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Changing CATCREW F/A RSV Screen Option #18

Instead of removing information from option 18, they should be adding information to option 16. As with the reserves, enter all trips flown with total trip hours for the month plus ETB trips.
Then we will all know who is over flying. :up:
AFA would go for that as fast as they would a rotating RSV system. I would love one of our LECP's to support that. That would be a one way ticket out of office(Ann, are you hearing that).
Forgot we even have a MEC RSV chair as we never hear a peep out of her either. Anybody have her e-mail ???
Please do contact her and let us know if you get a reply....I have contacted her since she got the position regarding various issues and only heard back once. Perhaps it is because she is so busy with Carole Austin on the scheduling committee.
March 28, 2007

Option 18 - Activity Status for Reserves
Accessing The Hub
AFA Local Numbers
Dear Michael,


The information available on Option 18 will be changed- and for good reason.

Option 18 currently displays every Activity status for every Reserve in LTO order. The Activity status codes currently displayed include every status code the Company uses to track a Reserve Flight Attendant's availability or unavailability.

Currently everyone in the system has the ability to know the exact reason why a Reserve is unavailable- be it Personal (PER), Death in the Family (DIF), Unpaid Disciplinary Suspension (DSU), Sick (SCK) and Medical (MED) among others. These codes do not give any indication of how long a Flight Attendant may be unavailable. For example, one can only assume a PER day code associated with a particular Flight Attendant today means that Flight Attendant will become available at midnight. He/she might or might not.

Over the past year the members of the MEC have received numerous queries from Reserves regarding that ability. After careful consideration the MEC decided to engage the Company in discussions about removing personal information from Option 18. The MEC believes there is no reason for anyone to know why a Flight Attendant is unavailable.

The Company agreed with the MEC's assessment the reason someone was unavailable was between the Company and the Flight Attendant and such information should not be displayed publicly.

All other information currently displayed on Option 18 will remain as is. The MEC realizes that Option 18 is a valuable tool for a Reserve Flight Attendant to be able to gauge the activity of available Reserves in relation to their own schedule. All pertinent information for that process will still be available.

There is no valid reason for anyone to have the ability to peer into any other Flight Attendants private life.

The Company is currently in the process of programming the change and you will be informed when the information will be removed and how unavailable Flight Attendants will appear on Option 18.

Thank you,

Mike Flores, President
The US Airways Master Executive Council
Ok I still dont see the big deal. SCK/DSP/PER designators does not tell us how long the FA will be unavailable, so how will this differ if they change all of the codes to 'xxx'?
What codes will be XXX out? I am willing to bet AFA is one of them? Anyone dare ask the question? So where did this come from all of a sudden? What MEC memeber brought this forward for debate? What was the debate like? How did the vote go? Oh so many question with so few answers. But, we are on a need to know basis and this is something that is none of our business. At least in AFAs eyes.
Not opposed to changes but what codes are being XXX out?
What codes will be XXX out? I am willing to bet AFA is one of them? Anyone dare ask the question? So where did this come from all of a sudden? What MEC memeber brought this forward for debate? What was the debate like? How did the vote go? Oh so many question with so few answers. But, we are on a need to know basis and this is something that is none of our business. At least in AFAs eyes.
Not opposed to changes but what codes are being XXX out?

