Exactly but to those with small minds that can only process things in black and white they interpret that as "wanting the company to liquidate". Or they easily are swayed by spinmasters like NYER and Overspeed.
Our peers at EAL faced that same choice, give away everything or fight, did the workers at EAL want the airline to Liquidate? No, but instead of giving Lorenzo everything he wanted, which would have been followed by even more and more demands for concessions they chose to say no, and every other Airline worker was that much better off till Sept 11 gave them the excuse to do what Lorenzo tried to do. They knew going out that liquidation was likely because Lorenzo had already been transferring assetts to Continental (whose mechanics now have a much better deal than we do) but liquidation was never really an issue with us.
I realize that for Fleet where the choice is give in or in their next job is "will that be paper or plastic" things are different
but for mechanics AA was hiring guys who were at or above retirement age from not only EAL but Pan Am as well. And they were at top pay in two years due to Flex. When EAL went away other carriers increased capacity and hired nearly every mechanic that EAL dumped on the market. The situation today is even better as far as demand for mechanics and there is negligible excess capacity in the system, much less than there was in 1989 or 1992.
that said AA was no where near Liquidating, they went in with $5 billion in cash, they did not need any concessions from their workers to be a viable profitable company, they simply wanted them to be the most profitable carrier ever. The company never actually said anything about liquidating if they didn't get what they wanted, that was spun out by Little and his hired hands such as Mark Richard, who time and time again would bring up EAL even though the two situations were as different as night and day when it came to the true financial condition of the airline.
AAnotOk seems incapable of processing that. Then again AAnotok is not $10,000+ a year below his peers either, if that was the case where his work group was the only one expected to accept way below industry standards to preserve everyone else at industry standards I wonder if he would feel the same way? If AA had demanded that they accept top pay and benefits somewhere mid point between say Allied and United, would he look at this the same way? Thats what happened to us, we ended up mid point between TIMCO and United, actually closer to TIMCO in NY and much closer to TIMCO when benefits are factored in, at TIMCO they start off with at least two weeks Vacation.