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hillary 2016

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She's a politician. Of course she lies. No idea why she dumped her server. My guess would be to cover her ass.

I'm not the one talking about her looks. You and others are are the misogynist. I could care less what someone looks like. It's irrelevant to their job.
Ms Tree said:
She's a politician. Of course she lies. No idea why she dumped her server. My guess would be to cover her ass.

I'm not the one talking about her looks. You and others are are the misogynist. I could care less what someone looks like. It's irrelevant to their job.
"She's a politician. Of course she lies." ------- Have we really come to that? " No idea why she dumped her server." --------- Are you really that naive? "My guess would be to cover be to cover her ass." ------- Well, ada!!!
MCI transplant said:
"She's a politician. Of course she lies." ------- Have we really come to that? " No idea why she dumped her server." --------- Are you really that naive? "My guess would be to cover be to cover her ass." ------- Well, do you think!?
Ms Tree said:
When he starts having to explain why he was against aid for Israel and now is for it, was against defense spending and now is for it, was for the path way to immigration now he is against it, Iran was not a threat in 2007 but magically now  just 7 yrs later they are, said that vaccines can cause mental disorders and now says he did not say it ..... etc his numbers may change a bit.
Then again he is a politician and politicians to lie so this may not affect him in the least since it is expected.  He is runnign for office after all.
I find it interesting there's all this information about what the various GOP candidates' positions are, and yet there's nothing about what Hillary's positions are.

[ quote name="MCI transplant" post="1163570" timestamp="1429538922"]"She's a politician. Of course she lies." ------- Have we really come to that? " No idea why she dumped her server." --------- Are you really that naive? "My guess would be to cover be to cover her ass." ------- Well, ada!!![/quote]

Yes have come to that. Reagan lied about the Iran contract scandal. So did Bush Sr. Clinton lied about Lewinski. Bush lied about Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama has lied. H Clinton has lied. They all lie.

Make up your mind. Either I am naive or you agree with me. Can't have it both ways. Anytime a politician lies it's to cover their ass. They always lie so as far as I am concerned they are always covering their ass.
eolesen said:
I find it interesting there's all this information about what the various GOP candidates' positions are, and yet there's nothing about what Hillary's positions are.Why?
No one else has declared on the DNC side. The Republicans are trying to differentiate them self from each other.

I think saying that the Republicans have stated their policies is pretty vague. They say what they want to do but no one ever talks about how they will do it. More lies.
By that deflection, aren't you essentially saying nobody needs to know Hillary's position on anything, because all that matters is her plumbing and the party label?
She has been in the public eye for a few days. If you don't know her position on issues by now I rely don't know what to say. Same goes for Cruz, Paul, Rubio .....

I never said anything about her gender. That was all you. Never said anything about her party label other than no one has declared against her so there is no need for her to put her self out there a year a d a half before the election.
And yet every reporter available has made a point of trying to corner GOP contenders on everything from abortion, foreign policy, and expression of religious freedom?...

I'd like to hear Hillary's view on aborting 7 pound babies. What exactly is it?

What's Hillary's plan to deal with ISIS?

Yeah, if it's OK for the media to ask Scott Walker or Rand Paul those questions, then they should be asking Hillary, too.
I'd like to hear what Cruz's and Paul's opinion is.on aborting a child conceived from incest or rape. I'd also love to hear what they think about income disparity between salaries for men and women.

Clinton will have to face the music at some point. Until there is position from another Dem candidate I don't see it happening.
eolesen said:
And yet every reporter available has made a point of trying to corner GOP contenders on everything from abortion, foreign policy, and expression of religious freedom?...I'd like to hear Hillary's view on aborting 7 pound babies. What exactly is it?What's Hillary's plan to deal with ISIS?Yeah, if it's OK for the media to ask Scott Walker or Rand Paul those questions, then they should be asking Hillary, too.
When they do, I do not think you will be watching or listening. if you do happen to see it whlie channel surfing, would the answer change your vote?
Nah, I'll be listening. Know thy enemy, and all that...

Would it change my vote? I wouldn't vote for her if she were the only candidate.

I know, it's too idealistic to think that if you're going to bring up an issue, you should have the intellectual honesty to expect both sides to have to address it, and not just one.
eolesen said:
I find it interesting there's all this information about what the various GOP candidates' positions are, and yet there's nothing about what Hillary's positions are.


All this info? Lets take Rubio's position on immigration. He said he want's to have Congress pass a bill to mandate E-verify be used by business, want s system to track visa's and secure the border. How much will this cost? Who's in charge? Then he wants to modernize the immigration system. How?

After all that then he will support a path to citizenship after he already supported it.

Lots of words with little to back it up.
I'd like to hear what Cruz's and Paul's opinion is.on aborting a child conceived from incest or rape. I'd also love to hear what they think about income disparity between salaries for men and women.

Clinton will have to face the music at some point. Until there is position from another Dem candidate I don't see it happening.
Cruz, like Akin, opposes abortion for victims of rape and incest. He also labels forms of contraception such as Plan B “abortifacients”, which isn’t scientifically or medically correct. At the Value Voters Summit last fall, Cruz repeatedly referred to contraception as “abortion-inducing drugs.”

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul shares the same extreme views. Paul is the Senate sponsor of a federal “personhood” bill, which would outlaw all abortions, even for rape and incest victims, and outlaw many forms of birth control.

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