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how the twu will get their due.....

In the begining of January, I started a thread asking for the TWU to show us Transparency!
I have said in the begining that without us having the data used to determine what we got on the first and second distribution, the TWU will do backwards math to show us how we got what we got. Now, Drummond has posted a letter stating they will be taking an additional 5% to keep in reserve, more money stripped away from us members! 
How much more $$$$, only the TWU knows....because they are keeping us in the dark!
I never made this an political issue....but its time to vote them out. How many more lies can us members take?
The TWU writes a contract, an agreement with one hand and is erasing it with the other!
Realityck said:
The whole thing is ridiculous, but not in the way you claim. A special Committee of Local leaders was formed to determine how the equity was to be distributed. They decided that those taking the early out are not eligible for any of the equity. Almost everyone on this Board, including me, agrees. The International supported that decision. They then get sued by the retirees alleging they are entitled to ten percent of the equity. The only logical thing to do is to hold back the amount the retirees’ claim they are entitled to until the court rules. Hopefully in a timely summary judgment, so as to not delay the final distribution. 
No brother, they have the 5% that was agreed upon. Anything additional should come from the funds the International has stored away...PERIOD! All you mouthpieces are just alike, the TWU are never wrong and the members are...WOW
I...shouldn't have to pay for any lawsuits against...THEM. Thats what the dues are for. Like the letter says, they don't WANT to use the funds they have because there is another pile of money that looks alot better to them. And anyone who thinks they are getting that 10% or even the original 5% back after any litigation are delusional. Poof! Gone! Just like the whole union should be. On another note...Does anyone have confirmation as to wether there will be more than two choices on the ballot for representation. TWU/IAM alliance or no union?
screwed again said:
I...shouldn't have to pay for any lawsuits against...THEM. Thats what the dues are for. Like the letter says, they don't WANT to use the funds they have because there is another pile of money that looks alot better to them. And anyone who thinks they are getting that 10% or even the original 5% back after any litigation are delusional. Poof! Gone! Just like the whole union should be. On another note...Does anyone have confirmation as to wether there will be more than two choices on the ballot for representation. TWU/IAM alliance or no union?
Whenever the vote for the alliance occurs, that would be the time to write in the A.M.F.A. as your union of choice.
Why in the hell am I getting stock issued to me from the TWU? Are they my employer?
It's going through the TWU for obvious reasons, the company payoff to the TWU.
I hate to say it but this is a misstep by the TWU. During the meeting Roth said that the committee's decision was defensible in court and that it was highly probable that the 5% reserve would be paid out to the members. This decision by the TWU makes it appear that they are not as confident in the committee's decision to not pay out the EO's and SiS's as they thought.
Overspeed said:
I hate to say it but this is a misstep by the TWU. During the meeting Roth said that the committee's decision was defensible in court and that it was highly probable that the 5% reserve would be paid out to the members. This decision by the TWU makes it appear that they are not as confident in the committee's decision to not pay out the EO's and SiS's as they thought.
Looks more like the TWU doesn't want to put forth the effort or money to defend the membership from the greedy yes voting, I got mine, & now I want yours - retirees.  Maybe as a previous poster suggested, the membership should look into suing the TWU International for denial of fair representation. 
swamt said:
Easy there, swa....It takes time before a new drive can begin.
MetalMover said:
Easy there, swa....It takes time before a new drive can begin.
Not sure what station you are at but it has started, it started in Tulsa back in OCT.
The org committee has has its first conf call and cards have been sent to the line cities.
Those of us who had cards began last week, and just as SWAMT has asked I have asked the same question over and over. Just how many times are the AMT's of AA going to trust and continue to keep the TWU as the union on the property?
We don't have time to sit around and wait, its time for YOU and others at your station to get cards and start to distribute them get involved and once and for all rid AA of the twu.
We have the list from the NMB that AA submitted so we know the exact numbers, the data base has been kept up now for over 10 yrs. If you and all that read this aren't involved then what ever the TWU does to our class and craft, now and in the future,
 You won't be able to whine, it will be on you and all that just stood by and let it happen.
You don't have to be the leader, but get involved. Help as much as you can to get the information to your fellow mechanics. Ask the guys on your crew to sign and help as well. Your career and future is at stake. Do you want the TWU to continue to ruin our future.
AMFA at AA 2014​
The twu trumps its members again. Another twu screw job using our money to pay for their lawsuit. We have tried countless times to get rid of this worthless excuse of a union. It amazes me how much someone needs to get raped before they fight back. When will it end... Sign a card, write in another union, or just vote for the IAM anything but these crooks. PLEASE
Southwest Mechanic wages are $46 and Crew Chiefs are $49 and are getting ready for new negotiations.
The Supervisor makes what Crew Chief makes or a little more depending on his time.
Also they are receiving 6% profit sharing and participate in a 9% matching 401k.
The argument that their maintenance is done overseas is a failing argument as at TUL our heavies a slowly reducing or disappearing on the 737.
You know what your salary is, you know what your match is and soon for this last year you will get an unknown profit sharing amount.
Your Equity Distribution was again devalued by the mismanagement of the TWU.
The TWU claim to be financially broke, with a reported loss of $75000 a month at Local 514.
The Local 514 President laid two union secretaries because of the local's financial stress.
The TWU Local 514 is bringing back a former member that has left the employment of AA to oversee the financial secretaries’ duties at $35,000 a year.
This to assist the current elected Financial Secretary.
TWU Local 514 is paying a Computer IT TWU mechanic in excess of $100,000 a year while you as a mechanic earn your contractual rate.
The Executive Board recently voted for and approved a $9.00 an hour wage increase for the TWU Local 514 President.
This was based a TWU Constitution position that a local president cannot be paid less than its highest member.
The Maintenance Control Technicians topped out rate is $9.00 an hour higher than the highest paid AMT.
How can the TWU recover? My guess would be to raise your dues.
Getting ready?

They are in negotiations.
Those of us who had cards began last week, and just as SWAMT has asked I have asked the same question over and over. Just how many times are the AMT's of AA going to trust and continue to keep the TWU as the union on the property?
I know this was a rhetorical question, but apparently, things haven't yet become unbearable for many of your coworkers.

That's part of the problem in America today; too many people seeing something happening to someone else, and not thinking it'll ever affect them.

I can only hope your fellow AA AMT's see the light before it's too late.
Jager said:
The Local 514 President laid two union secretaries because of the local's financial stress.
Sounds about right for a TWU rep.
A little nookie can help a lot with stress!!  :lol:  :lol: