I dont see a big layoff if there is a merger. A reduction perhaps but both carriers have a serious problem that a layoff would just make worse. They both have old workforces, USAIRs average age is 56 and AA is not far behind.Despite our miserable compensation a layoff would actually drive the average cost for maint labor (and the average age) up, not down.
A layoff would eliminate the few 20 and 30 year olds and probably even cut into 40 year old population in short order as the stratas are very thin to start with. There is no pool of mechanics out there for the carriers to tap when the older workers decide to pack it in. They dont pay enough to draw mechanics out of Mobile Alabama MROs to New York or LAX. Look at how hundreds took the streets or downgrades in TX and Tulsa rather than move with the work to places like NY, ORD or BOS, leaving vacancies unfilled across the system. If AA cant get workers they already have to move for them they have even less chance of drawing workers away from other employers.They have done such a good job at making this a crappy job that half the schools that trained A&Ps closed their doors and those in the military are better off staying there than going into the airline industry.
So ironically if there is an overage I see another buyout offer, but a very limited one. They need to keep the younger workers because if the lay them off competitors will pick them up and AA/US will not get them back as older workers leave.
As far as losing the 401K match I'm waiting for an answer on that, but I believe thats NOT the case.
Do you wish to reconsider?