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New Twu Concession's Talks

<_< You know Bob! Even though that last vote was illegal! And you of all people know it was!!! Nothing was said or done to address the fact that there were missing pin numbers !!!Not everyone was given a chance to vote! Or if any of the missing pin numbers were assigned to MCI? What "yes" votes here were here were a result of the fact that if this base had been closed, our Seniority, or lack of, would have put us out in the street, we had nowhere to go? Ironic isn't it!! As a result of the screwing we took, everyone got screwed!!!! What's the ol' saying? "What go'es arround, comes arround!" Now I don't like to dig up old wounds, I'm not the one who dug up this old dirt! I say what happened, happened !!! Let's not look to the past, but to the futher, and try and deal with this new threat !!!!!!
I visit San Diego frequently and have researched housing prices.
A nice 2 Bedroom-2 bath apartment can be rented for about $1500 per month.
The same type of rental in Tulsa would be $600-$800 per month.
A nice 3-bedroom 2 bath house can be rented for about $2200-$2500 per month outside the city in the suburbs.In Tulsa the same can be had for about $750-$1000 per month.

A financial website calculator cites that I would need 2.1 times my present income to have the same standard of living in SAN as TUL.

I would need 2 times my present income to live there,not 5 times.

If you want to be a renter the rest of your life then I guess you only need two times your present salary. However if you want to own it's an entirely differnt story. If you want a $1500 a month house payment on a singel family new home in San Diego you had better have around a $525,000 down payment. If you want a resale single family home you better have about $305,000. And if you want a condo in San Diego you will want to have $258,000 as a down payment. Now I don't know what the appreciation rates are on homes in Tulsa but I suspect you will not make any where near the amount you would need. Moral of the story, unless you want to rent the rest of your life in San Diego your going to need a lot more than two times your salary.
Back to the topic....

Local 565 President has admitted to talks going on and is under a confidentiality agreement as usual. :down:
Well, using the time table of the 2003 concession's "talks", we should be voting by the end of January. I guess this will be considered the "early openers" that was sold to the membership. I wonder how many more years are going to be added to the contract this time? How about a 15-20 year contract? 30 year topout for newhires?
<_< Princess---Hold on to your shorts! I believe your right! It looks like we'll all be taking it in the end!!! But I do have a suggestion!!! This time let's get a "SNAP-BACK claus" written into this one!! At the end of this contract, "ALL" concessions snap-back to there 2002 levels!!!! All talks should be on a "I give you something! You give me something "bases!!!! If our Union leadership doesn't understand that! We need new leadership, or a new Union!!! It's that simple!! I just don't want to see a.a. making record profits, two or three years into any concessionary contract, while we are forced to subject our families to a lower lifestyle!!!! :angry:
<_< Princess---Hold on to your shorts! I believe your right! It looks like we'll all be taking it in the end!!! But I do have a suggestion!!! This time let's get a "SNAP-BACK claus" written into this one!! At the end of this contract, "ALL" concessions snap-back to there 2002 levels!!!! All talks should be on a "I give you something! You give me something "bases!!!! If our Union leadership doesn't understand that! We need new leadership, or a new Union!!! It's that simple!! I just don't want to see a.a. making record profits, two or three years into any concessionary contract, while we are forced to subject our families to a lower lifestyle!!!! :angry:
MCI Transplant,

What part(s) of the conversation over the last several months do you NOT UNDERSTAND?

The TWU NEVER NEGOTIATES LEGITIMATE LANGUAGE unless it is the part of the contract where you MUST PAY DUES.

We've been telling you for the better part of a year that we need to get rid of the TWU.

There is a reason AA Senior Management was willing to lie and cheat so that they could steal a democratic Union Election from the Mechanics & Related: NOW IT IS TIME FOR THE TWU TO PAY UP.
MCI Transplant,

What part(s) of the conversation over the last several months do you NOT UNDERSTAND?

The TWU NEVER NEGOTIATES LEGITIMATE LANGUAGE unless it is the part of the contract where you MUST PAY DUES.

