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Freshwater Responds To Santorum's Comments

Out of seniority furloughs targeting active and former union officials. What a great idea. I can see the law suits now. Of course it won't make any difference because U will be long gone before they get into court.

Let see . . . . leadership by fear, intimidation, threats, revenge, and retribution . . . . that's a receipe for success. Sort of the anti-Southwest factor.

I can't imagine any union cowardly enough to allow that to go unanswered.
USA 320 thinks they might furlough out of seniority and I'm certain he is salivating. This is right up his alley. After all he slithered across a picket line to secure his first job and had super-seniority for a short time.

Does anyone know anything about ALPA's by-laws? How is it possible that a pilot who crossed an ALPA picket line and then allowed to join the same union that he had betrayed? How is it possible that a pilot who betrayed his union and fellow pilots is permitted to hold a proxy (even if it was only for one meeting)? How is it possible a pilot who loses his pension and in a snit writes the potential unthinkable consequences of pilot distraction is allowed to fly an airplane (I'm sure we all remember that thread)?

May God have mercy on your soul!
USA320Pilot said:
I could be furloughed out of seniority like others, but last month I received two letters of commendation for reporting to work for every scheduled event, not using any sick time for the past six months, and for outstanding performance by rescuing and flying a broken airplane with a serious fuel problem.

I doubt I would get furloughed out of seniority.

How about you?

Furthermore, since Judge Mitchell is continuing his history of approving every company motion, it appears the S.1113 process could be very, very interesting.

Tic...toc...tic...toc, next week is just around the clock...


You are the most pathetic person in the world. :down:
Don't forget the vast majority of pilots are against these bozo's too.

USA320Pilot said:
Dear Fellow Pilot:

I find it interesting that Fred Freshwater did not get his name in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette or the Tribune-Review. It appears that Dan Ftizpatrick and Steve Halvonik no longer see the need to obtain quotes from Freshwater and Fred could only comment Karen Ferrikc-Roman of the Beaver County Times. Hummm. Is Freshwater and the other members of the RC4 now have the media against them too? Now its two U.S. senators, US Airways management, the ALPA president, ALPA E&FA, ALPA's professional negotiators, ALPA's bankruptcy counsel, ALPA's outside legal counsel, ALPA's legal contract administer, ALPA's financial advisor, all 3 US Airways MEC officers, and the majority of the MEC who all disagree with the RC4.


Complete Story



P.S. Tom Olson of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review did not give Freshwater any publcity either. Hummm....

Why am not surprised to hear this from you? The RC4 are COWARDS, and the legacy they will carry is one of failure...your painted right there next to them. These actions are criminal, if not just very poor judgement.

What about all the senior people who just lost what left of the retirement due to no deal. Yea...we really showed them didn't we.

You don't get it, do you? Now, here come the PBGC to take the AFA DB plan too, thanks to you, Rocket Scientist!

PITbull said:
Dear Capt.

Steve Holvonik is off for 3 days, and wait till you see the media tomorrow.

PIT Pres. of AFA has flooded santorum's office with a letter of outrage, along with Spector's and Gov. Rendall with regard to the flipped remarks made by the good Senator. AFL-CIO is involved along with many of the Candidates that are running against Spector.

There is outrage among all labor organizations in PA.

You couldn't spin your fodder any more from the real truth.

This letter has been e-lined out. The AFA MEC President has also written out to the members with his distain.

Relax, the judge will take what you were so willing to give up. Should make you happy....all will be right with the world now.


That is as bad as suggesting that we can do nothing to effect chage, isn't that what you have been advocating? Or are you afraid to be tagged with any consessions or working with the company?

PITbull said:
What is grossly wrong here is anyone, specialist, professor, lawyer, analyst having an inclination that LABOR CONCESSIONS ALONE CAN SAVE AN AIRLINE.

EyeInTheSky said:
Do you know Arlen Specter personally USA320Pilot? I do. And, let me tell you something he listens and doesn't make any judgements without getting all the facts. He respects the pilot group (and all employees) at US Airways immensely. I am sure when Fred and John talk to him he'll be impressed by their dedication to the pilot group and the company.

Santorum's office notified the AFA PIT pres. and asked for a number that the good senator can call personally.
Out of senority furloughs only make financial sense with pilots because of the specific equipment they can currently fly (i.e. airbus 319/20/21 vs. 733/4) and with line mechanics vs. mechanics off the line. If the company was to seek to terminate contracts, reduce the minimun a/c number and ground or phase out the boeing 733/4, and farm out heavy maint, then it would make sense for the company to want to furlough 733/4 pilots and hangar mechanics that are not able to work the line, regardless of senority. I do not see this as the company picking this pilot or mechanic over "the more cooperative one" but rather a very blunt instrument to achieve an end of eleminating training and transition cost. Even the best of U's pilots and and mechanics would be indiscriminately swept away with that type of move.
UseYourHead said:

That is as bad as suggesting that we can do nothing to effect chage, isn't that what you have been advocating? Or are you afraid to be tagged with any consessions or working with the company?

I have dedicated almost a quarter of a century to this once-great company. And I have lived under concessions most of my career.

I have lived most of my adult life as a single parent raising two fantastically itelligent, decent children... AND educated myself, and I am a dedicated to my work.


And that should be YOUR fear.
Isn't that your first choice PitBull? You have been suggesting for months how nice it would be to take a vacation with pay...ala the unemployment line.

I hope you get your wish, and those of us who really want to transform can move on without excess undesirable baggage.

Good luck, cause this could happen, thanks to union leaders that were to stupid to get agreements before BK.

PITbull said:
yea, LOL....I'll get unemployment too.

I think UYH's personal agenda just slipped out....

"What about all the senior people who just lost what left of the retirement due to no deal."

That big DC plan pension, with a large chunk of it in "Davey Dollars" may have been a factor in someone's attitude - the company avoiding BK was just the vehicle to personal gain.

So quit...Oh ya, you want to drag the airline down so you can get unemployment...shame-on-you!

EyeInTheSky said:
USA320Pilot, I believe you stated that you have a child that is going through major health issues. Again, I am sorry if that is the case. That being said, I understand why you are personally so against the RC4. But, at some point you must ask yourself: How much are you willing to give up to keep your job? Many of us have given enough and have to say no at some point.

Calm down man....get a grip. It will be ok. Everyone should have been prepared for anything the past two years. I have been saying on these boards this whole entire ordeal is about union busting.

You should have prepared yourself and your family so that you would never be taken like a "dear in headlights".

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