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Changing CATCREW F/A RSV Screen Option #18

The same people who are working on Pref Bid are the ones who are doing the F/A directory. Ask Ann or Glenda about it. Maybe they'll tell you "no later than June 2004". Ever heard that date before?

Yea, how about the fact that Ann has not put out much communication in 2 years, but a week before the elections open she puts out 2. Guess that stands up there with not getting things done.
What happened to our PHL LEC as a whole? Havnt heard a peep out of any of them. At least Brian was sending out emails..Havnt heard anything, except his Hello letter, since John was elected Pres. John...are you there? I thought you were a writer? So..come on..WRITE!!LOL. 😛

So, what happened to our reserve chair?
Yea, how about the fact that Ann has not put out much communication in 2 years, but a week before the elections open she puts out 2. Guess that stands up there with not getting things done.

Keep in mind when voting in CLT or any other base that our LECPs are the ones who voted this screen change in.
I had been hearing a rumor that there will be a change the way RSV option #18 is coded. The MEC has decided to change option #18 Reserve screen so that you no longer will know if a person is on a sick call (SCK), personal day (PER) , had a death in the family (DIF), is on union (AFA) business or anything else. Supposedly there have been complaints from some F/As that it is an invasion of privacy. Instead of these codes, there will be an XXX next to the person's name. My argument against this is that I honestly don't care that you called in sick, if you had a death in your family I am very sorry, and I don't care what you are using your personal day for. However, if I am good for 4 days and you are ahead of me in L.T.O order and all of a sudden you are removed and an XXX is placed by your name, I would like to know at least if there's a chance you will be coming back on duty that night at midnight. I won't be able to gauge by the XXX if you called in sick, did have a DIF or what.

If the MEC goes ahead and does this, the only information on the screen next to each F/As name will be INV, RST, ROC AVL and how many days. I e-mailed MECP M.F.& LECP Mark Gentile in PIT to confirm and they both said that yes, the MEC voted on this and it will happen.

I have been going around and around in e-mails w/ MF on this. I asked him how many people have complained about this and if it was the majority of RSV F/As.
I also wanted to know the number that actually did complain. Is this another case of the MEC doing for a few when the majority has not complained ? Is this a case of people complaining because perhaps they are abusing the system and other F/As are holding them accountable ? I know someone will say that I should mind my own business, but what you do regarding RSV availability when you are ahead of me in L.T.O. order IS my business. I don't want specifics as far as what you do on your SCK or PER days. I just want the information so I just might be able to gauge when you might be on duty so that I can try to live my life to the best of my ability with this horrendous RSV system.

In the near future, option #18 will allow the minimal amount of information to be seen that will allow a reserve to see what going on with those above them in LTO. As a reserve this information is vital! On a daily basis it allows a flight attendant some sense of control over their lives by knowing whose next for calls etc…
If you take that information away from the reserves it defeats two purposes.
First it’s the reserve’s own check and balance. Secondly it allows the reserve to know who will be called first and if they are passed-why.
If it is changed just to reflect XXX then you will have reserves contacting scheduling or the Union to find out why they were not used. I think this is a big mistake and will turn into a big headache for everyone. Not only for RSVs but the amount of phone calls to C/S will increase because this info. is not available.
I'm sure there will be those on this board that disagree w/ me but I honestly have never known a flight attendant to complain about having this information available unless they were trying to hide something.
In his last e-mail to me, M.F. said that this is pretty much a done deal unless enough members contact him and their own LECPs regarding the issue. So, if you agree or disagree please do contact him. I don't think we should just wake up one morning and have the screen changed.

Mike Flores can't make any changes...he does not have that power. Its the LECPs that can make changes...only they can vote on an agenda item or proposal to make changes.
Mike Flores can't make any changes...he does not have that power. Its the LECPs that can make changes...only they can vote on an agenda item or proposal to make changes.

Does he give his recommendations to the LEC Presidents though?
When I called to ask about this the union told me that no one has called to complain that they were changing the screen. I do believe that is because NO ONE KNEW ABOUT IT!! We need to pass the word on to others and get EVERYONE to call their locals. I do not believe that seeing a SCK, PER, AFA, COM, NCT notation is a violation of the privacy act. Now if it stated what someone was sick with or out on personal with that would definitely be in violation. Our LEC's seem to love to vote on things that will be taken away from us.....profit sharing....but yet they never seem to be voting on something that we will GAIN!!!!! ABA....ABA....ABA....ABA....ABA....EVERYONE NEEDS TO VOTE.....CLEAN HOUSE.....LETS GET SOME NEW BLOOD IN OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is nothing out on any e-lines. Mike Flores doesn't put anything out...he leaves the f/as in the dark and only after many months have gone by and after the fact and vote and much pressure from some f/a sqeaky wheels, he puts out something and places all the blame on the LECPs.

You guys need to start calling your individual respective base union pres. to start writing out on their base e-lines. Regardless of whether Mike F. puts any thing out or nothing...informations should come from the local presidents.