We've been telling you for the better part of a year that we need to get rid of the TWU.

There is a reason AA Senior Management was willing to lie and cheat so that they could steal a democratic Union Election from the Mechanics & Related: NOW IT IS TIME FOR THE TWU TO PAY UP.
<_< Sorry Boomer! You do have a point! The last so called "agreement" speaks for itself! Illegal baleeting! And the lunacy of giving away the candy store "WITHOUT" a snap-back!!! Tells it all!!!!
<_< Sorry Boomer! You do have a point! The last so called "agreement" speaks for itself! Illegal baleeting! And the lunacy of giving away the candy store "WITHOUT" a snap-back!!! Tells it all!!!!
You already got a snapback per management man Jim Little:

<_< Bob! Thanks to support of our fellow Union brothers, and aa's compliance to certain Union concerns, we here at MCI don't have enough votes to make a differance!!!So go find another dog to kick!!! :angry:

Just stating the facts. We had enough No votes to reject the contract if we did not count MCI. STL was helpful, a lot of No votes from there so its not a "red haired stepchild thing". While its true that if we did not have Tulsa the contract would have been rejected by a very wide margin if I recall correctly. percentage-wise, MCI was a higher "Yes" vote than Tulsa. Now some of those yes voters are in our shoes, I dont want to kick the dog, just teach it new tricks. One being how to say "no" to concessions.
MCI transplant' date='Oct 28 2005, 02:55 PM' post='316254']
<_< You know Bob! Even though that last vote was illegal! And you of all people know it was!!!

Illegal? Well I believe it was fraudulent, however the TWU argued that we really werent entitled to vote on our contract anyway. The TWU Constitution only guarantees us the right to vote on "entirely new" agreements according to the TWUs testimony. So in 1946 they satisfied the Constitution. So since we were not entitled to vote anyway the fraudulent vote was probably legal.

Nothing was said or done to address the fact that there were missing pin numbers !!!

We tried to bring it up, and we had planned to but after the court ruled against the TRO the other Locals and most of our Board decided not to go forward. Once the International yanked us out it was a dead issue. One of our board members who was against it in the first place got a promotion out of our suspension. We had proof that the numbers were sequential and that if the TWU International wanted to they could have changed "no" votes to "yes" votes without anyone knowing about it.

Not everyone was given a chance to vote! Or if any of the missing pin numbers were assigned to MCI?

For all I know Little and the International could have held on to those numbers and cast them as "No" votes from MCI. All they needed was one number to figure out all the rest. But that does not change the fact that MCI was mostly "YES" votes.

What "yes" votes here were here were a result of the fact that if this base had been closed, our Seniority, or lack of, would have put us out in the street, we had nowhere to go? Ironic isn't it!!

Not really. If you had voted "NO" then the Junior man in the system would have been March 1, 2001. Thats when system protection kicks in. What does the contract say about layoffs? Read Article 15. Anyone with 3-1-1997 (assuming they posess the qualifcations required) or better would be protected because you cant be laid off because a person who is junior to you has less seniority. Article 15 is seperate from Article 42. If they could not layoff someone in JFK with 2/28/01 then they could not layoff anyone in MCI with 2/28/97 or better. So if they had closed the base they would either have to send you somewhere else or pay you.
<_< Bob, if what your saying is true, who's to say that Mr. Little and Company didn't "minipulate" the "yes"votes from here at MCI, or anywhere else for that matter?? As for the Senirity, I believe it reads "anyone on the American payroll as of 3-1-97", which would leave us out!!!! But!!!!, as I said before: "What happened, happened!" Now's not the time to bring up the past!!!! Now is a time to address the Future!!! 😉
It is no secret at all that the TWU and the company have been meeting regularly to discuss "things."

They are hammering out all the agreements so that when the 2006 contract openers arrive, it will be official and fast!
It is no secret at all that the TWU and the company have been meeting regularly to discuss "things."

They are hammering out all the agreements so that when the 2006 contract openers arrive, it will be official and fast!

Could be a pre-packaged BK filing also.

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