According to MF, AFA will still be available, so will NCT, AVL, ROC, RST...just not things like PER, SCK, DSU, DIF, and MED.
Someone here had suggested that if you want to know if a person is AVL for the next day when an XXX appears next to their name then you can go fwd a day. Yes, that IS true but does that mean that now you have to look at yesterdays, today's and tomorrows screens. Especially the antiquated way these screens advance. I already spend enough time on this friggin' computer, now AFA wants me to spend more.
In addition, it amazes me that they have spent their time getting this fixed when there are so many more important issues that need to be taken care of regarding RSVs.....bet they're proud of themselves. This site needs a smiley that vomits because that's what would go here.....
I have to say I wish they wouldn't change screen #18. I don't see it as being an invasion of privacy to have someone else know why I'm not working on a particular day. I much rather know if I need to take a personal day and get denied whom else may have already received one. Once again something has been changed without the majority being asked. I don't see why the union can't create a poll for something like this. The flight attendant group that pays monthly dues should be able to give our opinion on changes. Once again the reserves lose without being asked just like the 24hr. rest happening on a layover.
I have to say I wish they wouldn't change screen #18. I don't see it as being an invasion of privacy to have someone else know why I'm not working on a particular day. I much rather know if I need to take a personal day and get denied whom else may have already received one. Once again something has been changed without the majority being asked. I don't see why the union can't create a poll for something like this. The flight attendant group that pays monthly dues should be able to give our opinion on changes. Once again the reserves lose without being asked just like the 24hr. rest happening on a layover.
TahitiGirl, If you truly feel this way, please contact your local LECP and MF. I've been e-mailing him every day about this for a week. He says he's gotten about 6 e-mails from concerned RSVs and doesn't think it's a problem. If you think it is, let him know.....THX.
Our AFA MEC runs this place like a dictatorship. They are accountable to NO ONE in their mind. Until the membership demands accountability, we should expect more of the same. The only way for us to truly voice our will is to demand change at the LEC level. Interesting that AFA 70 has not called for a council meeting yet. John, don't you want direction from the members on how to proceed in negotiations and other issues? I know what my 1 item for consideration would be. What about the rest of you? The officers take marching orders from us. It's like they are afraid to take those orders. MEC Wimps grow some cojones.
I have to share this response from the PHL RSV Chair....somebody e-mailed her and asked her about the change. Have to ask two questions.....what is she rambling about and where did she learn to spell...???

From Omar :
"I understand your concern as well as I would like to respect the privacy of others unlike the block holders wh can just twop or trip improve to suit thier personel needs we as RSV's dont have that privacy. If you are in question you may always submit a claim for any time that you n\may think you were wrongfully entitled to wheather you would have went out or not and claims will research it the only way to find out if it was just a few complaint or many is by bombardung claims with paperwork then and only then
will the MEC re-think this. If their is clear favortism to some flight attendants regarding PER days then this will surley bringthis to light while some of you would like to grieve in private you entirely are within your
right so before we jump to just one side let's consider if it were you maybe going through chemo or lost a loved one and the only distraction is work only to be reminded each time you turn around a question ever so honest and
pure but at the same time invading of, How are you doing?, who died this time?, I saw you were out for another two weeks whats going on? These concerns are not meant to be invading but sometime the opposite of your
concrens are just that maybe if we had all waited on for the "jumpseat confession" this would not be an issue now. So please continue to lend an ear when needed and give space when needed as well. Trading spaces just for a second isnt as easy as it seems."
I have to share this response from the PHL RSV Chair....somebody e-mailed her and asked her about the change. Have to ask two questions.....what is she rambling about and where did she learn to spell...???
From Omar :
"I understand your concern as well as I would like to respect the privacy of others unlike the block holders wh can just twop or trip improve to suit thier personel needs we as RSV's dont have that privacy. If you are in question you may always submit a claim for any time that you n\may think you were wrongfully entitled to wheather you would have went out or not and claims will research it the only way to find out if it was just a few complaint or many is by bombardung claims with paperwork then and only then
will the MEC re-think this. If their is clear favortism to some flight attendants regarding PER days then this will surley bringthis to light while some of you would like to grieve in private you entirely are within your
right so before we jump to just one side let's consider if it were you maybe going through chemo or lost a loved one and the only distraction is work only to be reminded each time you turn around a question ever so honest and
pure but at the same time invading of, How are you doing?, who died this time?, I saw you were out for another two weeks whats going on? These concerns are not meant to be invading but sometime the opposite of your
concrens are just that maybe if we had all waited on for the "jumpseat confession" this would not be an issue now. So please continue to lend an ear when needed and give space when needed as well. Trading spaces just for a second isnt as easy as it seems."
Hey Hey! Look who we voted in. At least they got a response. She just ignores emails most people send her. She must have been in LA writing that since she is there most of the time now commuting! People knew what they were getting when the voted in Omar. An uncontrolable, foul mouthed, loose cannon with a horrible work record that can't spell. Congrats 😉
I hope this didn't go out to the general membership, let alone the company.
'Spell check' would be a wonderful feature for her to use. I cut and pasted the message into Word and corrected 12 errors, which at least made the message understandable. I only hope she learns how to use that feature before sending out future correspondence.

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