Hidden concession TWU gave USAir?


Sep 26, 2010
Let me see, I gave away my profit sharing for a pay raise I was going to get anyway with the Special Wage and Adjustment in 34 months. So I’m actually paying USAir to Lay some of us off, right? If so I feel sick.
I dont see a big layoff if there is a merger. A reduction perhaps but both carriers have a serious problem that a layoff would just make worse. They both have old workforces, USAIRs average age is 56 and AA is not far behind.Despite our miserable compensation a layoff would actually drive the average cost for maint labor (and the average age) up, not down.

A layoff would eliminate the few 20 and 30 year olds and probably even cut into 40 year old population in short order as the stratas are very thin to start with. There is no pool of mechanics out there for the carriers to tap when the older workers decide to pack it in. They dont pay enough to draw mechanics out of Mobile Alabama MROs to New York or LAX. Look at how hundreds took the streets or downgrades in TX and Tulsa rather than move with the work to places like NY, ORD or BOS, leaving vacancies unfilled across the system. If AA cant get workers they already have to move for them they have even less chance of drawing workers away from other employers.They have done such a good job at making this a crappy job that half the schools that trained A&Ps closed their doors and those in the military are better off staying there than going into the airline industry.

So ironically if there is an overage I see another buyout offer, but a very limited one. They need to keep the younger workers because if the lay them off competitors will pick them up and AA/US will not get them back as older workers leave.

As far as losing the 401K match I'm waiting for an answer on that, but I believe thats NOT the case.
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As far as losing the 401K match I'm waiting for an answer on that, but I believe thats NOT the case.

No, I’m referring to the 4.3% in the MOU in exchange for the profit sharing, that it’s of no value to Title 1 an 2 since we where due to get a pay increase in 34 month due to the “Special Wage Adjustment” clause in the new contract to catch up to Delta and United in pay. So we are giving USAir the profit sharing for a pay raise we where going to receive anyway.

For M&R it’s a concession that take’s money from our pocket. Not so for the other group in the TWU.
Assuming that the 4.3% would kick in three years sooner, I'll take the bird in the hand. The problem is the pilots did better, and we are giving away the "ME Too" as well. We should get at least as much of a perecentage as they got, we are at the bottom, and will remain there. But then again the 1995 ME Too didnt do us much good either.
Let me see, I gave away my profit sharing for a pay raise I was going to get anyway with the Special Wage and Adjustment in 34 months. So I’m actually paying USAir to Lay some of us off, right? If so I feel sick.
Only if you are on the nego team for the TWU. If you are not, then don't blame yourself. The TWU obviously is crammin this down the employees throats without a vote. The TWU made all the decisions for you and your fellow members. Time to fire the TWU!!!
None of the elected officials had any say in this, they didnt even pretend to let them have a say.

See Bob, this would not happen with AMFA. First of all, the entire membership would have voted on the MOU. Any changes what-so-ever to any part of contract "REQUIRES" a vote from the entire membership. Plus with AMFA there is never deals being cut "behind closed doors".
Bob, I promote AMFA so much because of the phrase, "should have done this years ago". After dealing with the teamsters/ibt at SWA, I too was somewhat fence sitter on bringing AMFA in. The ibt splewing their lies, mis-information, and out right blatent faulse information about AMFA, was the turning point for me. I kept asking myself, "why are the teamsters/ibt working and lying soooo much about AMFA?" So I did my own homework on AMFA. It paid off. Everything, absolutely everything they said about AMFA was completely faulse, and outright lies, especially the one about AMFA being broke, hell my local 11 is the richest local in AMFA.
The only reason the ibt is helping the TWU is to try and get rid of AMFA. Once you guys get AMFA in and see how they opperate, and how transparent they really are, you will also be saying, "should have done this years ago". Then the snow-ball affect will begin. Although the teamsters/ibt were successful with getting into UAL, the mechanics now see that they were full of lies and promices just to get cards signed, they too are doing card drives for IAM and AMFA. It will absolutely damage the teamsters incoming union dues if AMFA is successfull at AA.
Bob, we already know you AA'ers are going to take over the National when you guys become AMFA. However, I still hope we run seperate locals for the AA and SWA Dallas folks. If National does not run seperate locals, then they will be removed. As well as seperate locals in other large member cities where it can be done financially. If you guys really do want control of your union then prove it when the representational vote comes to AA and overwhelmingly fire the TWU and bring in AMFA...
Dang swamt, we got it, AMFA good, TWU bad. Not arguing that point, but geez, does every topic have to turn into a discussion about AMFA?

When is the vote???
Dang swamt, we got it, AMFA good, TWU bad. Not arguing that point, but geez, does every topic have to turn into a discussion about AMFA?

When is the vote???

It won't be long, but no announcement yet.
At this point and time Yes. As the TWU and teamsters spread their lies I will counter every post that is not true about AMFA. There are alot of lazy people out here that will just believe everything people say. And this is what they are counting on to keep AMFA out. Pls bear with the postings, and trust me, it is only going to get worse once the announcement is made. The teamsters and TWU will more than likely hire a PR firm to deflect AMFA at AA. You may laugh at that, but wait and watch, the postings will come out of the wood works once they see an election in the works. Patients brother...
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Assuming that the 4.3% would kick in three years sooner, I'll take the bird in the hand. The problem is the pilots did better, and we are giving away the "ME Too" as well. We should get at least as much of a perecentage as they got, we are at the bottom, and will remain there. But then again the 1995 ME Too didnt do us much good either.

I believe that’s a short Sighted view and to each one’s preference, but we don’t have a vote on it do we.
I believe that’s a short Sighted view and to each one’s preference, but we don’t have a vote on it do we.

We gave up (as did all the APA and APFA) profit sharing from a Company that hasn’t been profitable in a decade for base pay increases worth far more and, to you, that is a bad thing because the TWU also negotiated an industry pay adjustment which will occur in 2015. If the 4.3 percent is paid by April, it will be worth approximately seven thousand dollars in additional pay through September 12, 2015 to every mechanic, and that is without counting the impact on 401k contributions. Assuming AA had its best performance ever and made a billion a year for six straight years, profit sharing would be less than 3,800 dollars total. And we know that is not a realistic scenario because the combined talent of the two worst managements in this industry are not going to produce the best profits in the history of the passenger airline industry.
Let me see, I gave away my profit sharing for a pay raise I was going to get anyway with the Special Wage and Adjustment in 34 months. So I’m actually paying USAir to Lay some of us off, right? If so I feel sick.
There will be plenty of work in a merger and profit sharing was weak at best. We will earn more with the raise than profit sharing. Do you trust AA management to do that well that you will make $2500 plus in profit sharing?

I think middle management are the ones most at risk of job loss.
No, I’m referring to the 4.3% in the MOU in exchange for the profit sharing, that it’s of no value to Title 1 an 2 since we where due to get a pay increase in 34 month due to the “Special Wage Adjustment” clause in the new contract to catch up to Delta and United in pay. So we are giving USAir the profit sharing for a pay raise we where going to receive anyway.

For M&R it’s a concession that take’s money from our pocket. Not so for the other group in the TWU.
You are getting the 4.3% earlier than the wage adjustment. So you are getting more money for 30+ months than you would with no MOU.

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