are you an scheduler? let me tell you something. I was on a trip, on a huge delay and I, call scheduling during that delay on the third and last day of that trip 24th of dec, to find out if i had any trip awarded out of the list that I left, because I couldn't check it on the automated system, scheduler KKK answer, and the first thing that she told me was, since I have you on the line I will have to asign you a trip,,,,,,,,,HELLLLOOOOOO. as a scheduler I would asume you would know, that I dont have an arrival time yet, so how could she dare to asign me something, I told her That I would call as soon as I arrived, and she said no BY CONTRACT I have to asign you a trip, at that moment my phone "failed", and I continue to do what i was doing, I call the union and this guy told me that she dare to put some remarks on my record, that I hang up on her, NO MORE TO TELL PLEASSEEEE I will ask you again are you an scheduler???? (this reply was for the cry baby