1AA, NYer, Metalmover
Going back and forth about the TWU and who did what and said is it really important?
Bob and the newly elected 591 officers are paid by the TWU. Gary sits on the equity committee. They all gave themselves a pay raise, just like Little, Don V. and the rest of the old Intl. gang. It is simply the TWU am I right? The company is the one giving us the stock so why did the TWU want or get to handle that? Grease the palms maybe, For our contract and for all the concessions.
We will never find out the real numbers, why/how each person got what. The TWU is going to hold another 5% to protect itself which delays money coming to all.
That money will gain interest who get that? (TWU)
About the only way we might get some type of explanation is just before we kick them to the curb. Just like back in 2001 when AMFA at NWA was pushing the industry standards. The TWU had a scare and created the line locals. But the same Intl. negotiates for all TWU members.
Just be HONEST, ask yourself just what the TWU has done to better your quality of life in monetary ways? Then ask yourself if the TWU again screwed you with this stock equity distribution, have they changed their ways? "NO" The screwing/scamming still continue and will as long as we keep them here.
The officer of 591 made a video to vote "NO" on this contract, but had zero follow thru at least here in Miami, The union reps and local pres at that time never came to the floor an pushed the "NO". The west coast local pres. sent out some emails but the TWU left it up to us. The TWU knows the work force is disengaged and lacks caring due to all the yrs the TWU has just failed.
No snapback clause in our past contract, no retro, no holidays, no 2x, no weeks of vacation back, sick time at 1/2 time. Do I really need to list it all?
This stock thing is just another, in the line of many TWU's failures.
It's Time to make a change that will make a difference.