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Pilots Decide To Day On Opening Contract?

I doubt they really even care to go to the table with us. With all the "me too" causes they can get what they want right though ALPA. I mean what else could they go afte that is not tied directly in with the pilots?
USAirBoyA330 said:
I doubt they really even care to go to the table with us. With all the "me too" causes they can get what they want right though ALPA. I mean what else could they go afte that is not tied directly in with the pilots?
correct...i think they can get what they want from those two groups to coast through june 31.
PITbull said:
No. You missed a step this time....

The f/as will be balloted on whether to even go to the table. That is where we differ from the other groups.
You are incorrect and is not apart of the process...... Point to the section in union by laws that stipulate that step!!!!! Pit bull it is obvious to me ( one that pit voted against the last go around) that you are out of touch with "your" fellow members. There are more employees in this company than just Pit as shown in the last vote on consessions!
This is hard fact there are many many many unemployed exairline f/a's, pilots, ground agents etc. etc. so don't cut your nose to spite your face listen listen and listen again don't let you alligator mouth over load you humming bird rear-end listen to what has to be said first cause this is your meat and potatoes your fooling around with
30 days hath September, April, June :lol: and November, all the rest have 31................Except February which has 29, this year..........
usfliboi said:
PITbull said:
No. You missed a step this time....

The f/as will be balloted on whether to even go to the table. That is where we differ from the other groups.
You are incorrect and is not apart of the process...... Point to the section in union by laws that stipulate that step!!!!! Pit bull it is obvious to me ( one that pit voted against the last go around) that you are out of touch with "your" fellow members. There are more employees in this company than just Pit as shown in the last vote on consessions!
Eyes wide open, USfli.

When AFA MEC meet at meetings, AFA can make a motion just to talk about if the sky is blue and then vote to go outside to lay outside under the sky for the rest of the meeting. Do you know how that works?

Same with a vote to ballot members on anything.
I agree with you pit. Put it to a vote to even SEE if the membership wants to reopen. Besides, if we have to give up the farm again because of the me-too's, there is no need to negotiate anything else.

USAirBoyA330 said:
I doubt they really even care to go to the table with us. With all the "me too" causes they can get what they want right though ALPA. I mean what else could they go afte that is not tied directly in with the pilots?
The door swings both ways with regard to the "me too" clause. IMHO, it was never a good idea to tie various labor contracts together this way. For the AFA, it was a convenient way for ALPA to do their negotiating for them. Don't blame ALPA when the door swings the other way...we certainly never cared for your "me too" clauses and the pressure it exerted at the bargaining table.
As for the so-called "hardliners", I think 6 months of unemployment might do their hearts good. It's easy to chest thump with the paycheck still coming in. Personally, I need my job, I like my job, and I want this company to succeed. It's too late for Dave's ouster. Bronner made it clear that he will not force him out while the company gasps for breath. Tying any labor negotiations to that end will be a waste of time.
As for further concessions, each one of us will have that pen or keyboard in hand to vote on the company's future. It is a matter of personal choice whether or not we vote yes or no and definitely no ones business HOW we vote. I voice my opinion from time to time on issues we are facing but please don't confuse them with any type coercion. I just tire of the endless stream of rhetoric and drum beating I see on these boards.

I respect those that sit down with their families, dealing with issues, not emotions and vote their conscience...up or down.

A320 Driver