We gave up (as did all the APA and APFA) profit sharing from a Company that hasn’t been profitable in a decade for base pay increases worth far more and, to you, that is a bad thing because the TWU also negotiated an industry pay adjustment which will occur in 2015. If the 4.3 percent is paid by April, it will be worth approximately seven thousand dollars in additional pay through September 12, 2015 to every mechanic, and that is without counting the impact on 401k contributions. Assuming AA had its best performance ever and made a billion a year for six straight years, profit sharing would be less than 3,800 dollars total. And we know that is not a realistic scenario because the combined talent of the two worst managements in this industry are not going to produce the best profits in the history of the passenger airline industry.
There will be plenty of work in a merger and profit sharing was weak at best. We will earn more with the raise than profit sharing. Do you trust AA management to do that well that you will make $2500 plus in profit sharing?
I think middle management are the ones most at risk of job loss.
You are getting the 4.3% earlier than the wage adjustment. So you are getting more money for 30+ months than you would with no MOU.
More proof that you can't fix stupid.
Delta's mechanics make more money than AA's mechanics and they get 15% first dollar profit sharing. Next week, DL employees will get their third straight payout, which this year will be worth more than 6% of wages.
You foolish clowns didn't negotiiate sufficient upside in 2003 in exchange for the concessions and now you've done it again. AA offered 15% profit sharing (just like DL) with the term sheets. The pilots traded away 2/3 of their profit sharing for higher pay, all other AA workgroups foolishly went along (thanks to the me-too provision that was an admission that you can't effectively negotiate on your own), and now you've bargained away the last 1/3 (5%) to Doug Parker in exhange for a few more pieces of silver. The collective stupidity in giving away all profit sharing is astounding.
If you TWU clowns had any brains and negotiating prowess, you would demand and get at least 15% from Parker, and a fair result would be more like 20%. Idiots.