I pray HARD,(EVERY DAY) for the "SMIRKING CHIMP" to continue STRONG, for the next 20 months !!!!!!!!
Why ?
Because when this LITTLE TURD is finished, he will have set the GOP...So FAR back, that it will take them 16 years, before they re-gain the WH.
8 years of PRESIDENT CLINTON)(like in HILLARY), plus 8 MORE years of PRESIDENT OBAMA(former VP to HILLARY).
The Heritage Foundation, and Rutherford group members will ALL be on HEAVY ANTI-DEPRESSANTS, Rush LIMBO will most likely be in jail for "OXY",Ann Coulter will be using a "devise" on Sean Hannity, while Alan Coombs laughs himself into delirium, and the WORST of the WORST..."dick" CHENEY, will(most likely) be "DEAD" !
Wolfowitz will (very) Soon, be canned from the World Bank.
Gonzales(soon) will become an "Ambulance chaser"
LIBBY will be in the can, "taking-it-in-the-shorts", on a DAILY basis.
And Finally, ROVE will "cut a deal" with Patrick Fitzgerald(like in US ATTORNEY GENERAL Patrick Fitzgerald)(effective 1/20/09)

, and RAT OUT Everyone !!
In my WILDEST dreams, I could NOT have written the script any better !!
Always REMEMBER these words.
"Your either with us, or "AGIN" us"...........GWB !!
Rock on CHIMPO, rock on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!