature that truly pathetic came "under sniper fire", or enemy action of ANY kind; there'd instantly be a wet spot under her, and likely an impact impression on the ground as she desperately dove for cover. Even a second of ever taking such pitiful scum outside of the safe confines of Fantasyland would leave their "spines" fully jealous of jellyfish.
You may, of course, now offer properly "liberal" rebuttal based on your own vast experience under enemy fire....? 🙂 For myself?...I'm tellin' ya' just the SCUD attacks on the employee bus to the parking lot have left my nerves still shaking! If it hadn't been for the brief photo-op break to hug those kids while "under sniper fire"....I just don't think I could have made it at all!
They found a cure for the Obama Obsession, Hillary on the Brain and a fifth of Jack..
Where do the candidates stand? Hmmm. Let's see. The Republicans are going to give away everything to the rich and screw the middle class. The Democrats are going to give away everything to the rich and screw the middle class. The choice seems pretty clear to me! What's there to think about!
Dog Wonder said:
They found a cure for the Obama Obsession, Hillary on the Brain and a fifth of Jack..
Hillary on the brain vs voting for Hillary without having a brain?
I agree that both parties differ very little when it comes to economics. Both spend like it's not theirs. I think the. I think the biggest issue is court appointments. Do we want more Scalia's and Thomas ' or Kagan and Ginsberg.

Personally, I don't want a court telling people who they can marry or what a woman can do with her body. I don't want a court to say that a corporation is the equivalent of a person and has the same rights. I don't want a court that says government t can take private land for a company to use for private gain just because someone think my land can be put to better use as a foot ball stadium.
Ms Tree said:
I think the biggest issue is court appointments.
I'd bet most voters couldn't correctly name three justices if they were given a multiple choice test...
eolesen said:
I'd bet most voters couldn't correctly name three justices if they were given a multiple choice test...
I think you give them too much credit. I have doubts they could name one much less three.
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