BOS and LGA, PIT are the only bases that write out to their members that I've seen.

Does he give his recommendations to the LEC Presidents though?

Yes. And the information he gives can be misleading, misinformation, or biased, depending on how he wants to see the vote go. :down:
Do we even have AFA in PHL anymore? We get squat! Nada!
63% of the PHL flight attendants should be ASHAMED of themselves for not voting and everyone should be callling these people into line. You deserve what you vote in and I hope CLT has the sense not to make the same mistake.
This time next year we have a last chance in PHL to correct this situation.
Mike Flores can't make any changes...he does not have that power. Its the LECPs that can make changes...only they can vote on an agenda item or proposal to make changes.

From what I understand the vote was taken by the LECPs a few months ago, at least while LA was still in office. At least 10 F/As have e-mailed Mike about the situation but he is standing firm and saying it WILL be changed. Mark Gentile is the only one willing to listen. Below is his response to me.....all Mike Flores keeps saying is a big fat NO ! The problem however with both of them is that they are not living this horrendous RSV system so they cannot comprehend the importance of us having as much info. as possible...not about why they are SCK or what they are doing w/ their PER day. Just when they might be back on duty. I think ALL union officers should have to spend 3 months on RSV to experience the system....but then no one would want to be a union rep. In his letter below Mark says that he needs more reasons to not have the screen changed.....how about this reason...BECAUSE THE MAJORITY DO NOT WANT IT CHANGED ! Folks, this is just another case of a few complaining and the MEC listening to them.

The insistence of AFA to have option 18 was to monitor crew scheduling to see if they were assigning trips in proper LTO order. It was never meant to monitor flight attendants and have their personal situations for everyone to view. It was never meant for everyone to see who is being disciplined, suspended, out on medical leave battling some illness. If a flight attendant has acquired FMLA or PCL protection for a chronic illness they are able to call off many times sick with no consequences should everyone be aware that this flight attendant has a chronic illness. Personal days are so personal with adequate coverage the supervisor is not allowed to ask the reason why one is taken. Please tell me the advantage of knowing if a person is sick , personal or death in a family. If I see an xxx by a persons name instead of a code I know they are unavailable and I may be the next to be called. Does it matter if they are sick or personal or death in the family. Let me know the advantage because I have to argue this in front of the MEC. I am open to all suggestions and reasons but so far I have no case to present. The suggested change will still let you know who is available and for the amount of days only the personal information would be removed. Sick and PER are included in this change. Please call or email me anytime. I know the frustrations of this reserve system and I don't want to make it more frustrating but I would need a compelling case to prevent the voice for privacy. One of the arguments I received was, when a lineholder calls off It is not for everyone to view but it is for a reserve and that is disparity of treatment. This certainty is that you cannot please everyone. Issues are important for different reasons to different members but a logical argument normally prevails. For now I need to know how adversely this will affect a reserve other than not knowing someone's personal information. I have received a little information in support of your opinion but if you can provide me with more it will be appreciated.

Thanks for your concern and voicing your opinion,

Mark Gentile-Mgentile@afausairways.org
President, Council40

If Mike Flores won't listen, please contact Mark as well as your own LECP and RSV chair Sherri Baker.
I have received a little information in support of your opinion but if you can provide me with more it will be appreciated.

Thanks for your concern and voicing your opinion,

Mark Gentile-Mgentile@afausairways.org
President, Council40

If Mike Flores won't listen, please contact Mark as well as your own LECP and RSV chair Sherri Baker.

Forgot we even have a MEC RSV chair as we never hear a peep out of her either. Anybody have her e-mail ???
Forgot we even have a MEC RSV chair as we never hear a peep out of her either. Anybody have her e-mail ???

Hey Moron, go to the AFA website and you will find her email address, as well as other info you might find helpful.It is important to use the tools we have.
simon56- Ouch hit a nerve there did we? :shock: Still doesn't explain the lack of communication from the LEC level straight to the MEC level. What is the MEC RSV Chair doing? Why can't she write us an eline? This is basic duties of the job.If you can't communicate with your members then something is wrong, very very wrong. The number one duty in my view of a union rep is to protect and second communicate.
Hey Moron, go to the AFA website and you will find her email address, as well as other info you might find helpful.It is important to use the tools we have.

Obviously as a newbie poster you need some help with board etiquette. Instead of trying to peruse that out of date site that AFA has, I thought I'd ask my friendly co-workers here...which you seem to not be. Every post I read from you is an angry one...have you tried vodka or therapy ?
Obviously as a newbie poster you need some help with board etiquette. Instead of trying to peruse that out of date site that AFA has, I thought I'd ask my friendly co-workers here...which you seem to not be. Every post I read from you is an angry one...have you tried vodka or therapy ?
Funny thing is, Simon is real protective of the CLT LEC. Not too tough to figure out who it might be. Doesn't matter though, it's too late. ABA
Instead of removing information from option 18, they should be adding information to option 16. As with the reserves, enter all trips flown with total trip hours for the month plus ETB trips.
Then we will all know who is over flying. :up:

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