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hillary 2016

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southwind said:
Yep, Tree won't admit the above!
And how 'bout the condition of the area those 5000 died for now and the way your Imperial Leader, BaRack has handled things.......ISIS anyone?
See post 265

How many more live and how much more money do you want the US to sink into Iraq? Another trillion? Another 5,000 lives? What is that black hole worth to you?

Are you trying to tell us there is no history or terrorist organizations in the ME? ISIS was going to happen at one point or another. Our constant melding in the affairs of others pretty much guaranteed that.
cltrat said:
she was certainly concerned when selling uranium to the Russians, while getting fat in the pocketbook..
Perhaps some "clever" devotee of Hillary's could explain just how and why selling uranium to Putin's considered to be in America's best interests?....Anyone have anything at all to offer there?....Anyone at all?
EastUS1 said:
Perhaps some "clever" devotee of Hillary's could explain just how and why selling uranium to Putin's considered to be in America's best interests?....Anyone have anything at all to offer there?....Anyone at all?
I see predictably mindless, minus votes offered in presumed "defense", but NO even feebly attempted explanation....? Sigh!..Whatta' true "surprise". 😉
Permit me to repeat the question then: "Perhaps some "clever" devotee of Hillary's could explain just how and why selling uranium to Putin's considered to be in America's best interests?" Uranium...You know?...Just some silly little stuff that can make whole cities vanish into fire balls that shame even the heat of the sun's surface?
How much money did it really take for Vladimir Putin to buy Hillary Clinton? What have the Saudis bought from her, and what do you think they'd demand/already own of her should she become "president"?....Anyone?
P.S. "Permit me to repeat the question then: "Perhaps some "clever" devotee of Hillary's could explain just how and why selling uranium to Putin's considered to be in America's best interests?" Uranium...You know?...Just some silly little stuff that can make whole cities vanish into fire balls that shame even the heat of the sun's surface?"  I now fully realize that was an enitrely "unfair" and wholesale assault against the liberal...umm..."mind", in that some at least poor impersonation of "thought" would be needed....so perhaps it'd be best to just list all of Hillary's many "accomplishments" for America....umm....which have been WHAT exactly? 😉
Hint: Just being a pathological liar that only supposedly "landed under sniper fire" doesn't really count for all that much to the "good" side of things kids....Just sayin'....
700UW said:
What about that more attacks, deaths, and injuries occured more under W, than Obama.

Where was your outrage there?
What about this one?
Are those the ones GOP lied about the real reason the attacks occured and try to prevent it from coming out?
700UW said:
Biden: "The congressman here cut embassy security in his budget by $300 million below what we asked for."
The facts:
According to Democratic House Oversight Committee staff, the amount that the GOP-led House passed for two accounts that pay for embassy security in fiscal 2012 ($2.311 billion) was $330 million less than the Obama administration had requested ($2.641 billion).
A GOP House Appropriations Committee aide confirmed the House bill had less in these accounts than what the administration requested.
However, the final bill, after being worked on by the Democratic-led Senate, put in more money than what had passed in the House. The final bill, which passed with bipartisan support, gave a total of $2.37 billion to these accounts for fiscal 2012 -- about $270 million less than what the administration had requested.
Conclusion: The GOP-led House did initially approve about $330 million less than what the administration requested, but in the final bill, passed with bipartisan support after adjustments by the Senate, put the amount a little closer to the administration's target.
EastUS1 said:
 I now fully realize that was an enitrely "unfair" and wholesale assault against the liberal...umm..."mind", in that some at least poor impersonation of "thought" would be needed.
You expect FAR too much from a liberal.
southwind said:
Yep, Tree won't admit the above!

And how 'bout the condition of the area those 5000 died for now and the way your Imperial Leader, BaRack has handled things.......ISIS anyone?
ISIS exists because of the invasion of Iraq. Those five thousand you speak of are dead because of the invasion.  As are a couple hundred thousand Iraqi's.  Not that you care.  On both counts.
ISIS exists because the US got caught funding AL-Qaeda so they had to change the name.
777 fixer said:
ISIS exists because of the invasion of Iraq. Those five thousand you speak of are dead because of the invasion.  As are a couple hundred thousand Iraqi's.  Not that you care.  On both counts.
Hopeless ignorance of history is no excuse. ISIS exists from a fundamental notion in Islam of ultimate world conquest and enslavement/subjugation of all "infidels". If you're truly too ignorant or just too "politically correct" to understand that, then some long-overdue actual education of human history is now strongly suggested. ISIS is but a small symptom of the Islamic disease, merely a pimple really, of the horrible truth now making it's self known.
Have YOU ever even bothered to read the Koran?....I'd bet NOT. Honestly; I don't know even so much as one "liberal" that ever has....
"ISIS exists because of the invasion of Iraq." Even feebly attempt to supprt that particular fantasy. Go ahead....Kindly expand on your obvious ignorance for our mutual amusement....? 😉
traderjake said:
ISIS exists because the US got caught funding AL-Qaeda so they had to change the name.
You're a hapless and truly "innocent" moron if that's as far as you can imagine the roots of this going back to....No offense meant where shared notions of current, and incredibly obvious levels of  "guv-mint" corruption apply though...But your childish fantasies about "Honor" and heroics come from nothing more than Hollywood movies, which qualfies you as in no-wise better than any/all equally ignorant "liberals" you would argue against. I'd honestly guess that you would piss your pants and duck/cower/run from the sound of even an unexpected firecracker on a dark night every bit as fast as would any liberal.
Our/America's current enemies are in this for the "long game", and they're doing very, very well at at present.  While I've found even the most "ferocious" arabs to be nothing more than sad little disposable "jokes" as even supposed "soldiers" on any actual battlefield; the overall philosophy behind "Islam" is formidable = All the oil money one can ever imagine....plus one thing we westerners don't much understand...Patiience.
Think on it for even a second: In the wake of 9-11; WHY didn't America just simply go to war and conquer the whole damn middle east/"Islam"? It wasn't like both the military and any/all all resources weren't immediately available to do so. WHY is it that America's now brought up up a whole generation plus of nothing more than spinelss/clueless "useful idiots" that're more concerned with "not offending anyone" than doing what's Right? THAT kind of national programming requires billions of dollars and a great amount of patience.
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