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Former Presidents cost to tax payers

Where are you getting your numbers knot? Pulling them out of your ass?
Simple math, If you don't have to provide links to support your assertions, neither do I. I'll leave the ass grabbing up to you, you're an expert at it. Besides, everybody knows that the longer you fly a B747 the less fuel it burns. haha
Where are you getting your numbers knot? Pulling them out of your ass?

You must count the non stop campaigning and not governing into the equation.
Where is any Obama legislation?
Who is at the helm when continually campaigning?
President Jarret, the first woman elected president and first MOMMY?
Simple math, If you don't have to provide links to support your assertions, neither do I. I'll leave the ass grabbing up to you, you're an expert at it. Besides, everybody knows that the longer you fly a B747 the less fuel it burns. haha
From the fair and balanced websiteAir Force One costs a whopping $181,757 per hour to operate. Flying time from DC to Waco - 3.5 hours. Roundtrip flying time 7 hours. 80 trips to Waco using the fair and balanced numbers - $101,783,920. And this was just for vacations to Waco. Again using the fair and balanced numbers. And that's just to operate the goddamn plane.
You must count the non stop campaigning and not governing into the equation.
Where is any Obama legislation?
Who is at the helm when continually campaigning?
President Jarret, the first woman elected president and first MOMMY?
Obama just flew out to gay bay to campaign (raise money) for the DNC. Wined and dined with the democrat 1 percenters (it's the Republican 1 percenters he hates) begging for money. Another 1.5 million dollar campaign trip on the backs of our children.
Obama just flew out to gay bay to campaign (raise money) for the DNC. Wined and dined with the democrat 1 percenters (it's the Republican 1 percenters he hates) begging for money. Another 1.5 million dollar campaign trip on the backs of our children.
Is $101 MILLION a fair price to pay for brush clearing trips? The number comes from a fair and balanced source
Tell him to keep his 5% and to cut the vacations to 10 a year, if he really feels their pain !

I would rather none of them (POTUS or Congress) take any vacation till a budget is passed and that no one takes vacations when in session. I'd also like to see a ban on family members traveling on 'business' trips. If it's business then it's business. If it's family then it's family and they pay for the trip. The POTUS issue with VC needs to be a bit different due to all the security involved but I think it would be fair to limit POTUS vacations to 3 a year each no more than 2 weeks in length. They pay the cost of an average vacation for a family of their size and at mid-level accommodations.
From the fair and balanced websiteAir Force One costs a whopping $181,757 per hour to operate. Flying time from DC to Waco - 3.5 hours. Roundtrip flying time 7 hours. 80 trips to Waco using the fair and balanced numbers - $101,783,920. And this was just for vacations to Waco. Again using the fair and balanced numbers. And that's just to operate the goddamn plane.
Nope, DC to Waco in 2 hours 12 minutes, round trip 4 hours 24 minutes, 2484 nautical miles. DC to Hawaii in 10 hours 10 minutes, round trip 20 hours 20 minutes, 9674 nautical miles. 4 round trips to/from Waco equals 1 trip trip to/from Hawaii.

The Air Force reports that the average hourly cost to fly Air Force One during the Bush term was $56,860. The Air Force reports the hourly cost to operate Air Force One during Obama's first term is $181.757. The price of fuel during the Bush term was approximately half of what it is during Obama's first term. 5 round trips to Hawaii equals $1,817,570 in just 4 years. 77 round trips to Waco during Bush 8 years in office equals $1,970,990

That's just the trips to Hawaii, in 4 years. That doesn't include Moochelle's vacation to Spain with friends, Martha's Vineyard vacations, 115 golf outings and the endless campaigning on tax payers back. That's i just 4 years KC. I'd be more than happy to spell the rest of it out to you.
Nope, DC to Waco in 2 hours 12 minutes, round trip 4 hours 24 minutes, 2484 nautical miles. DC to Hawaii in 10 hours 10 minutes, round trip 20 hours 20 minutes, 9674 nautical miles. 4 round trips to/from Waco equals 1 trip trip to/from Hawaii.

The Air Force reports that the average hourly cost to fly Air Force One during the Bush term was $56,860. The Air Force reports the hourly cost to operate Air Force One during Obama's first term is $181.757. The price of fuel during the Bush term was approximately half of what it is during Obama's first term. 5 round trips to Hawaii equals $1,817,570 in just 4 years. 77 round trips to Waco during Bush 8 years in office equals $1,970,990

That's just the trips to Hawaii, in 4 years. That doesn't include Moochelle's vacation to Spain with friends, Martha's Vineyard vacations, 115 golf outings and the endless campaigning on tax payers back. That's i just 4 years KC. I'd be more than happy to spell the rest of it out to you.

I guess you'll need to since 1) your numbers don't add up to your first post and 2) I provided a link, which you summarily dismissed, yet failed to provide a link to a source to substantiate your claims. Even in the Faux news story, when addressing the question about why earlier figures were under $100k per hour, the response was "they were wrong".

I know fuel costs less when Bush was in office and all was right with the world, but in 4 short years the cost of operating Air Force one went from $56k to $181k? Are you saying Fox News is wrong??
I guess you'll need to since 1) your numbers don't add up to your first post and 2) I provided a link, which you summarily dismissed, yet failed to provide a link to a source to substantiate your claims. Even in the Faux news story, when addressing the question about why earlier figures were under $100k per hour, the response was "they were wrong".

I know fuel costs less when Bush was in office and all was right with the world, but in 4 short years the cost of operating Air Force one went from $56k to $181k? Are you saying Fox News is wrong??

LOL....KC you getting your butt bump fired......LOL
LOL....KC you getting your butt bump fired......LOL
Am I? What is your response to the Fox News link I provided? I am the only one providing a link to AF1 operating costs, but somehow that doesn't seem to matter...some OTHER source (with no link...just the words "Air Force") claim that in only cost Bush $56k per hour to fly HIS AF1. Were they running Bio JetA?

President Barack Obama’s decision to return 5 percent of his salary to the U.S. Treasury to show solidarity with furloughed government workers may step up pressure on top federal officials and lawmakers to follow suit.
Obama will send a check to the Treasury for a portion of his $400,000 annual salary each month federal employees are forced to take un

The president makes $400,000 a year. In addition, he is provided living quarters on Pennsylvania Avenue, several limos, a very nice (Rose) garden, an (Oval) office and some very nice bedrooms, one named for a former occupant, the late President Lincoln. The president also gets a $50,000 expense account and an additional $100,000 for travel. The average government worker, I dare say, does not get quite that much for travel and might have to live in his or her own home, invariably not on Pennsylvania Avenue, necessitating a tiring and expensive commute.

But wait: This president is independently rich. He is rich by dint of his own talent and industry, but rich is rich –- and you probably ain’t. Obama has made a small fortune in book royalties, and last year the president and Michelle Obama reported an adjusted gross income of $789,674. Without having to Google it, I can say that the Obamas made more than your average federal employee –- even including overtime.

ZZZzzz............if the Demorats had passed a budget years ago, a lot of government "MY" employees would not be jobless right now and all the current Demorats, taking paycuts, should be fired for not doing their job in the first place !
Go post your propaganda elsewhere !

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