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hillary 2016

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Elections are expensive business especially since the Supreme Court allowed unlimited funds to be raised and spent. In the 2008 election Romney and Obama spent about $2 billion. Now J Bush wants to use a super pac to run many of his campaign functions. Not surprising that Clinton wants to spend $2 billion (no link so that's what I assume you were getting at).

I just can't believe people would actually donate to a campaign. I have never donated to a
Campaign and I don't even check the box for the $2 on the tax forms.

We live in a plutocracy and no one seems to mind. They drape the money argument in the flag and say it's freedom of speech. The only thing it has to do with freedom of speech is suppression of it.
traderjake said:
Apparently Hillary needs $2 billion to spread her message of income inequality.
That's alright!------ The Saudi's will be happy to make a down payment on that!!!
Ms Tree said:
I think you give them too much credit. I have doubts they could name one much less three.
That's just frightrning. I'm pretty certain I can name all nine without google.
700UW said:
Rand's son arrested again, this time alcohol involved again, DUI, crashing into a parked car at 11:24am and failure to maintain insurance.
that's certainly newsworthy esp with all of Hilliary's dirty dealings
wasn't it Rand Paul who said she needs two planes  one fr her and one for her baggage? line of the campaign so far ..lmao
Not sure what the actions of Rands son have to with anything. Great parents can have bad kids and vice versa. If Rand were.out there talking about poor parenting makes for bad kids then his sons actions would be relevant.

I think his kids along with all the others should be left alone. If the.politician brings his kids into the game then they are fair game.

I hope his kid is able to beat his demons.
There is plenty of silliness from Paul and all the others. No need to drag kids into it.
National news, this is his second arrest due to alcohol.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Why is it in the Hillary 2016 thread?
it's just his way of getting a shot at someone he doesn't like, personally I'm glad he did .I must have missed it with all the Clinton news going on...lol
Ms Tree said:
There is plenty of silliness from Paul and all the others. No need to drag kids into it.
So Liberty and following the COTUS is silly now? WOW! Go away for a day.
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